
Chicken burger!

Brennus tried to create a sword from his Divine Essence. Despite never knowing much about the shape and size of a sword, the sword turned out to be decent.

"Since it's glowing, I'll call it the Light sword."

"Can I store it in the Mystic Dimension?"

"Your Divine Essence becomes unstable outside of one-meter range."

"I need to work on it too."

Brennus spent about half an hour training his Divine Essence abilities, creating new light swords and disintegrating them.

['Divine Essence Manipulation' skill leveled up. The control radius is now 1.5m and the overall usage of the Divine Essence is reduced by 2%.]

"Hard work always pays."

He found a way to increase the limited range. It would be nuts if he paired it with something like telekinesis.

"Rain of swords."

He continued his training, putting more thoughts into the shape and structure of his sword. The Master Smith trait boosted his imagination for weapons. Lady Death also pointed out things here and there. She was always so eager to help, further making him skeptical toward this whole reincarnation and her motives.

Why would a powerful deity waste her time on him?

"I've existed since the beginning of the universe… everything is mundane and utterly boring. I can peer into the future with one thought, grant 'death' to billions with a hand. Every day's so monotonous sitting on my throne."

"Isn't looking after a newbie like me even more boring?"

Brennus asked before doubting his own question.

Lady Death chuckled lightheartedly, and Brennus could sense her amusement. She certainly enjoyed this whole ordeal of raising him as her henchman or something.

"To be honest, I don't know anything after you came here. From the numerous timelines and verses I looked into, Brennus, you were never born anywhere except this verse… You are a Nexus of this world."

"And what's a Nexus?"

"The system I designed is meant to give you infinite possibilities. The future is changing, and you are the center of everything. Every action of yours is shaping it. That's all I'll say. The rest is up to you to understand," she paused and let out a light chuckle. "My friend, make this game worthy of my investment."

Brennus smirked, looking forward to the future more than ever for the first time in his life. More than that, he felt like this 'System' could bring him to the top of the world, where he rightfully belonged. Instead of 'Top rank Assassin', he chose the top of the world as his goal.

A smile tugged at his lips. He dispersed the swords and grabbed his wallet from the bed.

"No game without some liquor and woman."

He opened the wallet, and his expression fell.

"Seven bucks and thirty cents."

And Brennus had to go by an entire week with this. His roommate Johnny lent him money sometimes. As usual, he was missing from the school premises.

Brennus slipped the wallet into his pocket and made another plan.

"You said I'm still in the same world, right?"


"Perfect. I'm going to get my old stuff back from the mansion. My account still has three hundred plus grand, which I won't be able to access without going to the bank. There's that nineteen grand I hid for an emergency."

He still had a problem. His house was in North Salem near the Titicus River, and this university was in Manhattan.

He had no funds to travel!

"I'm gonna 'borrow' our Vice Chancellor's car!"

He moved toward the parking lot and searched for the shiniest car, which surprisingly belonged to some rich brat, not the Vice Chancellor's car.

He gave a half shrug. "Well, I'll take the less flashy one."

He destroyed the security cams with his light daggers. Arriving before the car, he stabbed the glowing dagger in the lock and tinkered with the wires.


He drove the car out of the lot without giving a mind to the commotion he will create. No cops stopped him, or he'd be doomed.

He drove through the bustling streets of Manhattan. Seeing the people lined up at a Mcdonald's, he recalled an odd fact — from morning to afternoon, he hadn't felt the urge to eat or drink.

"Angel boy. You can still eat and drink for taste but you won't have to shit or piss a dime."

"Damn nice."

He was glad to pick Angel over the others. He got in line and purchased three chicken burgers.

"Down goes two dollars and seventy cents."

Still, nothing beats the taste of the chicken burger!

He unwrapped the burger in his car.

[Chicken burger (Consumable)]

[Item Rank: F]

[A chicken burger purchased from Mcdonald's. Instantly replenishes your HP by 20.]

"So food and drinks recover my HP. What has my body become..."

"By the way, poison and flames will inflict damage over time."

An hour later, Brennus parked 'his' car. He got out and cast a glance at the spooky house located on the edge of the forest behind.

"Hope no one broke in here… now where did I put my key last time?"

He found the answer in his foggy memories. He walked toward the single peach tree in his garden and dug the ground with his sword.

"There it is."

He rubbed the dust off the key paired with a skull keychain.


Lady Death was chuckling for some reason.

Brennus inserted the key into the door. However, the wooden door opened on its own, creaking as it did. His wide eyes landed on the stuff scattered everywhere. His favorite Pikachu plushie was laying with its insides spilled out. It was brutally murdered.

"Who was here?"

He rushed to his bedroom and kicked the side. The secret compartment was opened with all of his stuff intact. Only then did he heaved a sigh of relief.

"Was it Hydra?"

It again pointed to another big WHY. What reason did they have to burn the forest after catching the bird? One thing was clear — this wasn't the work of some rookie thief.

"Any idea, Lady Death?"

"I deny to involve myself further in your life. I shall only help regarding the system and some basic stuff."

"Yeah yeah."

"I can do this for you."

[Optional Quest generated.]

[The Forgotten Past: Someone broke into your former home without permission. You know nothing about them, or their motives. Find the culprit.]

[Difficulty: Currently Impossible.]

[Rewards: 4 X Rank-D XP Potion, 1 X Pseudo Serpent Crown, 1 X Random Skillbook.]

[Failure: None.]

The 'Currently Impossible' told him what he needed to know about the culprit — that sonuvabitch was someone powerful!

"Nobody touches my Pikachu and comes out unscathed… Accepted."

[Quest accepted.]

Brennus sighed and fell back on the bed. The wooden ceiling giving off the pleasant scent flooded him with nostalgia.

"I missed this."

He laid on his side, and his hand fell on something soft, different than the thick blanket. He picked it and deadpanned.

"What's this doing in my home?" he scratched his head, observing the green silk panties. "I don't remember seeing it on someone before."

He tossed it on the floor and rested back. Trusting his new senses to warn him of any danger, he closed his eyes.

After a peaceful nap, Brennus cleaned up the house and placed the things back. He buried his comrade Pikachu in the garden and locked the home with a spare lock from the garage.

'I've nineteen grand now.'

He took his car and drove back through New Selam. He'll use the card to withdraw money when he runs out of this.


Meanwhile, in the X-Men Headquarters.

Charles Xavier was stumped over his findings in Cerebro. He had detected three mutant signatures in the area around the Empire State University. To be precise, he only found two signatures, the last one was weird. It triggered his extrasensory perception, but he couldn't pinpoint where it was.

Just what was going on there?

Xavier planned to send X-Men to scout the new mutants after their training in the Danger Room. He observed the X-Men blasting the sentinels, still awkward talking to each other.

Xavier's phone rang. He leaned forward and picked it.

"Charles, send some help at the local bank. A mutant is robbing, and we can't stop him. His shield is blocking our bullets."

"I will."

It was a new mission for X-Men.



Brennus's phone buzzed.


Seeing the empty road ahead, he slowed down a bit and picked up the call.

"Is this Brennus?" she asked.

"Well, yeah. Missing me already?" he took the chance to tease her a bit.

Emma took a deep breath; his phone's cheap mic captured it beautifully.

"Are you free tonight?"

She didn't strike him as the type to throw herself at some random man, which he had to be in her eyes.

"Depends," he answered.

"The basketball team is throwing a party for its victory. And my friend is forcefully dragging me there… I was hoping, maybe you could join us."

[Optional Quest generated.]

[Escort: Accompany Emma Frost to the party.]

[Difficulty: Easy Peasy.]

[Rewards: 2 X Rank-F XP Potion, 1 X Mystery Box.]

[Failure: Drastic change in Emma's life.]

'I can't deny if you put it this way. Take it.'

"That means free drinks. Count me in."

"Thanks," Emma said in a relieved tone. "Pick me at eight from my dorm."

Even if it wasn't a date, it was the first time a girl asked him out. He never tried building a relationship since the girls in his business spilled blood and broke the bed every night in celebration of coming out alive.

'Maybe it's time I try something new.'

He pressed the brake and steered to the right.

"I'll be th—"


Someone smashed into his windshield, who turned out to be a redhead wearing a black mask, and yellow and black comical clothes. She showed a pained expression, then revealed a tiny smile.

"Hello, there. Can you stop the ca—"

Brennus hastily pressed the brakes to stop a crash into another car. This sudden halt sent the woman rolling on the road.

Brennus only had one question at the time.

"Hoes are falling from the sky?"


Name: Brennus

Level: 2 (95.00% to next level)

HP: 300/300

SP: 345/345

Current Race: Newborn Angel

Class: None

Title: None

Traits: Barbarian, Scholar, Cosmic Dweller, Aphrodite's Child, Super Sense, Master Swordsman, Master Smith.

Strength: 30 (+5 From Unholy Vengeance)

Vitality: 30

Dexterity: 25

Intelligence: 37 (+10 From Unholy Vengeance)

Wisdom: 32

Luck: 25

Stat Points: 0


[Death's Blessing Lvl. Max (Passive)]

[Beyond Death Lvl. Max (Passive)]

[Mystic Wings (Active) Lvl. 1]

[Divine Essence Manipulation Lvl. 2 (Active)]

[Ignore Lvl. 1 (Passive)]

[Telepathy Lvl. 1 (Active)]

Current Quests:

[An Eye for an Eye, a Soul for a Soul]

[The Real Angel of Death]

[The Forgotten Past]


Current Equipment:

[Unholy Vengeance (E)]

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