
Lila's miraculous escape (2)

Taking her sack and food, Lila walked to the carriage, and Sargon followed her holding their son. His heart is telling him to stop her while his mind asking him not to let Lila hurt his pride again. Giving up his ego, Sargon stopped her by grabbing her hand before she could get inside the carriage. 

"What?" she asks.

"Take care of your health and…" 

All of a sudden he hugged her and Lila got surprised. Her heart felt light whenever he does something like this. He's good at confusing her and she falls for it every single time. Feeling like she was struck in a labyrinth, or starting a loop which she thought that she had reached its terminal. The same things happen again and again. 

Sargon hurt her, she cries, he reconciles with her and she hopes for their future and again it all starts from the start. She's so tired of this and she wanted a miracle to happen in her life. 

He pulled out from the hug and she looked at his face.
