
Marvel: Infinite Draws

Kyle finds himself in WWII looking at Captain America in front of him. He also sees a series of dense cards appearing in his face [Pistol Proficiency] [Boxing Proficiency] [True Vibranium Shield ] [Rare Super Soldier] Do you choose to draw? Wait, not only abilities but also any futuristic technology and superpower can be drawn? (This will slowly diverge from just a good Marvel translation. Over time interesting changes will occur.) Disclaimer All copyrighted content is the property of its respective owner(s)

Liquid_Culture · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
65 Chs

Sacrificing while Recovering

(Thanks for the wait. It's finally back baby! Can I get a round of applause? JK just enjoy the chapter.)


The U.S. Military Hospital, at noon.

Due to the war, there were many wounded officers and soldiers in the hospital, as well as family members who came to visit. But because it was a military hospital, everyone here obeyed the rules and kept their voices low, lest they disturb others.

The new Second Lieutenant Kyle was walking down the corridor of the hospital thinking about something important. While he was moving, many patients stared at him with admiration.

It was because the information on Kyle had begun to distribute, it is not as crazy as the 21st-century type of cross-communication, because a few people still did not realize Kyle was the biggest contributor to the recent counterattack.

Kyle, the youngest Ensign Chief officer in the United States, is still not as famous as Steve with the 'Captain America' title.

Facing the nurse girl with frequent smiles, Kyle responded to her questions and walked out of the hospital building to the green park outside.

At this time, the sun is shining, the trees and grass are green, and the water fountain is shining brightly, which is very pleasing to the eye making it a suitable picnic.

"What a great day today."

Of course, Kyle was a not person who can sit at a park and waste time with picnics.

He took a few deep breaths of natural fresh air and started to move his muscles and bones to do warm-up exercises, this was a set of regular military boxing. After the set was finished, his muscles were ready and full of vitality. His blood started pumping, and his complexion became more relaxed.

"Finally." Kyle breathed out a breath of hot air. Although his unhealed left shoulder felt pain in protest, he was more comfortable here than lying on a bed after going through such a battle.

He will go to the training base with Joseph tomorrow. Still, he doesn't want to be inactive. Since he promised himself to take advantage of Steve, he will make sure he is always ready and not stiff.

Unknown to him, Kyle has begun to think more carefully about the future. After tampering with maps to give himself a challenge, he began to realize that being super-human does not mean you are a real superhuman in the supernatural sense.

"I almost forgot about my spoils of war."

Out of hot sweat, Kyle sat on a park chair, closed his eyes as if resting, and quietly entered his {Card Space}.

Compared to his previous self that went through small fights, there was no longer an overwhelming number of white and green cards in the massive white space.

Thanks to this harvest, he received cards greater than any of his previous battles!

Twenty-five unsorted blue item cards were placed dazzlingly above the center of the card vortex. Each contains a leftover of the Tesseract's infinite energy, these can modify guns with amazing destructive power.

"Show me the Tesseract Abilities."

- [Stages] : Extraction of unique abilities will appear in Stages. [Stage One] of {Space} is currently available.

- 'Do you wish to extract [Stage One] {Space} Abilities? Time(1000HR)

'Now show me the Energy cubes made from the Tesseract!'

- [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage] Blue Item Card.

[Data] : Energy Cubes containing drawn-out energy from the Tesseract. Very versatile and efficient power source which can be used as clean energy for almost anything. Creation Time (1 Unit=1000HR)

When Kyle saw the energy blocks in the blue item rank, he had already calculated what to use them for.

When the Tesseract was in Virtual form or his {Card Space}, he cannot use its basic abilities as an item like teleportation because it is not a physical object. He chose to keep it in his mind for now, because extracting it again would take a long time and keep it safe from Thanos just in case.

He realized something after stealing the Tesseract which became a problem. He can only extract one thing at a time from something. For example, he cannot take two abilities from someone at the same time. This situation is the same for Tesseract, unfortunately. He can decide to either create more energy blocks or extract the {Space} abilities from it.

Kyle also realized that although they are ranked as blue items, they are not directly useful for him yet. He was conflicted about which to choose until he saw the extraction time on each choice and finally made a decision. He chose to get the unknown [Stage One] Abilities.

After choosing [Stage One], he would just need to let it sit for about 42 days and it would be extracted. He liked the fact that it could be extracted passively in his {Card Space}.

He was thinking at first of continuously creating the energy cubes for non-stop sacrificing material, but now he realizes that it is too inefficient, so he instead decided on an unregistered ability that can be extracted from the Space Stone. Now Kyle had to decide on what to do with the current energy cubes.

First, instead of using these energy sources on guns, he should use them as materials for sacrificing!

"I can sacrifice the blue cards two times, even if I don't draw cards beyond a blue rank, they are still two new blue cards, which can greatly improve my strength. This is the more useful choice for me." Kyle looked forward at the twenty-five cards. The blue item card is suspended right in front of his mind's avatar.

The difference between card ranks was discovered to be ridiculous. However, because of the possibility to draw anything, sometimes massive losses can bring unexpected gains.

[Sneak] The blue ability card is the best example of a great recycled card.

If Kyle couldn't sneak, Kyle may not be able to complete the mission without a backup plan, even with all of his green cards.

"Greek Goddess of Victory, Nike, grant me some luck so I can complete my next mission easily." Kyle seemed to have returned to a gacha game session he hated in his previous life. He was excited and trembling, then he decided to sacrifice ten blue item cards first. While wearing a special set of shoes to increase his luck, he closed his eyes and began.

'Sacrificial Extraction!'

- 'You sacrificed [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]×10! '

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting [Great Hawk]'

A rare blue card apparently in the bio department appeared in front of Kyle, the blue light on the card body flashed dazzlingly, showing its extraordinary rank coefficient.

"First try, rare bio?" Kyle didn't have any thoughts of disappointment, being able to draw a rare blue bio card was already a jackpot. He hurriedly took the new card for inspection.

[Great Hawk]: A strange bird creature that lives on mountains 10,000 meters above sea level. Blue rare card.

[Data] : It is three times larger than a normal Eagle, its wingspan can reach ten meters in length, its entire body has dark blue feathers, its vitality and defensive capabilities are outstanding, and it can withstand ordinary firearm attacks.

- With a visual range of 10,000 meters, it can send out a sound wave-like cry attack. Its maximum flight speed is Mach 4, and the number of possible passengers is roughly two humans.

"This rare bird can fly with people?" Kyle was stunned. If he was in an online game, this would be a rare flying mount for local P2W players.

In the Marvel world, this Great Hawk can already be listed as an alien monster-level creature!

"The fastest speed it can reach is Mach 4, which is faster than the flight speed of a fighter jet." Kyle thought that he likes the Hawk very much, but unfortunately, its special appearance would make it destined to not be used normally.

It can be guessed that if he is flying in the real world with the blue feathered hawk, or directly summoning the giant hawk to kill the enemy. He's afraid that it will either be bombed to death by his own country, or a group of biologists at a research institute would be clamoring for arrest and dissection of it.

In terms of practicality, the rare blue [Great Hawk] is probably not as useful as the rare green hornet's nest.

"I'll leave it for now, it can still be useful in a specific situation for the future. After all, this is the first rare blue card I ever received!" Kyle comforted himself and listed the [Great Hawk] in the emergency space area for convenience and Emergency use.

Next is the second new card. After drawing it, his remaining five [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage] will not be enough to sacrifice again.

"Please Nike, give me a more pragmatic card!" Kyle did not forget to pray.

Now he understands that the most important thing about the card is practicality for real situations. A card that is more suitable for current problems is the best type of card!

- 'You sacrificed [Leftover Tesseract Energy Storage]×10!'

- 'The extraction is successful, congratulations on getting the [Vibranium Gold Prototype Necklace]'

"Vibranium, that's the good stuff!" Kyle's nervous face filled with excitement as soon as he heard the name of the new card.

After all, any item with a Vibranium part instantly becomes one of the greatest technologies on Earth!

Vibranium is the greatest metal material in the Marvel world, originating only in Wakanda, the hidden country of the Black Panther. In today's outside world, only the shield held by the future Captain America was made of known Vibranium metal. There were few exceptions but they were extremely rare and hidden throughout history.

Kyle excitedly grabbed the new item card in his hand and checked the attributes in detail.

[Vibranium Gold Prototype Necklace]: A traditional Wakandan necklace experimented out of vibranium. It was a prototype once worn by King T'Challa. Rare Blue item card.

- It can perfectly accommodate the holder's neck, and can easily counteract various physical damage and thermal weapon shocks once in suit manifestation mode. Does not transform with a helmet, but still covers other parts of the outer body safely in Vibranium micro-weave mesh. Most importantly, absorbed kinetic energy is used to charge the suit and the many applications that run based on this absorbed power.

"Isn't this equivalent to a nerfed Black Panther suit? Well minus the helmet." Kyle was very satisfied.

Although it is not an ability card, it is the Black Technology super suit that he desperately needs now.

The upcoming super soldier serum, a Vibranium body suit, and his [Sneak] skills, all add up now to make Kyle truly invincible on any World War II Battlefield!

Longer chapter for the long wait. I feel great now.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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