
Chapter 77 Engagement Party 6

  Berverly was fuming with range unlike her sister who appeared to be calm and relaxed, "Welcome back Madam's!" The butler greeted, but the two girls were in no mood for that. "How can Alex embarrass me before that nonetity Maya?" She glared at Maya as she sat on the couch.

"How I'm I supposed to know that, and please take out your anger on the maid not me!" Maya said nonchalantly. She knew this would happen, when a man gets involved with a woman regularly, he is bound to get attracted to that woman.

Alex is not only married to that woman but he lives with her. But that was non of her business, it was Berverly's problem to handle.

Maya is a kind of person that doesn't care about others but herself. If she's not going to benefit from a thing then she would not get involved. "Maya, I need help!" Berverly sounded perturbed.

"Yes you really need help mentally!" Maya said sardonically. "You know that's not what I meant!" Berverly said.

"Let the newly married couple be Berv, Alex would not look at you now he's noticed the girl. Do I need to tell you everything?"

The two sisters had different personalities and means to approach their problem. While Berverly was blizzardy, Maya was calm. She always thought carefully before carrying out her plans.

"If you want your man back, then don't look desperate no man wants a desperate woman. Besides you know he's not any man, he gets drawn to a woman who rejects him. If he finally found a new toy to play with let them be. He'd be yours in time.!" Maya added with a sweet smile.

"What plans do you have Maya?" Beverly knew her sisters smile was no ordinary one. This is the smile she puts on when she's done something or planning something bad. "Nothing much sis, I just forgot to tell you about my little trip to dubia I'd be there for two months. For the mean time try winning your man over the normal way and if it doesn't work out, then we have no choice than to take out the weed!" Maya said nonchalantly.

"If this is one of your plans to get Lukas, do it without hurting that stupid sister of Alex!" Berverly warned. "Of course!" Maya said and walked out of the lounge using the grand stairs. Berverly was finally alone on the couch, she placed her head backwards to rest at the top of the couch, thinking of many ways to get her love back.


My eyes slid open, the next morning. After last night's event I just didn't know how to face Alex's Family anymore, especially grandma. I know she must really hate me now, not that she didn't hate me before. I thought. Maybe I'm just scared of how they'd react, ah... thinking of breakfast, I could feel my tommy turn.

I tried to get off the bed but I felt something heavy on my waist, I moved the duvet a little and saw Alex's big hands on my waist. I tried to pull it out but he only held me tighter.

"Stay still, let's stay like this for some time please!" Came his deep voice, his hot breath sending shivers to my body.

"Alex, I don't want to, let me go!" I said but Alex said nothing. I knew if I struggled out, it'll only make his grip tighter. I felt his other hand on my shoulder pulling my pijamas slightly below my shoulders. He planted sweet kisses on my bare body. His lips sending shock waves to my body.

"Alex please stop!" I tried to get up but as predicted, his grip on me got tighter. "No need to run love!" Alex said turning me around and I met his gaze. His black eyes staring at me, if this man was teasing me this early, then it's totally not funny.

He used his ankle to lift his upper body forward hovering over me with an intimidating face. I laid with my back facing the bed invuluntrily. "I asked you for one thing and you couldn't do it, even if I added please!" He said starring at me.

I parted my lips to speak, but Alex captured it burying my words in his mouth. This was so disgusting, I haven't even brushed my teeth yet. He pulled out after sucking all the air in my lungs. I clutched his arm as I heaved for air, he was panting heavily too.

"Your mouth taste sweeter in the morning!" He said making me blush. "Alex this is harrassment. You know it's not right!" I said. "What is? That I gave him my wife a good morning kiss?" He asked. I was agape by his words.

"Since when did I become your wife? Alex this is a con......!"

"A one year contract marriage, until then you're my wife Hazel. Mine and no one else!" He said. "Since when did you become this possessive? Listen Alex all I'm saying is, if you continue like this I might break your last important rule!" I whispered, that was when I realized Alex was still on me.

I never forgot the rules Alex made the first time we met. 'Don't touch my stuff, don't get involved in my life and don't fall inlove with me' they ring in my ears all the time. But if he keeps trying to be intimate around me....

"Since when did you start obeying my rules Hazel?" He raised a brow, "I can recall you breaking the first rule the very day you got into my house!" He said with narrowed eyes. I gulped.

"W... Well it wasn't my fault, I'm not used to wearing sexy nighty!" I whispered cause of how close his face was to mine. My breath hitched at this.

"A... Alex what are......!" We were distracted by the raps on the door. Alex didn't let me go but his face was not as close as they were few seconds ago. I was sure my face was as red as a tomato.

"Come in Leonard!" Alex said and the butler walked in, "Oh I'm so sorry sir, I'd come back.....!" "I didn't ask you to leave did I?" Alex said but his eyes were still on me. This was so embarrassing. "We'll continue later!" He got off me finally and walked into the bathroom unhurriedly.

I was so embarrassed right now I couldn't even look at the face of Leonard or his maids.