
Chapter 73: Warning

Tony's seaside villa in Malibu had a beautiful and elegant decoration style, with a view of the sunrise over the sea visible through the floor-to-ceiling windows in the living room.

But the problem was he had just been in the restroom of a Las Vegas casino. How did he suddenly end up back home?

Was he hallucinating? Dreaming?

Tony pinched his own leg, and the sudden sharp pain snapped him out of his drunken state. He knew that this was no hallucination or dream – it was really happening.

But...this didn't make sense!

"Uh...JARVIS? Are you there?"

Unable to make sense of the situation, Tony called out for his AI assistant.

Usually, JARVIS would greet him as soon as he got home, but despite calling out several times, there was no response from the living room.

However, just then...

"What are you looking around for?" Tony suddenly heard a voice from behind, which startled him. He was so nervous that he almost fell down, but he quickly turned around to see who was speaking.

A young man in his early twenties, who looked somewhat familiar, stood behind the bar that belonged to him, shaking a cocktail shaker in his hand. Two glasses were placed in front of him.

Tony shook his head, pushing aside all his scattered thoughts. He took a couple of cautious steps back and looked at the person in front of him.

"Hey, who are you? And... where am I?"

As he spoke, Jack acted to adjust his sleeve and lightly stroked the button on his sleeve twice.

"I thought you would recognize me," he said.

Jack opened the cocktail shaker and slowly poured the pale green drink he had just mixed into the two cups in front of him.

Hearing Tony's question, he gestured and said, "Are you so drunk that you don't even recognize your own home?"

"My home?" Tony chuckled and shook his head. "This is not my home!"

"How about a bet? Your bodyguards probably can't receive your distress signal since you're so far away from them, one in Las Vegas and the other in Malibu."

Jack left behind the bar with two drinks in hand, heading straight for Tony, who kept retreating. He seemed to want to get away from him, but he eventually backed himself into a corner on the sofa.

"Have a drink," said Jack as he handed the glass to Tony, who looked at it hesitantly.

"Do you know that I've always wanted to meet you in person," Jack sat on the couch opposite Tony, leaning back against the backrest and crossing his legs while sipping his drink. Looking at a startled Tony, he continued, "And now my wish has come true."

Jack really looked up to Tony Stark, a.k.a. Iron Man. If you asked him to pick his favorite MCU character, he might struggle to decide, but if you asked who he admired the most, it was definitely Tony.

Marvel Studios was almost bankrupt, but they took a huge risk by putting all their resources into making "Iron Man." It ended up not only saving the company but also launching an entire cinematic universe.

It can be said that without this sassy, arrogant little mustache, man, there wouldn't be a series of movies that followed. The ten-year plan of the Marvel Cinematic Universe began with him and ended with him.

Tony Stark has a huge fan base because of his unique personality, charm, and leadership spirit. He's done some pretty crazy stuff, like carrying a nuclear bomb into a wormhole and enduring unbearable pain to snap his fingers to save the universe.

But that's all in the future. For now, Tony Stark is just a playboy who's only interested in having fun with models.

"So, you're a fan of mine?"

Tony smiled, even though he appreciated the other's admiration, he didn't let his guard down.

"You could say I'm a fan, but not of the way you are now."

Jack frowned and thought for a moment before saying, "Right now, you're just a playboy who likes to party all day. But in a few years, you'll have a ton of fans, and of course, you'll have a ton of enemies too."

"Looks like you know about the future," Tony said.

"More accurately, I've seen the future, but I'm not here to spoil it for you," Jack replied.

Jack finished his drink and set the empty glass down on the coffee table. He turned to Tony and said, "I need your help with something."

"Of course, I'm happy to help. What do you need?" Tony felt relieved when Jack asked for his help. He was confident he could fulfill any request since he was wealthy.

Jack chuckled, noticing the resemblance between Howard and Tony's similarities.

"Starting today, I want you to stop selling weapons to Sokovia and its surrounding countries," Jack said.


Upon hearing this request, Tony couldn't hide his surprised expression.

He had thought that Jack might ask for a large sum of money or some valuable things.

After all, as a "kidnapper," asking for such things would be too normal.

But he never expected that Jack's condition would be to stop selling weapons to... um... Sokovia? Does such a country even exist?

Tony wasn't even sure if that country existed because he had never heard of it before. Even though he didn't pay much attention to the company's affairs, he could remember anyone who had done business with them. He was confident that they had no business dealings with this country.

"Regarding Sokovia, you can ask your AI assistant to check it out later," Jack suggested.

Jack stood up, looked at the time, and said, "I gotta go meet someone else now. Oh, and for your father's sake, if you decide to investigate the arms deals, it's best to be careful."

"That's all I have to say. Goodbye."

After Jack finished speaking, he left using the portal.

Seeing Jack disappearing through the portal, Tony stood up in shock, looking at the place where Jack disappeared with curiosity and excitement.

He walked over and touched the spot where the portal had appeared, feeling nothing, which only made him more excited.

"Whoa, is this miniaturized wormhole technology? How the heck is this possible?!" Being a genius, Tony was naturally curious about how Jack disappeared.

However, he quickly calmed down because he remembered Jack's words before leaving: to investigate the company's arms deals secretly.

Secretly? That meant investigating could be dangerous.

No, that's not the point. The point is that someone in the company is conducting illegal arms deals behind his back.

This is something he just can't stand.

Even though Stark Industries is a big and influential company, they have to follow the rules of the US government on which countries they can sell weapons to.

Any private sales could put the entire company in jeopardy, and if this were to be exposed, if the government found out, they could take action against the company and potentially get rid of it, especially since there are people in the White House who already hold a grudge against him.

This matter must be investigated

However, why did the other person warn him to investigate in secret? Who in the company could threaten him?


A possibility slowly appeared in Tony's mind, but he quickly dismissed it.

It's impossible, This can't be true.


Please try to read the novel i am translating DC: RIsing from Darkness


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