
The First Outing!

I am now on top of a water tank in the Bronx. Since Gwen wanted to get started as well, she would first start with the areas she's familiar with, i.e., Queens. So I decided to start with the Bronx since its crime rate was second to Hell's Kitchen. And it's a given when the area was under Tombstone himself.

As for Brooklyn, it was under Hammerhead himself. And Queens under Martin Lee, who also went by Mr. Negative. I'm actually surprised he had gotten powers so soon, and the demons were feared a lot in Queens. Eve's symbiont offshoot which is latched on Gwen should provide her some resistance from him if needed, but I can't be sure in case he has other powers. The area of Manhattan between Hell's Kitchen and Harlem was relatively safe from street thugs, but the best hiding spot for big organizations as Fisk and Madam Gao of Hand has some buildings there, so they should have something. Staten Island is under many crime families.

But the biggest rule over New York's crime was one man, who even Hammerhead and Tombstone fear, Wilson Fisk, aka, Kingpin. And his rule didn't end only in New York, but his influence spanned all over USA. His influence was nearly impossible to weed out. and if he was toppled, the power gap left in the aftermath would bring gang fights from secure locations to the open.

But uprooting them requires time and planning, for now, I need to familiarize myself with street-level crimes like muggings, or attempted attacks. Or in the worst-case scenario, rape or murder. The first limit is to reduce street crime, to limit their exposure to the open, as the criminals would learn to hide as well.

Right now, I am expanding my natural and empathic senses. Hearing to find any cries of fight or help, while empathic in case of attempted kidnapping or other reasons. And it didn't take me long to find voices like help and feelings of worry and panic, along with people yelling and something burning? Damn, a house fire?

It was at some distance so used shadows to travel quickly. I appeared on a nearby building and saw a four-story-high apartment complex on fire. And there are no water systems installed in it. The firefighters were here, but the stairs are collapsed on the second floor, preventing them from saving those above. They didn't know the cause either so couldn't use water immediately. They were using foam, but the fire would collapse the building sooner or later.

Finding only a little girl on the third floor, whose mother was crying to save her, I leaped towards a window Eve marked was safe to enter without damaging the building.

"Hey, I saw someone jump."

"Yeah, he dived in from that roof."

"What? That's impossible!" I heard the people below but focused on the task at hand. I reached the girl who was coughing and was about to faint and put a gas mask on her. She looked towards me and I projected the feeling of security and comfort to soothe her while keeping the flames away since I could more or less control them.

I looked at the window and found the roof was about to collapse, so rushed quickly. I used my body to shield her from the impact and we fell down as people yelled seeing this. I quickly shifted my body and landed safely, minimizing the impact felt by the girl to zero. Her mother rushed forward seeing her and I carefully handed the girl to her.

"Th-Thankyou." She said to me, relieved.

"No problem" I replied and waved while running towards the nearby building and shooting a web line to reach the roof and disappear. I then turned invisible and controlled the fire remotely to slowly disappear from the above floors, while the firefighters focused on the lower ones.

I then went away after seeing the fire was put out. After that, I spotted muggings going on and a few men surrounding an Asian-American woman near a car and swooped in. "5 men against a single girl. Damn, you sure you can even call yourself a man?" I said from above.

"What the-? Fu*k off!" One of them yelled.

" Sorry, I don't swing that way," I said. They stopped for a second accessing what I said, but it was enough for me to web two o their faces, and leap towards the one in the middle. Knocking him over, I webbed the two on either side and pulled them towards myself while stepping back, making them collide. I banged their heads again, knocking them out. I did the same with the two I initially webbed up, while the fifth guy finally stood up and attacked from behind with his knife, but I moved around him and chopped on his neck, knocking him out.

"You okay Miss?" I asked the girl, who absent-mindedly nodded. " Then can I ask you to call the cops and inform them what happened?" I said again, which snapped her out of her daze.

"Y-yes" She replied, stuttering.

"Good, be careful next time," I said and jumped towards a wall and climbed up while scaling it when she yelled.

"Wait! Who are you?" She asked.

"Me? I'm Spider-man." I replied looking down and jumping over the roof, vanishing from her sight. Though she's not the only one who was startled just now. Why? Well, Eve displays the identity of anyone present in front of me on my HUD. And I was surprised by her. Because her name was Mary Sue Potts, the name of Daisy Johnson before finding her real identity, the Inhuman agent of Shield, Skye, or Quake.

I definitely wasn't expecting her to be here, and she is just 18 now. Anyways, putting her on the list of people Eve keeps a tab on, I went to another place I sensed a rape happening. Damn, this city is filled with low life.

*The Next-Day*

['...So last night, an apartment complex in Bronx suddenly caught fire because of an electrical fault, leading to the whole building catching fire. Most were able to evacuate at the start, but unfortunately, a 7-year-old girl on the third floor could not, and the fire blocked all entrances as well. But when her mother lost hope for saving her, a man swooped in from an adjacent window into the blazing building. Here is one of the videos provided by our sources.'] The anchor said and the television showed the building lit up, but a shadow crashed into one of the windows.

This startled the public, when it jumped again from the 3rd floor, but landed down softly, disregarding the height he leaped from. The person in question was dressed in black from head to toe with two white lenses for his eyes and a gold spider on his shirt, visible from the open jacket, and he carried a little girl. He gave the girl to his mother and leaped away again, disappearing from the view.

[' As you just saw folks, the person rescued the girl from the building. And not only that, the firefighters later found some parts of the building supported by broken pieces to maintain stability and a few extinguishers, explaining how the fire on upper floors stopped soon. Later he was reported by multiple people in the Bronx area to have saved them from a few robberies and even assaults. And one of them managed to ask him his name, and he introduced himself as Spiderman. So New Yorkers, we can rest assured that our new superhero Spider-man would be keeping an out to help us.'] The anchor said as the news shifted to other matters, but multiple news channels showed the same, even comparing some pictures of the Harlem battle, showing Spiderman and Hulk fighting Abomination.

"Well, the city sure is becoming hectic." Uncle Ben commented, seeing the news.

Aunt May turned to me and said, "When the class finishes, you're coming directly home."

"Come on Aunt May, the guy is saving people, not attacking. If anything, it's supposed to be safer now." I argued.

"What she's saying is that come home as early as you can, nothing else. You saw the aftermath of the Fantastic Four or the Harlem battle. We just don't want you involved in them." Ben said before Aunt May argued back, and I just nodded. Can't say I'm going to be in the center of the whole mess, can we?

"I'll be careful," I said with a smile, reassuring her. But suddenly my Spider-sense flared, and it allowed me to pick up on gunshots coming towards us. One even managed to get inside the house but was far from us as it came from the window.

"Get down." Uncle Ben said as both me and Aunt May ducked in.

'Eve, what's happening?' I asked.

[Car chase. They stole from the bank and are firing back at the cops. The bullet that managed to enter was from a cracked glass.] She said and showed me the CCTV footage.

I was about to switch myself with a nanoid when I noticed someone swing above the car. The person in question wore a suit with a white and pink upper-piece with a black lower piece and green soled shoes. Her eyes were similar to my suit's, and she had a spider symbol on her chest.

'Looks like Gwen finally decided to come out as well.'

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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