
Marvel: Let There Be Chaos

Jeremy Gilfish who was originally from a different world crossed into the world of Marvel and awakens [Chaos Bringer System]. He can gain points by causing chaos or creating big scenes that affect the world. And using that points he can draw a lottery that will help him cause more chaos. And also as a bonus, he will become a powerful being. Which was a win-win situation for him. So let’s there be chaos.

Monhoo_Tuuguu · ภาพยนตร์
13 Chs

Ch 7: Something Is Going To Happen

*Siren Sound.*

"Red Alert! I repeat! Red Alert! Charles woke up. All units open fire! I repeat! Open a fire! Don't hold back!" Wolf screams to his walkie-talkie in an anxious voice.

On the other hand, soldiers already start opening fire. They shot toward Charles with everything they had. From guns to even rocket launchers. But they couldn't hurt him at all.

Charles rises one of his legs and pierces through one of the armed vehicles then looked at a military helicopter flying a circle above him. Suddenly the sky starts getting darker and the wind starts getting stronger then suddenly red lightning strikes one of the helicopters. Which made it crash and kill soldiers inside of it.

Behind Charles, The Thing who saw this couldn't help but be overjoyed. After all, for it, this is like a six-year-old kid getting a gift he or she wanted on his or her birthday or any other holiday.

Its reunion with its brother goes like how it imagined. Blood and fire are everywhere human's screams for help is echoes everywhere. While The Thing and Charles are killing them. It's like they are celebrating their reunion.

While this is happening from far away Bobby and Magma who saw this couldn't hold back their worry and start rushing toward the battlefield. After all their friends are there.

As for the group of four that heads towards The Factory they were hiding on the underground floor. They were shaking in fear. The first thing they saw when they arrived was The Thing killing two soldiers and absorbing their biomass.

And then they listened to his mumbling about Charles being its brother and their father liking Charles. Then Charles woke up and freed himself from chains immediately then rushed outside. The Thing followed Charles while laughing like a little kid.

Now they are massacring soldiers outside like they are stepping on some ants. Their every move is taking the life of someone. Seeing this they couldn't help but gulp. What did they get themselves in they don't know.

From briefly what they understood The Thing and Charles are brothers and looks like their father send them here. So they might be aliens from outer space invading the earth which means it's some kind of alien version of family drama. It sounds like some kind of movie plot.

And as we know this is a completely wrong understanding it's just their misunderstanding and very strange imagination. While they were thinking about how to escape from there they heard a very familiar sound.

They look up and saw Sonic jet their teacher Beast created especially for X-Men. Seeing this they knew that whether they survived or not today isn't much matter they are screwed. Seeing that unnamed black Sonic jet with a big red X logo landing not far away soldiers couldn't help but let out a sigh. Even though most of them fear and envy mutants most of the time they must admit when facing monsters like Charles and The Thing they could only lean their hopes on these mutants they envy and fear.

After all, if you wanna kill a monster you need to use another monster. From the plane, a black lady with white hair comes out she was wearing skin tight black suit with a red X logo. Not gonna lie she looks really beautiful.

Then she starts floating in the air and a strong wind starts blowing around her. Her eyes and hands start glowing and blue lighting starts striking her. Seeing these few soldiers close to her runs away. After all who wants to strike by lightning.

Seeing Storm Ororo Charles let out strange laughter and red lightning that belong to his control started striking beside him. When he saw Storm controlling lightning he felt threatened not a life and death threat he just felt that Storm threatened his status as the lord who controls everything in his territory.

After all, after awakening this ability to control the weather, he felt the joy of being the lord that controls everything. So seeing someone with the same ability as him he felt threatened. Or to be exact felt challenged by Storm.

Red and blue lighting start dancing in the dark clouds and from time to time they will strike down the earth. Then suddenly Storm waves her arm toward Charles and sends a lightning bolt. Seeing this Charles also let out a strange cry and fires a red lightning bolt towards Storm too. Their lighting bolt collides and creates a scene that oddly reminds the final fight between Harry Potter and Voldemort.

While Charles and Storm have their weather-controlling magic The Thing was fighting against Wolverine Logan and Cyclops Scott Summers. While Logan was fighting melee and tanking blows Scott fire some lasers from time to time for support. But sadly two of them still hardly match against a creature that absorbed an unknown amount of biomass.

The Thing is bone claws aren't a match for Wolverine's adamantium ones but he can fill the difference of quality with quantity. Wolverine is limited by his two arms and body that couldn't move too agile. The Thing used that weakness greatly.

It grows more than ten tentacles with a sharp bone spear in the end and attacks to Wolverine. These tentacles are very fast before Wolverine could react he was already stabbed and also they are also incredibly agile. They could dodge both Wolverine and Cyclops' attacks very skillfully.

"Teacher Scott and mister Logan." Suddenly both Wolverine and Cyclops hear the immature voices of Iceman and Magma. They both turn around and saw Iceman's arm shining with blue light. Both of them jump sideways and dodge Iceman's freezing ray.

The Thing wasn't so lucky it was hit by a blue ray and covered in ice without a way to move. Seeing that The Thing is frozen Wolverine and Cyclops let out a sigh of relief. Don't know if it's real or not Wolverine felt every time he was attacked by The Thing he felt like that his regeneration speed become slower.

Cyclops then looked at Bobby and Magma then asked: "Was it you two who send a distress signal?"

"Yeah." Magma nods her head while looking at The Thing. Cyclops who heard the answer he needed nods his head and said: "Good job. Without you two sending a signal I don't know how long it will take us to notice the situation here."

After that, his face become a little gloomy and said: "But that doesn't mean you guys will be punished. After this matter is over you guys better prepare yourself for real serious punishments."

Hearing Cyclops's last sentences both Bobby and Magma know they have no way to change their fate now. Just as the four of them now about focus on Charles, they didn't notice a little fleshy tentacle coming out from the ground. Then it stabs Bobby's feet.

"Agh!" Bobby screams in pain then falls to the ground. Everyone notices little fleshy tentacles. Scott was about to shoot it with his laser surprising scene happened. The little tentacle shot a grey ray at Cyclops and freezes his glasses. And his hand that was in contact with the glasses also freezes too. Seeing this Wolverine and Magma took a few steps back.

"D-did this creature just now copied Bobby's powers?" Magma asked in fear while looking at a small meat tentacle that now taking a humanoid shape. And soon turns into a humanoid fleshy creature.

"Clever girl." The Thing said then raises its hands and shoots with a grey ray. Seeing this Amanda raises her arm and her hand shines with dim yellow light. Then flame covers her whole hand. Her flaming hands and The Thing's freezing ray meets.


Creating a loud exploding sound and hot steam covering the whole area around her and The Thing. Magma who is covered in steam has difficulty seeing her surroundings but not The Thing. Flesh tentacles come out from every direction and wrap her around. She wanted to use her ability but before she could tentacles started sucking her blood.

"They said fire and ice can't fuse but here I am controlling both of them." Then The Thing stomps the ground. The ground starts shaking and cracking and soon from these cracks, lava starts rising.

Cyclops who saw the lava is starting back up but before he could take a few more steps hand stretches out from the lava and lifts him through. Then the fingers of the hand turn into tentacles with bone needles that start absorbing his blood too.

"Hey, you ugly motherfucker absorb this!" Then from nowhere Wolverine jumps out with his adamantium claws and cuts off The Thing's hand. But the expected scene where hand let go of Cyclops didn't happen.

A hand suddenly grows an eye out from itself and shoots Wolverine with a red laser. Which sends Wolverine into the lava.

*Cracking Sound.*

Suddenly eye on hand looked at Cyclops and saw he broke the ice that was locked his hand with glass. He shoots toward the hand with his laser and tried to resist with its laser but its one eye wasn't the opponent of Cyclops's two eyes.

As a result, the hand turns into a flesh puddle on the ground and lava swallows it. Cyclops looked at where Wolverine sent and saw a fully burned guy with metal claws climbing out from the lava.

Two of them looked around The Thing but because smoke they couldn't see anything more than ten meters away. Wolverine tried to use his nose but still to no avail. Suddenly laser shoots out from nowhere and hits two of them. It almost made two of them fall into the lava.

But suddenly the strong wind blows away smoke and turns lava into volcanic stone. They turn around and saw Storm flying not far away from them.

"What happened to that spider train?" Cyclops asked. He saw Charles's ability to control the weather is no weaker than Storm's so he was sure Ororo won't defeat Charles that easily herself.

"I leave it to kids," Ororo said while pointing at the group of Kitty, Pyro, Berzerker, and Sunspot who is fighting against Charles. Pyro and Berzerker do a main damage dealer role while Kitty distracts Charles and saves Pyro and Berzerker from danger using her ability. As for Sunspot he was playing the role of tank or bait to be exact he will absorb solar energy from Pyro fire but it is not stable as daytime. So he is on and off stage, and his ability will activate for a few seconds and then stop for another few seconds.

"Well, they look like handling it pretty well. So it's our job to handle this living nightmare?" Cyclops looked at The Thing which now looks like some kind of strange tentacle creature. Every tentacle has several eyes and some of them are shot with red laser, gray laser, or yellow laser. Red is Cyclops is a normal laser, gray is a freezing laser and yellow is a burning laser.

"Not gonna lie he is no easy problem," Wolverine said while sniffing the air.

"Then we better need to kill it faster," Storm said while summoning lightning.

"I agree." Cyclops adjusted his glasses and prepared to attack.

While this battle is happening from far away Jeremy was sitting on a tree branch while watching the whole thing. He then looked at the blue-skinned lady who is hanging upside down from the branch he was sitting on and said: "This is a pretty great show don't you think? CGI is realistic, the actors are good, and the special effects are pretty cool. I almost can feel the heat of the lava from here."

"Mmm!" Mystique tried to talk but the tape Jeremy placed on her mouth won't allow her. "Hey, it's your fault you know that right? If you go to X Mansion now and steal something important then it will cause X-Men to chase after you and clash with Brotherhood. Which will weaken both forces to some extent. And for the next episode you both Brotherhood and X-Men must be in their best condition possible."

"So Mystique as a person who tried to affect my plans you won't say much if use your face right?" After Jeremy was done talking a bird that was sitting next to him changed into the shape of Mystique. Then Jeremy jumps down from the branch and stood in front of Mystique at the eye level and said: "Now we need to go somewhere 'safe'."

With that Jeremy disappears into darkness while dragging Mystique.