
Marvel:Anime Template System

John Raymond was an average man, he worked from 9-5 at an average day job  he didn't work for a black company or anything, just an average office workspace. The funny thing was that he was a prodigy when it came to the arts,  Art, Music, Literature where things he aced back in school and he was praised for it, but they didn't help him here One day he was walking home from work when he saw a child on the road chasing a ball you know where this is going, right? he is now Alex Nill and trapped in the Marvel Universe with no escape, but there is hope for survival due to the Anime Template System! Watch as Alex has as much fun as he can with the help of Anime Characters

WorstMasterpiece · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Chapter 4:The Strongest Skill Makima Has

Makima POV:

After I had jumped down, I had landed behind the lady before speaking

"Well hello there" I had said, I looked at the expressions of the robbers, and even though their faces where covered with ski masks I was still able to see their expressions somehow, and I saw fear, a minuscule amount but it was enough to make a first time robber, who was already jumpy, to aim and fire at me

4 shots where fired and all of them missed, one of them hit me in my shoulder, I don't know why but there was no wound their not even an entry hole

I had looked at them with a slight smirk and said "Sorry dear, it'll take more than that to kill me" with a playful voice

"Kneel, dog" I had said, being filled with a feeling of power, and the muggers knelt on the floor, obviously extremely scared and confused

'That must be Control, so they must be inferior to me'

The woman I had saved had turned around and started to look at me with slight fear

"W-who are you?" She had asked, stuttering

"Hmm~?" I didn't know whether to use a hero name or My name, but I decided to use mine

"I guess you can call me by my name, Makima, that is my name" I had said confidently

"Th-Thank you Ms. Makima" she had stuttered blush starting to fill her face

'What the hell are you blushing for? I don't think I did anything to make her blush so what the hell?'

"Your welcome" I had said, slightly confused, so I did what any normal person would do when confused, smile and not speak more than nessesary

"now you, stay here" I had said using control again

"can you call the police, please?" I had told the lady, standing there with blush now filling her face making her look like a tomato

She had turned around to get her phone in her back pocket, an I used that chance to escape

'What a weirdo' I had thought to myself, but then another thought came to my mind

"Hey system can you tell me why I was acting like that?" I had said, because after further thought, I wouldn't have acted like that normally, so there must be a reason to why I was

[That was due to the skill {Manipulation}]

After that release of information I had a terrifying thought 'it must have been my manipulation skill…'

'Every breath, every thought, every miniscule action I did during that was due to the Manipulation skill, just so that she would fall in love with me, and I did that without even realising'

'But why? Well its obviously because people are easiest to control when they are in love'

[Understanding of the Character {Makima} has increased +14% Synchro]

'So that's how I increase Synchro, good to know'

<Few Hours Later>

I had been running for a few hours, stopping a few minor crimes and even stopping a car chase

I was walking around the roof tops, a little out of breath when I saw a bald man with a neatly trimmed beard robbing people, but what was strange was the fact that he was doing it alone, he also seemed to be a lot stronger than the average person

'Is that a mutant? Must be some no-name' I thought dropping down

I had landed on the mutants head and pushed him down to the floor face first still standing on his head when a man with odd looking hair came running around the corner

"Logan…" I had said unconsciously