
Marvel Anime Extraction

The Marvel Cinematic Universe is a perilous place to be reborn into, but fortunately the reincarnation comes with a power to obtain any powers from anime. "Ars Magna" Source: "A Certain Magical Index" Description: "Magic that alters reality according to one's thought." From today onwards, everyone in the universe is not allowed to snap fingers!!! Translator site: readfanfic . com P atreon: p atreon.co m/FL_King

nyawdao2 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
148 Chs

Chitauri - What the hell

Chapter 148 Chitauri: What the hell?!

Loki was sent flying as if he had been hit with a cannonball. His face swelled like a time-lapse video; the power of the punch was undeniable.

Fanny followed closely behind. 'Breathing Style' had augmented his strength and speed far beyond his expectation, his blood surging to bring the extra oxygen around his body.

Fanny felt that he could reliably fight even the enraged Hulk into a stalemate.

Fanny's explosive speed allowed him to rush to Loki's side before the God of Mischief could even land. He then smashed Loki's head to the ground with a punch, not giving Loki any room to breathe. After slamming Loki's face to the ground, he picked up the God of Mischief's body and started unleashing a barrage of punches. Loki couldn't even beg for mercy.

"You found Thanos!"

Fanny punched Loki's left cheek.

"You invaded Earth!"

Fanny punched Loki's right cheek.

"Kidnapped Hulk!"

Once again, his left cheek.

"Ambushed me!"

Once again, on the right side of his face.

"You..." Fanny paused for a moment as if trying to find another one of Loki's crimes, but his hands did not stop moving. His fist slammed on Loki's left side, and he proclaimed, "You look so ugly!"

Loki was in immense pain, but Fanny's last comment crushed his heart. He might not be as popular as Thor, but he was still the beloved Second Prince, you know?!


Loki was afraid. He could not understand why Fanny's strength suddenly increased as if the mage's muscles had been injected with stimulants. Fanny's strength was in a completely new league compared to their first fight two days ago.

"How could an Earthling be so strong?!"

He wanted to beg for mercy, but Fanny's fist kept slamming into his face before he could open his mouth.


Two teeth flew out.

Even Odin wouldn't be able to recognize the thoroughly beaten Loki. His face was swallowed by the swollen bruises. If the Frost Giants didn't have such a strong physique, Thor would probably have to prepare for Loki's funeral back in Asgard.

However, even with the powerful vitality of the Frost Giant, Loki might still die if the beating continues.

The fear of death made Loki extremely regretful at this moment. Why did he choose to come to Earth? Couldn't he have invaded any other world? The Light Elves of Alfheim definitely wouldn't be as violent.

Loki frantically tried to think of a way to save himself, but Fanny's fist was like a soldering iron. Each punch brought him great pain, and his consciousness began to fade.

Fanny stopped when he noticed Loki's appearance. He had vented quite a bit with the avalanche of punches he had unleashed. He briefly considered doing away with Loki completely; someone at Loki's strength would definitely net him a massive amount of experience.

But Fanny hesitated and finally dismissed that idea after thinking about Thor and the still-living Odin.

Despite Loki's numerous crimes against Asgard, Fanny couldn't guarantee that Odin or Frigga wouldn't act upon the God of Mischief's death.

Odin had immediately sent Thor to Loki after Heimdallr had found out about the God of Mischief's location. They probably still held some affection for Loki. Others aside, how could Odin, of all people, be ignorant of Earth's combat strength?

Sending Thor to Earth was a good idea, although it might not necessarily save Loki.

Fanny suddenly felt a burst of Space energy. He turned around to see a pillar of light surging from the ground to the sky.

Fanny's expression changed. He had been too focused on maintaining 'Breathing Style' and beating Loki that he forgot to destroy the portal equipment.

However, he did not panic. He looked around to find the Scepter that Loki had dropped when Fanny sent the God of Mischief flying. Fanny flash-stepped to its side and picked it up.

Fanny immediately felt the power within the Scepter when he held it. He poked at Erik Selvig, who was shouting excitedly about the success, removing Loki's control.

"I... I... What did I do!" Erik Selvig returned to normal. His excitement disappeared without a trace as he looked at the portal in the sky with a pained expression.

"Focus. I should be able to turn that off with this thing, right?"

Fanny could sense the energy barrier around Tesseract. It would be impossible for him to break the barrier, but fortunately, he recalled that the Scepter had been used to breach it in the original plot.

"Yes...yes!" Erik Selvig snapped out of his daze and quickly nodded. "The Scepter and the Cube have similar kinds of power. It can close the portal permanently."

Fanny was about to pierce the barrier with the Scepter, but he hesitated. He looked at the slowly opening portal in the sky.

Come to think of it, these are all experience points!

An idea suddenly flashed through Fanny's mind. Since the portal had been opened anyway, why not take this opportunity to farm a deluge of experience points before closing it?!

He couldn't kill Loki. And he couldn't let the Chitauri go unscathed just like that. There was no possible peace between him and Thanos.

Fanny looked at the half-dead Loki on the ground and used 'Ars Magna' to make the God of Mischief fully unconscious. After ensuring there were no enemies around, he handed the Scepter to Erik Selvig.

"Here, take it. Watch me for a bit before closing the portal."

Eric Selvig was shocked to hear this proposition. "What are you planning to do?"

"Greeting the aliens!" Fanny took a deep breath, stretched out his hand, and summoned the Blue-Eyes White Dragon card. "My turn, come out, Blue-Eyes White Dragon!"

The huge Blue-Eyes White Dragon appeared on the Stark Building rooftop. The dragon scared Erik Selvig to death—and roused the excitement of the bystander below the building.

"Dragon, oh, God, I actually saw a dragon!"

"It's the Knight of Divine Punishment. I saw him!"

"What is he doing? Is he going to destroy the world?!"

"What is that hole in the sky? I think something is coming out?"

"Knight of Divine Punishment, no, the God's Punishment Dragon Knight! I knew it. I knew it. He must have a mount!"

The stacked physical amplification on his body also allowed Fanny's hearing to reach a superhuman limit. He could hear the people's shock and exclamations from all the way on the top of the tower.

But he had wanted none of these exclamations. Things had developed in a way he had most loathed.

I am a mage!

Fanny really wanted to go down and shout at the crowd, but the Chitauri army was already poised to attack behind the portal. He didn't dare to hesitate and jumped to Blue-Eyes White Dragon's Back.

He instructed Erik Selvig one last time, "Remember, when I return, turn the portal off immediately!"

Erik Selvig seemed to understand what Fanny was trying to do. His eyes were filled with disbelief as he kept muttering, "Too crazy!"

Fanny rode on Blue-Eyes White Dragon and rushed towards the gaping chasm in space!

This was probably the main reason why Fanny felt that he could never become a superhero. A true superhero would've closed the portal as soon as possible, prioritizing the safety of the city.

Fanny, however, was too selfish and impulsive. He wanted to farm experience before closing the portal, despite the damages or even casualties that it might cause.

Fanny saw that some of the impatient Chitauri soldiers had crossed the portal during his flight. He fired 'Explosion Magic' without hesitation at those soldiers, closing their eyes before they could see the beautiful scenery of Earth.

The flight speed of the three-star Blue-Eyes White Dragon was quite fast, especially at a straight distance. Fanny had arrived at the threshold of the portal in the blink of an eye. However, the portal size was still too small to allow Blue-Eyes White Dragon's massive frame through.

Fanny was not in a hurry. He had seen Chitauri's Space Carrier through the portal, ship-creatures many times larger than SHIELD's helicarrier.

Fanny blocked the portal right at its threshold, not allowing any Chitauri to pass. He then gave an order to Blue-Eyes White Dragon, "Raise your head and aim ahead, Burst Stream of Destruction!"

The excited Chitauri army crowded around the portal aperture, ready to invade the world beyond. Suddenly, a bright lance of white light pierced through the portal.

"What the hell?!"

The Chitauri soldiers looked at each other.

The portal was akin to a gaping abyss!

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