
Martial Arts Immortal

As the once-proud dynasty crumbles, a tumult of immortals and gods vies for supremacy, while demons surge unchecked and bizarre phenomena unfurl. Amidst this chaos, humanity, shackled by its mortal frailty, endures in anguish. In the midst of it all, Lin Zheyu awakens, thrust into this enigmatic realm. Surrounded by celestial beings and demons , can he navigate the perilous path of martial arts and emerge victorious? The unfolding saga awaits our discovery!

Noobyass · ตะวันออก
22 Chs

Thicken Blood


Jia Yanyong's eyes were swollen.

After receiving treatment from the doctor, his eyes were saved.

However, his eyes were still swollen and his vision blurry, making it difficult to see clearly.

"Master, I specially went to invite Lin Zheyu, but he refused to come." Jia Yanyong said.

"What did he say?"

Xu Jingwu took a sip of tea and grabbed the waist of the woman beside him.

He appeared to be around forty years old, well-maintained, without the same fierceness as Jia Yanyong, and even had a hint of elegance.

"He said he was busy in the morning. And said that if master wants to listen to the story, master can go to the Jade Orchid Tea House tomorrow afternoon."

Jia Yanyong said, somewhat straightforwardly.

If he were a bit more cunning, he would have directly bad-mouthed Lin Zheyu.

But Xu Jingwu also knew this about Jia Yanyong, which was why he valued and trusted him.

"When I sent you to invite him, did you threaten him with force?"

Xu Jingwu glanced at Jia Yanyong.

He knew Jia Yanyong's temper; he was a brute, and if something could be solved with fists, he wouldn't use his brain.

"No... um, I just made a small threat."

Jia Yanyong was about to retort, but seeing the master's sideways glance, he said embarrassedly.

"Forget it, forget it, I forgot to remind you to be polite."

"But this scholar does have some guts. Not only did he refuse your threat, but he also dared to launch a preemptive attack. Quite interesting."

"I'll personally go to the Jade Orchid Tea House tomorrow to invite him, listen to his story, and see if this guy is really so tough."

Xu Jingwu chuckled and looked at Jia Yanyong, saying, "Your eyes are injured, so rest well these days."

"Luo Tian, give Jia Yanyong five taels of silver to see the doctor."

"Thank you, Master."

Watching Jia Yanyong's figure leave, a hint of interest appeared on Xu Jingwu's face.

"Interesting guy, got some courage, no wonder he can write such wonderful stories like The Legend of the Condor Heroes."

He was not interested in the romantic stories of scholars and foxes.

As a martial artist, Xu Jingwu preferred stories that depicted the hot-blooded Jianghu like The Legend of the Condor Heroes.

The story was so exciting that he had heard a few gang members discussing it a few days ago, so he inquired curiously and got drawn into it.

However, hearing it once a day was not enough, so he thought of inviting Lin Zheyu to come over and tell the story.


When he returned home, it was already late at night.

Lin Zheyu's whole body was sore, and he had bruises all over him.

Master Liang's attacks were too heavy, completely unrestrained. Lin Zheyu felt a fiery sensation on his face.

"My handsome face is ruined."

Applying medicine to his face in front of the bronze mirror, Lin Zheyu couldn't help but cry out in pain.

After washing up, he climbed into bed, feeling exhausted.

The hours of sparring with Master Liang had greatly depleted his physical, mental, and spiritual strength.

However, Master Liang seemed unaffected and still looked lively when Lin Zheyu left.

Lin Zheyu couldn't help but wonder what level of martial realm Master Liang was.

"I'll ask tomorrow morning and also inquire about the subsequent martial arts realm."

Lin Zheyu said to himself, sinking into a deep sleep.

The sky was just beginning to brighten.

Lin Zheyu arrived early at Liang Song's house.

The medicine Master Liang gave him was miraculous. After taking it last night, he woke up this morning without pain, and the bruises on his face were gone.

"Master, what realm comes after refining the organs?" Lin Zheyu asked curiously.

"Well, I'll tell you about it."

"The path of martial arts, training flesh, forging bones, and refining organs are just the basics, laying the foundation for martial arts. Only after completing the refinement of the organs can one begin deeper levels of training."

"After refining the organs come Qi and Blood, marrow cultivation, energy transformation, Grandmaster, and Martial Dao innate ."

"On the martial arts path, refining the organs is a hurdle. Each realm behind it is like a different world. The difference in realms means a huge difference in strength."

Liang Song spoke with a hint of regret.

Due to some incidents in his early years, he ended up with a lame right foot, causing his martial arts progress to stagnate.

"Then, Master, what realm are you in now?"

Lin Zheyu was extremely curious. He felt that his master must be extremely powerful.

"Heh, I am currently at the Qi and Blood realm. But due to old age and physical decline, my martial arts realm has declined somewhat," Liang Song shook his head, full of regret.

'Grandmaster, Martial Dao innate...'

Lin Zheyu murmured, somewhat yearning.

Martial Dao innate experts must be incredibly unpredictable, right?

Liang Song looked at Lin Zheyu and saw his longing expression, couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Don't aim too high, you must be down-to-earth."

"On the martial arts path, it is extremely difficult. Even reaching the realm of refining organs in Songyi City is already considered skilled," Liang Song said.

"Yes, Master."

Lin Zheyu regained his senses.

Taking off his coat and wearing a tight-fitting vest, he went to the center of the courtyard to start practicing boxing.

After half an hour of practicing boxing, Liang Song looked carefully and nodded in satisfaction.

"It's good."

"Next, I'll teach you another martial art."

"The Savage Bull Fist is just a third-rate martial art. Even if you practice it to the top, it's only at the level of refining organs. The martial art I'll teach you next can be considered second-rate. If you can understand it thoroughly and practice it to the limit, your strength can reach the peak of Qi and Blood!"

Liang Song said earnestly.

In his view, martial arts above the second-rate level could be considered true martial arts.

The Savage Bull Fist, a third-rate martial art like this, could only be regarded as mediocre.

In the past, the martial arts he taught to others were also third-rate martial arts.

After seeing Lin Zheyu's remarkable talent, Liang Song developed an affection for him and decided to teach him another martial art.

"Master, is there a big difference in strength between the realms of refining organs and Qi and Blood?" Lin Zheyu asked curiously.

Although the Savage Bull Fist could be practiced to the pinnacle of the refining organs realm, Liang Song's tone seemed to look down on it.

But when it came to martial arts that could reach the peak of Qi and Blood, his tone was extremely serious.

"Of course."

"Training flesh, forging bones, and refining organs are just the foundation, laying the groundwork for the martial arts path. When you reach the pinnacle of refining organs, it means your physique has reached the limit of an ordinary person."

"After reaching the Qi and Blood realm, there will be a huge leap in strength."

"What is most important for martial artists?"

Liang Song didn't wait for Lin Zheyu to answer before continuing, "It's Qi and Blood!"

"Qi and Blood are the foundation of the body, the foundation of martial arts."

"To step onto the path of Grandmaster, or even break through to Martial Dao innate, Qi and Blood are crucial."

"Please enlighten me, Master."

Lin Zheyu asked respectfully, pouring a cup of tea for his master.

Liang Song picked up the teacup and took a sip, satisfied.

He continued, "Qi and Blood are extremely important for the martial arts path. After in-depth research, predecessors divided the Qi and Blood realm into nine small layers."

"These nine small layers are also called the Nine Transformations of Qi and Blood."

"If you can complete the Nine Transformations of Qi and Blood in the Qi and Blood realm, reach the state where your blood is like mercury, and condense the Qi and Blood Wolf Smoke, then there is a great chance of stepping into Grandmaster realm!"

Liang Song explained with longing in his tone.

He shook his head, "But completing the Nine Transformations of Qi and Blood is as difficult as reaching the sky. Most martial artists can only reach the first transformation of Qi and Blood."

"In my peak state, I only managed to refine my Qi and Blood to the third transformation."

Liang Song said.

He took off his robe, put on a vest, and walked to the center of the courtyard.

"Next, I will teach you my main martial art, called the Golden Goose Technique."

"The Golden Goose Technique mainly focuses on leg techniques, specialised in attacking with the legs."

"Our leg strength is the greatest and most explosive part of the body."

"The Golden Goose Technique mainly trains the legs, excels in speed, and can both attack and defend."

"But it has a flaw. As the legs are less flexible than the arms, although the explosive power is strong, it lacks the agility of fists and palms."

Liang Song continued slowly.

After introducing the Golden Goose Technique, he began to explain each move and style to Lin Zheyu.

Lin Zheyu learned seriously, and with good comprehension.

Liang Song was average in terms of teaching his disciples, but fortunately, Lin Zheyu's comprehension and talent were good, allowing him to quickly understand Liang Song's intentions.

Liang Song became more and more satisfied with his teaching.

Encountering a disciple with such great comprehension gave him an excellent teaching experience, making him feel as if he were talented in teaching an outstanding disciple.