
Part 4

A quicker read:



- I'll have to try out my new champion soon - closed the notebook, the clawed man said. Putting it away in the top drawer of his desk, Harry went into the shower to wash his face before going to bed. Meanwhile, in the virtual space of the notebook, Hela and Emma were looking at their master's new champion with interest. Standing in front of the Asgardian and the mutant, the Russian spy didn't know what to expect from them, but she tried to remain confident.

- The black-haired goddess said, pacing from side to side and scrutinising Natasha. Unlike Hela, Emma preferred to sit on the sidelines. Using her telepathic abilities, the blonde mutant immediately studied the red-haired spy as soon as she entered the spacious room. So Emma assumed the most nonchalant look, glancing occasionally in the direction of the brunette and the redhead. Holding a glass of champagne in her right hand, Frost drank leisurely.

- Hmm, you've got a nice arse. As is the rest of your figure. I think when our lord grows up, he'll like it all," Hela said as she finished examining Natasha from all sides. After that the Asgardian sat down in the chair she had conjured up, putting her foot behind her leg. After that there was silence in the room for a while. It didn't last too long, though.

- Emma, how about a little fun with our new companion? There's nothing to do here, so why don't we make the most of our time together?" Hela said, glancing at the blonde mutant with whom she'd long since hit it off.

- Emma stood up from her chair, wiggling her hips seductively, and walked towards Natasha and Hela.

- Are you serious, you're going to have a threesome here? - realising what the black-haired Asgardian was up to, the Russian spy spoke out.

- Well, yes. Think about it, it's quite boring here and we are sitting here until we are needed by our master. So why don't we have a nice time? Hela got up from her seat and slowly unbuttoned her clothes. Approaching Natasha, Emma lifted the not particularly resistant Russian, and then sank her lips into the redhead's mouth, beginning to explore the seductive figure of the Russian spy with her hands. While the blonde and the redhead were sucking each other off, Hela managed to quickly undress, leaving her completely naked. With a snap of her fingers, the black-haired Asgardian created a huge sheet out of the green flames, spreading it out in the centre of the room. Smiling contentedly, Hela walked over to Natasha and Emma and breaking their kiss began kissing the Russian and the mutant herself, alternating between the redhead and the blonde. Pressed on both sides of the black-haired Asgardian, Romanova and Frost, with all the passion began to caress Hela's body and respond to the hot kisses of the Asgardian goddess of death. Gradually, the three girls slowly lowered themselves onto the sheet, positioning themselves right in the centre. Falling back on it, Hela continued to kiss Emma and Natasha at the same time, squeezing the soft buttocks of the two sexy girls with her hands. Soon the foreplay was over and Harry's champions, embarked on the main round.

Positioning herself from below, Emma began to actively lick Hela's vagina, gently holding the asgardian by her legs. Natasha in turn climbed up onto the brunette's face, sitting on top of her with her pussy. Putting her hands behind her head, the redheaded spy began to undulate her hips, moaning each time Hela's tongue travelled over her pussy.

Wrapping her hands around the Russian spy's gorgeous buttocks, the dark-haired Asgardian began to lick every inch of Natasha's intimate place thoroughly, squeezing Romanova's arse several times.

- Ah!!! More!!! - The red-haired Shield agent moaned voluptuously as she continued to sit on Hela's face.

Emma, meanwhile, continued to lick the Asgardian, not forgetting, of course, to caress herself. For self-satisfaction, the blonde mutant slipped a couple of fingers into her pussy, moving them slowly inside her womb.


Unaware of what his three champions were doing now, Harry finished washing his face and brushed his teeth, returning from the bathroom to his private room. Before heading to bed, the clawed man decided to read some more. Sitting down in his armchair and switching on the magic lamp, Harry began to read a small tome on the history of magic. Unlike Binns' lectures, the textbook told all the events in a rather interesting and lively way. And they weren't entirely devoted to just the goblin uprisings. After reading a few pages, Harry finally decided to go to bed. Covering himself with a warm blanket, the clawed man went to the realm of Morpheus.


Slipping her fingers inside Natasha, Hela began to move them leisurely, enjoying the loud moans of the redheaded spy lying beneath the black-haired Asgardian. Emma, meanwhile, licked Hela's pussy and arse very thoroughly, making the goddess of death moan voluptuously as Natasha did. The orgy of the three girls was gradually gaining momentum and was not going to stop anytime soon. All their thoughts were connected with one green-eyed wizard. Each participant of the orgy mentally imagined how in the future she would give herself to her master and tried to please him as best as possible.

Moans and other sounds of sex completely covered the room. And if anyone was here at the moment, that someone could hear the girls shouting their Caller's name from time to time.

Lying on her back and spreading her legs wide, Natasha held Emma's head to her crotch with her right hand, enjoying the blonde mutant's licking of her vagina, while the redheaded spy's left hand gently squeezed her soft size four breasts.

Standing behind Emma, Hela used the strapon she had conjured up to fuck the blonde from behind, holding the telepath firmly by the waist. Continuously moving her hips back and forth, the black-haired Asgardian tried to penetrate as deeply as possible into the blonde mutant's womb. Tilting her head back slightly, the goddess of death quickened the pace of her frictions, shouting lewd words in Asgardian.


Getting up early in the morning, the first thing Harry did was go to the bath and wash his face before dressing in his school uniform and leaving his room. The Claw had not had much to do today, so Potter decided to spend his free time studying his summoning notebook and getting to know the new champion better.

Classes went as usual for Harry, except for the fact that the brown-haired Gryffindor girl was trying to prove herself by showing off in class. And when the professors gave her answers and awarded her points, the muggle-born looked at Harry and most of her peers with excessive superiority. Potter pretended not to see it, trying not to pay much attention to Granger, but the other students from their stream, after the class, began to hurl insults at her. If at first the girl was worried about it, then in time, she began to behave differently, becoming even more unbearable person.

At the insults to her address, Granger began to respond to various trickery, like the fact that anonymously began to write a report to his dean, about violations of the rules and so on. Granger's commanding tone and tendency to meddle where she wasn't asked were traits that pissed Harry off. The Gryffindor could even snatch someone else's book if she thought she needed it more. Other people's opinions on the matter didn't matter to the shade. Granger followed the principle that there was only one correct opinion - mine, and if you have your own, it is a priori wrong.

Fortunately for Harry, this extremely insufferable Muggle-born couldn't enter the Ravenclaw faculty lounge. Entering the Hogwarts library, Potter tried to sit as far away from where Hermione Granger usually sat as possible. He wasn't the only one who tried to do so. Soon there was a so-called "barrier" in the library in the form of Hermione Granger's personal desk. No one wanted to sit next to the Gryffindor nerd.

Leaving the classroom after the last class, Harry tried to leave as soon as possible, as he didn't want to listen to another session of lectures from a certain shade girl. As soon as the clawed man started to turn the corner, he heard the start of another Granger session behind him.

The boy's mood had reached near zero, so towards his room, Harry walked at a brisk pace. Potter needed to blow off some steam and an Appeal notebook was as good a solution as any.


Hela, Natasha and Emma were about to continue their fun with each other, for which they had arranged themselves in a steamroller pose, when suddenly they felt their master's strong displeasure. Quickly rising to their feet, the girls began to dress and tidy up. A few minutes later, the three champions, left the room in question to face their summoner.

- Master? What happened? - The three girls turned to the black-haired clawed man standing with his back to them, as soon as they were in the real world. Completely oblivious to Hela, Emma and Natasha, Harry stared silently at one point, clenching his fists.

The three champions quickly looked at each other. Hela being the first among the champions decided to find out what was wrong. Judging by the fluctuations in her magical aura, her master was in a state of extreme anger.

- Master - Taking a few steps forward and signalling to the others not to approach yet, Hela stood behind Harry, placing her hands on his shoulders. At first nothing happened, the clawed man pretending not to notice the light massage from the black-haired goddess of death, nor her presence. Without getting a reaction from her master, the black-haired Asgardian walked around Harry and knelt down in front of him, gently placing the young wizard on the floor.

- Mister, perhaps you could share with me, as well as with Emma and Natasha, what's eating you so much? Don't keep it to yourself. Talk to us. It'll be easier. Believe me, my lord," the black-haired beauty said, looking faithfully at her Caller.

There was silence for a while. Until Harry deigned to look at the dark-haired Asgardian goddess of death sitting across from him.

- Well, alright..." the clawed man replied, then prepared to tell his ladies what had pissed him off so much.


The usual spellcasting lesson was underway. Today Professor Flitwick was telling his students about the different classifications of charms.

- In terms of word theory, there are two classifications of spells.

The first classification is by the number of words in the spell. Here, I think, there is nothing to explain, so let's write down. According to the number of words spells are divided into:

 a) Mono-spells (spells consisting of a single word)

 b) Polyspells (spells consisting of several words):

This point of classification implies not only the prefix " poly-" but also "di-", "tri-", "tetra-" and so on, depending on the number of words.

The second classification is by mode of pronunciation. Using this classification, spells can be divided into:

 (a) Non-verbal (spells that are spoken to oneself)

 b) Verbal (spells that are spoken aloud)

 c) Mixed (spells that work both ways. This is the broadest group of spells.)

-Well, we're done with words. Now, as they say, let's move from words to action.

The professor waved his wand and the inscription on the blackboard changed.

-Movements. Or in other words, physical action. It is also a kind of shell of the spell itself. Unlike words, a movement can be performed or not. Naturally, in the second case the success rate of the spell is significantly reduced, but experienced magicians, who are fluent in the art of thought, can do without any movements at all. But you and I are not so experienced yet, so let's write down some rules and principles for making a movement. So, the success of a movement depends on:

 a) Correct position of the arm (bent, straightened, etc.)

 b) Correct combination of arm movements

 c) Clarity of movement

 d) The smoothness and cohesion of the movements.

The success of a spell depends 15-20 per cent on the correct movement.

The teacher took a breath and then continued the lecture:

- There are no classifications for movements, as any spell can be performed with or without the help of a magic wand. Therefore, let us proceed to the first, or rather to the last point. Thought. Thought is the most important thing for a spell. It is in our heads that we put meaning into the spell. So, to add another 50-60 per cent of success to the spell, we must:

 a) Clear our minds of unnecessary thoughts as much as possible

 b) Concentrate as much as possible on the spell

 c) Visualise the result as clearly as possible.

This principle is called the principle of the three maxims. Naturally, everything seems simple, however, there is one nuance. The nuance is that you need to do it all as quickly as possible, if it comes to a duel, for example, and also connect to the action and the right word.

It's not easy, it's not easy, there's nothing to say - smiled the Dean of Ravenclaw Faculty, seeing the perplexed looks of the students - But don't worry. You and I will learn everything. I can promise you that. Learning and labour will overcome everything.

After waiting a little while until the pupils digested the information received, the professor continued.

-Naturally, there is also a classification related to thought. Its essence is very simple. Here we can divide spells into

 a) Spells to which the meaning is assigned historically and they do not need to be thoroughly thought out, or long-standing spells. You can find such spells in any reference book. They are widely used.

 b) Own spells or spells we create ourselves. "Create by ourselves" means that through certain actions we put meaning into a certain word. But this is quite complicated and not for us yet.

Naturally, we will study spells of the first category. They, in turn, are also divided into several classes:

 1. combat spells (which are subsequently divided into attacking and defence spells)

 2. Cold Medicine

 3. Universal (or household)

This classification is the main one, and it is the one we will rely on in the future. Any questions? - After finishing the lecture, the Dean of Ravenclaw addressed the students. Predictably, one brown-haired Gryffindor was the first to raise her hand.

- Yes, Miss Granger? What did you want to ask?

- Professor, you mentioned that spells can be combat spells. I read that not all of them are light and not every wizard can use them," the Gryffindor said.

- Yes, that's right, Miss Granger. Some spells can't be used by other wizards because they are personal, created by a wizard or wizardess of one sort or another. For example, the Blacks, Potters, and other pureblood families have such spells.

- But that's not fair!!! And it's selfish!!! -Granger exclaimed.

- Unfortunately, Miss Granger, that's life," the professor replied, but the Gryffindor wasn't listening to him, glaring furiously at all the pureblood students.

Harry, of course, didn't care about the stubborn Gryffindor until she began to say that knowledge held in other families should be shared, and as an example, she cited one of the Potter family spells that she had read about in one of the school books.

- Look, Granger, the professor has clearly said that you and anyone else not in the family can't use personal family spells, so stop it.

- That's not fair, so you Potter and the other snobs have an advantage over me," Granger shrieked angrily. This conflict was taking place just after the class had finished.

- Listen you insufferable muggle-born nerd, I'm not going to let anyone get on my nerves like you just did," Harry said, not noticing how his magical aura was out of control. But after a few moments everything returned to normal.

Granger, who had a slight look of fear on her face, was forced to retreat, running away from the clawed man, but still convinced that she was right.

 End of Flashback

After listening to their lord, Hela and the rest of the ladies gathered here remained silent for a while.Giving Harry some time to cool down. Getting closer to her master, Emma used her powers to try and mentally calm Potter down.

- Master, you should get some rest, would you like me to give you a massage? - The blonde mutant said, after Harry had stopped giving off vibes of displeasure.

- Okay," he replied, letting Emma lead him to the bed, leaving Hela and Natasha to talk about something.


Along a long abandoned path, a tall black haired sorceress was walking. Her name was Bellatrix, and as a true Black, she was the strongest dark sorceress of the modern age.

Bella had a liberal fetish. She was always drawn to power and strength. Bellatrix had always despised the weak. But now she had a new goal. A few days ago, the wizard had sensed a magical fluctuation coming from Hogwarts. And it wasn't related to Dumbledore or any of the other professors. The dark sorceress could feel the power emanating from the last Potter, even at such a great distance.

And all of it made Bellatrix shudder. The wizard decided to meet him at all costs and prove that she could be of use to him.
