

Deadly silence spread in the surroundings. Only resonating with painfull screams of their saviour.

Everyone stopped running. the police stopped evacuating people. all the laughs and crying become mute. Making Ethans screams loud and clear for everyone to hear. Turning the silence even more heavier.

Many who wasn't able to watch closed their eyes. Many silently wept. Every screen in the world was showing the same thing. a man struggling with pain, the one who had saved millions.

No one new who was this man. Who was going through all that pain for saving them. No one exept gwen stacy. she was watching ethan screming. Punching the ground to stop himself from screaming while Dreched in his own blood. She was shaking while a stream of tears were flowing from her cheeks and she was shouting "No..no..no..not you too...please no."

Ethan was feeling like lava was flowing through his veins instead of blood. His heart desperately tring to suck the blood from veins, every muscle fiber breaking like strings of guitar And he still can't pass out. he have to bear it, he have to persist Or it's all over.

Black lotus was the man who had taken blasts of energys head on without blinking. what kind of pain he must be going through for him to struggle and scream like that. Everyone got chills to their core just by thinking about it.

Tony and thor arrived at there location and tony asked jarvis "jarvis see whats happening to him."

Jarvis replied "his clothes are blocking me from scanning but his blood seems unusally hot sir."

"How much hot..." tony asked.

"70°c sir.." jarvis replied, "Jesus...god..!!" tony said out loud.

Ethan tried his best to stop his screams and looked at natasha. first she got confused but then she remembered something and took out the bottle ethan had thrown to her before.

While ethan was struggling, she said captain and thor to stop ethan from moving and put the one madicine in his mouth.

But ethan wasn't able to swallow it and spilled it out with mouth full of blood. Natasha didn't think twice and put the medicine into her mouth and chewed it, she led her head down and gave him medicine direct from mouth to mouth.

Natasha and ethan both of their faces got covered by natashas hair stopping cameras to from seeing their faces.

Ethan still struggled but after while pain got bearable and he stopped screaming. Medicine provided him with decent amount of aura. But in the end he still passed out.

Ethan opened his eyes with blurry vision. The first thing he saw was the face of natasha. "guys he woke up." she said.

Captain and hawkeye were standing around him. He tried to sit up but stumbled nack to the ground. there was still pulses of pain coming at random time but he still seat back up. "you shouldn't move just yet." natasha said.

He looked Arround. they were still in middle of destroyed newyork. only captain, hawkeye and natasha were arround. While dozen of shiled agens were pushing back the people, preventing them tlfrom reaching ethan.

"How long i was out..." ethan asked. Hearing his voice natasha and captain looked at each other. Ethan didn't realize that he was talking in his real voice.

"Not much, only for fifteen minutes or so." captain said.

Ethan sighed in relief that he wasn't out for too long and he tried to stand up. he goan in pain but he grinded his teeth and stood up. He can't rest, not here. He was still concerned about his identity.

He looked at the crowd of people circling around the. When they saw him getting awake. They all started shout his name. With time more and more people started to shout and cheer got louder.

Ethan looked Arround. Not to appreciate all those people, cheering for him but to find best route to escape. Ethan also took glance at those three and said "i have to go." and throw out the smoke bomb from his ring. which he had he prepared for escaping from a trap If he need ever arises.

Captain was caught offguard but still tried to stop him but before he can do anithing. ethan was already gone.

Ethan wasn't able to go too far. He just got into some empty biulding to hide from other people where no one can see him. He put away his tattered lotus suit and broken mask in his ring And started to walk toward exit. He was planning to get mixed in crowd. so he can completely avoud leaving any trails behind.

But As he started walk his breath got ragged, his vision blurred. The sound of his heavy breathing echoing in the empty biulding. <huff...huff...huff...> He stumbled on his foot and fall on the ground. Finally reaching his limits he lost consciousness again.
