13 Through Her Eyes Part Three: The Beastdom

After traveling an hour or two, we had made camp in a small clearing in a thicket of trees. Tents were pitched as a fire was built to light the way for our wayward soul to rejoin us. The chilled air was filled with a hint of cooking potatoes and roasting beef. The sky above was clear as an undisturbed pond that reflected the moon's light. Laughter filled the camp as we waited for the lost sheep to rejoin the herd. For the first time in a while, it seemed time had frozen as the minutes grew into hours.

Sighing, I rested my head against the tree that I had climbed to keep a watchful eye for any signs of life in the forest below. We had taken a route that ran along the main road to Westbrook in attempts to avoid any unnecessary deviations. Surprisingly, the princess had thought of the idea and had also divided our group into two parties. Luca, Ruben, Casteilla, and Xeth would scout ahead while the rest stayed together with me, Lieutenant Combs, and Ulf taking positions in the front. That left Veronica and the other knights to act as a barrier around the carriage. Though a simple plan, it was still impressive to come from one that had little experience. 

[(Gods, I'm starting to sound like Jackal.)]

"Any luck?" Veronica's voice came from below as she leaned against the tree with her arms crossed over her chest. 

Though I still despised her for the part she played in Jackal's early life, I started to enjoy my time with her as we talked about many things of different topics. Deep down, I truly wanted to know her as Jackal does for the sake of our future together. I had found that she was competent like her brother in her own prowess. When it came to Jackal, I saw how she would gaze at him contemplating what her next move should be while dancing on eggshells. So far, I see the hate she feels for herself for the hell Jackal had suffered and the optimistic glare she had to mend old wounds.

I shook my head as I retorted, "So far, only an owl hunting for prey and the moon." 

Staring off into the darkness, I searched for any signs of Jackal but to no avail. I knew he was still alive with all of my heart and simply by the fact that Orion was still perched on the limb just above me. If Jackal had fallen, so would Orion through the pact they made which benefited the duo and served as a weakness. For example, if Orion was killed then, as his master, Jackal could simply revive him in a matter of days allowing his soul to fully form once more without any deficiency. However if Jackal were to be killed, Orion would follow soon after because of their entwined souls with no manner of resurrection making such a contract a double-edged sword.

As if sensing my thoughts, Orion jumped from his perch and shifted into a black cat mid fall as he landed on my lap. I chuckled as he nuzzled my chin trying to get my thoughts from the dark clouds that covered it. Petting him, my mind turned to the scene before we separated from Jackal. Over and over, I watched the princess tug on his coat asking for him to return safely like one of the damsels in the fairy tales. I couldn't help but wonder what had changed since Siegfried and why her opinion of Jackal changed after the little incident with the three Lepus children that now ate beside Luca.

[(Is it possible seeing him do such a thing had made her fall for him?)]

Sighing, I closed my eyes as the night became quiet once more allowing the forest to come alive once more. I must've fallen asleep because I heard two voices below me in mid conversation as I I waited for my senses to fully awaken. One voice was that of Veronica who I guessed noticed I had fallen asleep and decided to stay by my side. The other was that of Freya who was sent as her father's envoy to repay the trust given by the Beastking and further build trust between the kingdoms. As I listened closely, I stifled a chuckle as Orion was perched on the branch above with a lizard's tail poking from his mouth that continued its battle to free itself by hitting his face to no effect.

"He's been gone for awhile," Freya spoke as her eyes moved toward the path, "both Ulf and Luca said they would search for him if need be. Funny thing is, I'm surprised Luca would offer, especially since he barely knows Einor. I guess seeing him free those three girls made him think he has a debt to repay."

Veronica didn't say anything as she stared toward the moon through patches of leaves and timber. The moonlight highlighted her darkish tan skin that is most common for Dökkálfar unlike her brother's porcelain complexion. For the first time, I truly saw how different the two siblings were. Veronica took after their mother who was a powerful war-maiden during the great war named Irhico Ansu Sygirth. Jackal however took after his father, a human general of the enemy army by the name of Zechariah Fjord VonKnight. Together, they were the driving point that led to the peace, though somewhat fragile, we have today. That being said, not much is really known about them except for the songs sung by bards. 

Veronica just sighed as a small smile formed, "He's alive, I know it."

"How do you know, milady?" Freya asked.

I smiled as Veronica placed a hand over her heart. Freya just chuckled as she stood beside Veronica, "I see. It's nice to hear that sibling magic you and him spouted about long ago still works."

Veronica nodded, "I remember feeling a small pain in my chest and cold wet invisible rocks piercing my skin. I believe it started when Einor fell into that cavern around the spring not far from the manor. I remember all of us searching for him, but coming up short in the end as a gnawing pain burned in my gut. I remember feeling the cold air blow upon my body when the window to my room was shut as it kept me awake. Gods, I remember leading everyone to the spot where he was leaning against the wall barely conscious. I feel him now, even at a distance, I sense that he is alive though hurt. He will be here, but the question is how long?"

Freya nodded, crossing her arms and stared at the path that was surrounded by trees with outstretched limbs funneling anyone who took it toward our camp. The sounds of laughter coming from the fire behind us got lost in the rhythm of the forest from an owl calling out to a toad leaping from a puddle. The scene was that of peace which I wished to spend with Jackal, but that would have to wait. Soon we would have to awaken from this dream and venture onward into the world. We still had a job to do that held the future of two kingdoms as ransom along with Jackal's conditions waiting to be met. Tonight however, we will be merry as the night draws breath. 

I heard Freya sigh, "Though I don't like it, I'm afraid if he isn't back by dawn then we'll have to leave without him."

After a few moments of silence, I sensed that Veronica's gaze fell upon me once more as if knowing I was awake again. Keeping up with my charade, I didn't wish for her to know I had overheard her conversation. Her eyes had the same intensity that Jackal's did that sent an involuntary chill down the recipient's spine. An intensity that made many look away in defeat and unable to avoid the inevitable. That same intensity is why most people choose not to go against Jackal and kept us safe for a long time.

For a moment, I thought my ruse was working, but I was wrong. "How much did you hear?" she asked. 

Sighing, I sat up in my perch as my eyes fell upon hers. "Not much really, the latter half," I answered as Orion began to nuzzle my ear with his whiskered nose. 

[(I guess Jackal will be here shortly.)]

I asked a question that I reframed from asking a moment ago, "So tell me, could you feel the torment he went through?"

Sighing, Veronica took a breath as if memories flooded her mind. "I felt cold shackles around my wrists and ankles most nights that I couldn't bear to sleep," her eyes turned to the moon, "there were other times that I was filled with immense sorrow that I wished the Gods would end my suffering." 

I watched as Veronica wiped tears from her eyes and steadied her breaths before continuing, "With time, the uneasy feelings disappeared as our connection deteriorated to nothing more than strands of frayed thread. To be honest, it was the threads of such a link that led us to Siegfried."

I was about to speak when Orion jumped from the tree and morphed into a raven before hitting the ground. I watched him soar toward the darkened path where a faint red eye hovered in the open air. Slowly, it came closer and closer with Orion perched upon its right shoulder and nuzzling its cheek. I smiled as the figure stepped into a small clearing where the moon shone bright without interference from shrubs or loose leaves. Smiling, Jackal nodded toward us with signs of battle riddled throughout his person.

I met him halfway wrapping my arms around him and pressing my lips against his. He placed his head against mine, "Gather everyone, I have someone that has much needed information with me." 

Curious, both me and Veronica looked behind him only to discover no one. Jackal chuckled as he made his way to the fire, "They're being taken care of in Penumbra."

After a moment, we found ourselves by the fire as a dark gateway hovered in the air to the void Jackal called Penumbra. I watched as two figures fell forward and collapsed before us with the clatter of armor. One figure was that of a lad in his twentieth winter clad in a brown cloth tunic with frayed threads over a long sleeved hauberk. Elegant violet vambraces held the loose mail around his arm close to the skin and out of the way during battle. A ragged cloak was draped around him revealing tarnished black trousers and boots made of the finest leather that appeared out of place for a simple bandit. Dirt and blood from an open wound caked the left side of his face giving him the look of a vagabond. 

Turning my gaze to the other, my gut turned sour as the figure of Ronald, the one that hurt Celeste and I healed, laid unmoving at my feet. Jackal answered the unspoken question that made a home in our thoughts as he took the bladed gauntlet from Ronald's limb and tossed it to the side, "They're alive, for now."

I watched him begin searching Ronald's pockets for anything of value then moved to the next one. Afterwards, he bound their hands in front of them with black threads then looked over the two vermin at his feet. "Thought I'd take in a few rats, especially that one," he nodded over to Ronald who began to stir, "the people this mongrel was with were different before. Possibly those responsible for what transpired at Whitford."

I was about to say something when Ronald grumbled, "My fucking head!!"

"What happened?!" the other asked as he sat up.

Both looked at one another in a somewhat daze before realizing what had happened to them like most of the people entering Jackal's domain. Both men tried to move their arms freely but only to discover that they were bound. Panic began to set in as their complexion became pale just as Jackal's skin.  Slowly, their eyes met each of ours until finally stopping on the one responsible who sat on a large smooth rock between them with Orion on one shoulder and Morrigon rested against the other, its blade like a necklace ready to cleave his head from his shoulders. He looked as if Death itself sat upon an unknown throne with the moon lighting half his face and a fiery eye burning in darkness.

Jackal just stared at the two as they struggled in futile attempts to free themselves with a little more urgency than before. He watched blankly while Ronald made plea after plea to be set free but his voice fell of deaf ears. I didn't understand why Jackal brought them here instead of killing them outright. Though I did have a theory, Jackal simply wanted to make a show of them but that wouldn't make sense if the people were different this time around than in Siegfried. Cupping my chin between my thumb and index finger, I thought of several possible solutions to this course of action knowing that Jackal didn't do much without a reason behind it.

I knew that he was pondering the sudden change of group as well with one look into his eyes. Sighing, "Bandits do tend to be unforgiving, maybe he was ostracized." 

Ronald stopped fighting his bound and began laughing as he looked at me for the first time. He spat shit colored saliva at my feet, "Go wallow in that, piss whore."

He smiled a toothy grin turning back to Jackal only to get caught by a fist. I watched Jackal grab him by the collar and brought him close. Ronald continued his antagonizing even when beaten, "What, did I hurt your feelings?"

"It's sweet that you'll defend your little plowing mare," Ronald spat in Jackal's face, "My new friends will be glad to learn such a weakness."

Jackal wiped the bloodied spit from his cheek before slamming him down upon the rock. He didn't say anything as he placed Ronald's arm underfoot and continued to break each individual finger to such a degree that bone protruded through flesh. Pulling a blade from his coat, he plunged it deep into the stone pinning the helpless whelp. Ronald's screams pierced our ears, but was once again cut short by Jackal's fist. I didn't mind what Jackal did but the scene before me was beyond his usual norm. It seemed that he was releasing a long held anger upon the man as the rest of us stood motionless and unable to willingly interfere.

Turning his back to Ronald, Jackal turned his gaze to Orion who fluttered to the sky upon hearing his unspoken command. "Run along and tell your new friends what will happen if they oppose me," his eyes turned to the sky, "before you depart here is a little advice. I'd run as fast as your feet will go because the woods are dangerous at night."

Taking the hint when the blade that pinned him disappeared, Ronald slowly got to his feet cradling his recent adornment close to his chest. Without so much as a second glance, he scurried into the maw of the dark woods like a mouse seeking shelter from a cat. The sound of twigs and leaf litter being crushed underfoot slowly faded as our camp once again returned to silence. I watched as Jackal made his way to stand before the other captive when a faint scream that sounded like that of a newborn babe mixed with a dying cow filled the air. All of knew finally understood why he went through such lengths to bring the man here, a small hunt for Orion.

I made my way over to my love as my mind became filled with confused anger at what transpired between him and the mongrel. I stood between him and the lad hoping to prevent another scene like the one before especially if information could be gained. Jackal sighed when he looked into my determined eyes, "He deserved everything that happened. People like him never truly learn without a firm hand to guide them."

"That being said,'' he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me close to him, "I am truly sorry for what you saw. I know I may have overdone his torment but seeing him once again made me think of what he did in Siegfried. Will you forgive me?"

I didn't say anything as I stared into his mismatched eyes and saw that he truly meant his words. Personally, I would have done far worse to the bastard for what he had done to poor Celeste. Sighing, "I will, but just this once."

Jackal smiled, placing his head against mine and kissed me before turning his attention to the captive. The poor lad was as pale as a blank canvas staring up at Jackal who towered over him like some harbinger of doom. I felt a tad sorry for the lad knowing that most in his position would piss themselves, faint, or possibly both. Ever since I first met him, Jackal had always carried that kind of aura and grim gaze with him. Though I will admit there are times when his eyes had an inviting warmth to them.

Jackal spoke calmly as Orion perched upon his shoulder with an eye that shined in the fire light between his beak before downing it, "Now what should I do about you? Maybe go through your memories and find what I seek before allowing Orion his fun. Tie you to a tree and try to hit an apple off your head blindfolded, or should I simply kill you and leave your corpse for the dryads to claim."

The lad went even paler than possible as he stared into Jackal's eyes. "W-with…without shadows there can be n-no light," the boy muttered as he closed his eyes so tight that his face looked deformed.

"And without light there can be no shadows," he finished the saying. 

I watched as the boy cautiously turned to look at Jackal who looked to be analyzing him at the same time. "I do not know your face nor have I met you before," he muttered after some time, "so tell me, how is it that you know those words? Little advice before you answer, I'll know if you're lying to me."

The boy just shook his head, "My…my father told me to say those words when I met you, Octavius Crowley."

I watched Jackal hold up a silver ring with a ruby embedded in the center,  "Though I don't sense falsehood in your claims, how am I supposed to believe you? Do you have proof?" 

The boy dung into his shirt searching for something under Jackal's unyielding gaze. After a moment, a single pendant of a crest was displayed in the boy's bound hands. The crest looked to be that of an oak made out of shields and tassels of ribbon as a single dot sat on either side. Little golden arrows were stuck in most of the shields like some knight set on holding the line for his comrades. At the center of the shielded oak was a small gilded green heart untouched by the arrows.

The lad practically pleaded for belief in his words as he held the crest in shaking hands, "He told me to show you this as proof. Gods, I swear upon his name that it's true."

Jackal took the pendant from the boy's neck and held it close. I watched as his eyes darted from left to right, up and down, analyzing it. "This is Octavius's crest alright, the house of the impenetrable oak," the bindings faded away, "Tell me, why isn't your father here in your stead? Start with your name, please."

The boy spoke in a more docile manner than before, "My name is Isaac and father volunteered me to follow that man after receiving your message. He stayed in Westbrook to keep an eye on those that stayed behind and the ringleader. He wishes for you to meet him there at the alehouse. That's all I was told before departing."

Jackal turned to Orion who fluttered his wings upon receiving his unspoken orders. We watched as he spiraled through the air before fading within the night sky. I turned to Jackal as curiosity got the better of me, "What are you planning?" 

The night became silent once more as Jackal considered his options. Surprisingly, it was Isaac who broke the silence as he knelt before Jackal. He spoke with the respective tone a newly knighted acolyte would take,  "I await your orders, my Lord."

Jackal just chuckled as he stood up and walked by Isaac without responding to such formalities. The poor boy had a confused look on his face when he looked for reassuring eyes that his life was no longer in peril and that his words were believed. The boy's body trembled and sweat poured from his brow when Jackal's hand fell on his shoulder. In a way, I felt sorry for the lad because I knew how Jackal was with new shadows out and about Aquera. I tilted my head and crossed my arms while starring at Jackal who mouthed sorry. 

Jackal sighed before speaking his mind as he often did when it came to such situations, "I see your father hasn't told you that I am not a Lord, but a simple man. If you wish to be of use to me, please speak freely in a manner that is of more comfort. I am not a noble so I wish to not be treated as such. As your first command, I simply wish for you to regain your strength and take time to heal your wounds…" 

Jackal made his way to the tree that I once watched from, "at first light we'll make for Westbrook only stopping to allow the horses to rest." 

The following morning I was roused awake by Freya shoving me as she spoke in a panicked tone. At first, I didn't really understand what she was saying; I wanted to remain in the pleasant dream of a possible future. Jackal and I had moved from Siegfried to a wooden cottage that overlooked a beautiful waterfall. On either side was a forest of green as far as the eyes could see with a pleasant flower garden in the back. The last image I saw before waking was that of me sitting in a chair as Jackal hovered over my shoulder. Our eyes gazed upon the swaddled babe in my arms. It was the sort of dream that everyone in love never truly wished to end for fear that love would be torn asunder.

Freya nudged my shoulder a little harder as the dream faded away and her words were finally heard, "Einor is missing!"

Sitting up, the velvet blanket slid from my shoulders as the fingers of the morning wind brushed against my skin. Rubbing my eyes, I looked at Freya who seemed caught off guard by something. Taking in the cold air, "What about Jackal?"

Freya repeated her words after snapping free of whatever held her gaze, "Einor is missing along with Isaac. We've searched everywhere, but without luck. Veronica asked me to come wake you and see if he told you anything."

[(That bastard…more than likely went on to Westbrook while the rest of us were asleep.)]

I shook my head trying to get the drowsiness to disappear before standing. I stood and allowed the blanket to fall free, "Westbrook, probably he's there. Have everyone gather their things and ready to set out in five minutes." 

The gates of Westbrook loomed overhead as the smell of the sea filled out noses. Being one of the three ports of Athax Frein, Westbrook was a center of trade between the countries. Goods such as alchemical ingredients like Iagoom, small red mushrooms that act as a healing agent once mixed with Lilacs and made into a paste, grew in northern parts of Vusta along the coast. As we walked the street, ships flying different colors of the kingdoms they served unloaded boxes onto their respective docks to be processed and sent to their final destinations. The ports were of neutrality meaning no kingdom owned them. That being the case, tempers do tend to run high every once in a while especially when drink is involved.

For a port, the atmosphere seemed to be intense and the people that usually greeted possible patrons were suspiciously wary of our presence. Eyes watched as we passed by and conversations being held stopped in mid sentence. I watched as gestures were sent our way especially to the beastmen in our band of misfits. I took note of the growing group that followed some distance behind as we made our way to the central building where two figures waited. When we neared, a man dressed in an exquisite doublet of reddish gray with a white buttoned petticoat underneath stood as if waiting for us. Beside the man was the familiar figure of Isaac bound in chains.

Zeke reined his stead beside me, "They've got the way back blocked on all sides. We'll have to fight our way out unless you have any ideas."

I didn't say anything as I searched for any signs of Jackal. With no luck, my attention fell upon Isaac. His face was beaten to the point that his left eye was a swollen purple. Dried blood caked from open wounds as his clothes were in tatters from hair thin cuts and charred markings along the arms. It was obvious that the lad had been tortured, but for what reason would lead to such treatment? It was a question that none of us would know until later. We stopped at the steps of the building that looked more of church than house. As I looked up at the man, I noted that a black raven was perched on one of the steeples that overlooked the port. Its right eye had a faint crimson to it as the bird fluttered its wings. 

[(So…you're here somewhere watching in the shadows. We're still going to have a long talk later.)]

"I told you, I didn't steal any shipment. I was just in the area taking a leak," Isaac yelled as he saw our approach.

As a response, the man struck Isaac sending spittles of blood cascading to the ground. He roared "Silence thief, one more outburst and I'll kill you where you stand." 

The man turned toward us as the people that followed behind began to surround us until no escape was possible. He spoke in an authoritative yet meek tone,  "Welcome travelers to Westbrook, I am Lewis Gleeson the Lord of this fair port. Sorry for the hostility, but we have had our share of problems as of late. I'm afraid you have caught us at a bad time. That being said, I must ask that all weapons are to be handed over along with your beastmen."

"Don't do it!! He's in league with them!" Isaac yelled only to be struck once more. 

Spitting blood to the side he continued, "Your guards hit better than you." 

Isaac continued to insult the man as blows continued to strike him. I had to give the lad credit, he sure did live up to his family's name. [(House of the Impenetrable Oak wasn't an understatement.)]

From the corner of my eye, I saw a few townspeople look away in disgust at the beating taking place. I saw regret filled hostility toward their lord for acting in such a manner unfit for a person of his standing. It was at this moment that I noticed the flags of Vaniel flapping in the calm breeze on top of several buildings instead of the neutral flag each port had. Interest took over as my eyes fell upon a group of Vaniel soldiers disgusted as vagabonds made their way toward us. Looking to the sea, a number of ships flew Vaniel's flag. 

I wasn't the only one that took notice as Casteilla spoke, "I smell blood in the air from all around us. Most of it smells old while the boy's is freshest. We need to find my Kin-Killer and fast."

Turning toward her, I saw that her eyes were focused into the crowd. I followed her gaze and saw faint glimpses of armed troops stalking forward as they blended in with the rags of the common folk. Like serpents, they slithered between gaps of the gathered mob who watched the continued beating Isaac took. My mind began to work its magic as all the signs started to align which left no doubt that Westbrook was the center of the unneeded destruction. It seemed that Vaniel wasn't the only ones operating in Westbrook and had to disguise as a denizens in order to keep appearances. Whether these new figures were bandits or more disguised troops, I couldn't be sure but one thing that was clear was that a blood bath was fixing to take place.

Turning my attention to the man Lewis, "Our weapons and the beastmen stay where they are. More importantly, you say that the lad next to you stole a shipment. When did it occur? What was taken? What evidence do you have to prosecute him in such a manner?" 

Lewis just chuckled as he descended the steps, "I have no reason or possible purpose to tell you such details, Knife-Ear. The suspect will in time confess his sins so that justice could be served."

He stopped and stared at me as a disgusting expression flashed upon his face, "You're in league with him aren't you! People of Westbrook it appears that more bandits have come to take what they please. Will you let them get away with it or will you take charge and stop it before…"

I had enough and punched the man squarely in the nose. His eyes became small fires as he saw the blood plastered on his hand, "My fair people the bandits have shown colors and committed the first strike against our lives. Will you join me in preventing them from going even further with their rampage?"

As a response, many of the crowd came forward with makeshift weapons in hand ready to strike us down. As they did, I took note that Isaac had managed to sneak his way behind Lewis and wrapped the chain around his neck sending them in a fit of thrashing limbs. With my attention elsewhere, a cowardly mongrel brought his blade down to strike my chest. The sound of metal striking metal rang out in front of me as a cloaked figure stood before me with an all too familiar scythe in hand. Jackal chuckled as he pushed the assailant back and brought the blunt end of Morrigon across his face. 

Stepping to the side, Jackal swatted a spear mid flight out of the way. A wall of shadow rose from the ground and intercepted a plethora of arrows, "Make for the port! Our ship is waiting for us." 

Veronica made her way to stand next to her brother as she cut a path using the scabbard of her blade hoping to only injure the townspeople. The two shared a look for a moment as they continued to take on the main brunt of the mob which continued to grow in number. I knocked a woman from my horse as I searched for a path to freedom. Nothing but a river of people stood in our way as the blue horizon mocked us. If our current state continued, we would be killed before reaching Vusta or would be forced to kill. Suddenly, walls of both black and crimson flames roared to life forcing a path to be cleared through the mob. 

I heard Veronica roar behind me, "Get going, now!"

Spurring the black mare, I led the others down the path dodging arrows and makeshift projectiles as we went. Looking back, I was amazed that Isaac, still bound and beaten, had tossed an unconscious Lewis on a gray stead and rode alongside me. He smiled as he nodded, "Follow me, try not to get lost."

I locked eyes with Zeke and Scarlett who held a shield scavenged from the mob blocking projectiles as Zeke steered the horse. Shrugging, the three of us shared a laugh as we quickened our pace. We continued to press on making any who stood in our path jump to either side so as to not be trampled under hoofs and wheels. The sea was in sight and just a stone's throw away that made my mind somewhat at ease. It looked as if we would make it, but that hope quickly faded as a blockade of carts and armed men came into sight.

Seeing it, Isaac took a quick left between what looked to be the remnants of stalls and a bakery long boarded up. Looking back to ensure that the carriage had made the turn, my heart screamed as it went on two wheels, but Ulf's reflexes ensured it stayed upright. He and Luca sat in the seat taking turns steering the horses while the other used the kite shield to keep unwanted arrows at bay. Both looked to be laughing as they drew closer just like the three children who rode inside, their laughs filling my ears. I just smiled and shook my head in disbelief when our eyes met.

[(Only Jackal would trust such people to drive a carriage.)]

After a few more turns and brushes with death, a lone ship was in our reach. Urging my horse forward, I rode beside Isaac who was starting to turn pale. "Hang in there Isaac, we're about there," I gave the lad a smile to try and reassure him. He just smiled as the clatter of hooves on wooden planks sounded around us. 

Looking forward, I admired the ship chosen for our voyage across the Avonwall Fjord that branched into the Ironfail. It looked to be a carrack as three masts stood tall flying the colors of the Beastdom and Ironclad on the outer masts while the middle flew a flag with a wolf chasing its tail as a white sun shined in the background. Three rolls of cannons lined the hull that was elegantly painted a mixture of gold, crimson, and turquoise with splotches of white that resembled falling feathers. Blue sails flapped in the wind waiting to be set free and feel the sea breeze once more. A ramp leading up to the deck awaited us as did armed men dressed in spoils of conquest, bandits.

As we neared, I saw two figures surrounded and outnumbered by the hoard yet continued to fight off the miserable mongrels. The first was that of an Orc clad in a blue flannel shirt underneath a purple jerkin. A tan overcoat hung from his shoulders while a crimson garlet held his tattered black trousers in place. In his hands, he wielded a cutlass and a small spiked morning star that broke through armor. Strapped to a bandolier across his chest, were four things that looked like handheld cannons with metal grips and a place to put a finger. A cigar hung from his mouth as a plume of gray smoke wafted around his head. I watched in awe as he cleaved two bandits in half with one swing of his blade and shattered a shield with the spiked mace. 

With his attention in front of him, the Orc didn't see the danger that approached from behind. Seeking a free kill, an Alris woman clad in leather charged forward with a pike in hand ready to skewer the pig. Suddenly, a staff knocked it to the side as a cloaked figure lunged at the woman like a hungry wolf. I watched as the figure spun the length of the pike driving a dagger through the crack between helm and cuirass. The figure looked toward us as we approached and smiled ignoring the bandits closing in. From what I could see under its hood, the figure was a man that could've been in his fiftieth winter yet moved as if younger with a graying goatee that hung to the center of his chest and was braided with red beads.

From my left, Isaac roared as he charged his stead into the fray taking out a couple sorry louts that didn't move in time. I watched as he continued forward and up the ramp without stopping to look behind him. Hesitantly I slowed just a little, if any of our horses were severely injured then some of us would have to walk or ride atop the carriage. This wouldn't be ideal because the added weight or looking to make sure everyone was still together would slow us down. More and more bandits began to enter the fray as their numbers began to quickly surround the Orc and man. 

[(Screw it!)]

I looked to Ulf and yelled, "Get that carriage on the ship! I'll help hold them off!"

Spurring the mare, I charged forward crumbling over unfortunate souls to slow to jump out of the way. I pulled Sylla from her slumber as I jumped from my horse and blocked the path of ten bandits that tried to follow Isaac. Cutting two down, I rolled forward underneath a swung ax and drove Sylla into a poor archer mid drawback. A blade swung toward me from either side causing me to fall hard to the ground to avoid my head from being severed. As I rose to my feet, I blocked another blade wielded by a graying Farkas. In our stalemate, I looked to the ramp and saw Ruben releasing arrow after arrow as Xeth moved in a rhythmic dance as she slashed and blasted a plethora of spells from each affinity known to the world while Ulf slammed his shield into those not fallen by his flail.

Bringing my foot up, I kicked the Farkas in his crotch then drove the pommel of my blade in the back of his neck. I smiled as I admired the unison that the knights had with one another in the heat of battle. It reminded me of the battles my siblings and I fought long ago in defense of our father. Those were trying times that paved the path I walked now and a constant reminder of what betrayal felt like. Sighing, I continued my fight taking down another four brigands in quick succession as I made my way closer to the Orc. 

Parrying a sword to the side, "I'm guessing you're the one taking us to Vusta. If so, we need to hurry and depart before more come along."

The Orc just chuckled a hearty laugh as he fired one of the handheld cannons into a group of reinforcements coming from the west. A small explosion boomed as dust and bodies blew everywhere. Still, more people continued forward as we made our way up the ramp hoping to stop our departure. Daggers struck two charging brigands in the throat while a third was impaled several times with precise accuracy before finding a boot to her chest. The pig stopped half way and pulled something from his coat that looked like a large red candle and lit it with his cigar before walking the rest of the way. 

"I'd cover my ears if I were you lassie," he chuckled as he made his way past me followed by the cloaked figure who bowed before leaving.

A sudden explosion rocked my ears as the ramp underfoot began to move without the stability of the pier. Hurrying, I jumped to the deck as the ramp sunk into the water beneath as the ship began to move from port. My body came to a stop against a wooden crate as heat from the blast licked my hide. I felt sick to my stomach and the air knocked free of my lungs accompanied by a constant ring in my ears. As I laid staring up at the blue sky, I took a moment to catch my breath and allow the ringing in my ears to subside. 

[(He did say cover my ears.)]

"We made it," Luca's voice replaced the fading ring as he extended an arm to me. 

Pulling me to my feet, "Not bad for a Ljósálfar, still could use a little work on your landing." 

The port became a small dot lodged in the horizon of crashing waves on either side of the ship and the descending sun. Salt kissed my nose as I leaned against the railing watching for any signs of Jackal or Orion. He along with Veronica stayed behind to ensure that there was enough time to reach the port and haven't been seen for almost an hour since our departure. To say I was worried was an understatement, I knew he could handle himself, but I still worried especially with Veronica. Her tears she shed and the words she spoke did seem genuine, but deceit can take any form; a fact I know all too well. Sighing, I closed my eyes and stared up at the sun as the wind blew through my hair.

[(Jackal would know if she tried anything. Then again, his mind has been clouded since her arrival in Siegfried. Besides, I should think about how to tell him of the dream last night. I wouldn't mind having children, but would he? Plus it would be nice to settle somewhere away from the busy streets of Siegfried for a time at least.)]

As day turned to night, there were still no signs of Jackal or the others. Worry began to set in and grew ever more as the young princess began pacing the length of the deck trying to come up with an excuse to tell her father about the absence of Jackal. For one reason or another, Jackal was to be one of the escorts for Ashe's return. I was starting to get annoyed by her constant pacing that I was tempted to bind her until we reached Vusta. I was about to confront her when I noticed Freya standing beside me staring out to sea.

"He's happy, ya know?" she whispered so that only the two of us heard what was said. 

I was about to ask who she was referring to but she continued, "Einor or Jackal, whatever you wish to call him. He seems happy every time you're around him." 

She smiled as she turned to look into my eyes, "The way he smiles reminds me of when we were children playing in uncle's yard or in the training grounds. He used to have the biggest of smiles that could wipe away any pain. I remember his smile when he would get into fights defending Veronica or me."

I couldn't help but smile as I looked toward the moon, "I just try to make life easier for him. As you know, he hasn't truly had a life before. To be honest, when I first met him I thought he was just another menace trying to get himself killed. I saw the way he treated visitors to Siegfried and the torment he inflicted. There were many times that I went to the elders to convince them to force him to leave, but turned away each time." 

Freya looked at me as she asked, "What changed from then? I don't mean to ask personal questions. It's just that I see the way you look at him now, how both of you depend on one another." 

Freya quickly retorted, "Sorry! Sometimes I let my mouth speak before thinking."

Shaking my head, "There isn't a need to apologize. Sigh…I guess things started to change when Momma Joan came to my shop looking for a healing tonic for her old bones. She had done this for three days straight and sometimes multiple times a day. I was worried that she had become addicted to my brew and wanted to help her break free." 

I smiled, "It was then that she told me the truth. She told me that they were for Jackal who constantly got into mischief for noble reasons. He had taken a stand against the ruffians that brought disorder to Siegfried. I didn't believe it at first, but then came the rumors of some guardian spirit."

The event that came days after flashed before my eyes as I continued my tale, "I believe it was a couple of days after this confession that I was doing my daily routine when the door to the shop slammed open. Looking from some inventory sheets, I had discovered a few ruffians had broken in and began to take all my goods. I tried to stop them but I was unable to do anything as they pinned me against the wall. I remember feeling cold steel travel my flesh only to stop just below my waist. I remember praying for someone to help me." 

Feeling my shoulder, "Fortunately the gods answered, I remember screams coming from behind the one that held me in place only to see Jackal standing over three unconscious bastards and the screams of the one that tried to use me as a shield as he was sucked down into darkness. I guess you could say it was then that feelings began to form."

Freya just chuckled as if a long-forgotten memory resurfaced, "He always did want to save a damsel like the heroes in the stories he read. He would have either Veronica or me play the role whenever we played out the stories. I am glad he finally got to fulfill that dream." 

[(I can just imagine Jackal in his youth.)]

"Then there was that time when Zeke," I nodded to the man slumped over asleep with Scarlett laying beside him with her head on his lap, "came bursting into my shop with him. Jackal was close to death and losing blood fast. Zeke wasn't in a better state as well however he begged that I look after Jackal first so I did. To this day, I still don't truly know what had happened except for the involvement of an Aranea den."

[(And that Jackal had somehow adopted a spiderling as his daughter. I wonder if he saw Isho in the underground then again he doesn't know that I knew of her existence. I wonder if she still has that tea set I gave her on one of my visits.)]

Suddenly, the sound of large wings flapping filled the night air as a monstrous roar called from above. Regrouping with the others, Freya and I looked from the stern of the ship to see what was responsible. Stars could be seen as the moon shined bright against the calm waves, undisturbed as we continued forward. Surveying the sky, I pointed to a patch of darkness covering the stars a few yards away and closing in fast. Fear began to set in as another roar filled the night once more. A fear that grew even more as piercing red eyes became visible and black scales shimmered in the moonlight.

With a powerful gust of wind, a black wyvern landed between the first and middle masts. Wyverns are lesser dragons that live off the remains of their elder siblings and what prey they could manage to kill. That being the case, they are still dangerous because of their tendency to be crafty bastards. With poisonous breath and most with a spiked tail, they are unpredictable creatures that few could kill. Unlike most dragons, they had slender bodies and walked on two legs. Jackal and Veronica slid from either side as the wyvern changed into a black cat. Meeting him halfway, he placed a hand around my waist and kissed me.

I leaned against the railing of the crow's nest where a lookout would watch the sea for land or potential enemy boats. From here, one could see for miles of the open sea and truly feel the salted air. The wind was a calm breeze that fluttered through my hair as the moon bore down upon the calm blue underneath. I had climbed up here to be alone with my thoughts away from the others. My mind spun in an infinite loop returning to the past memories of my siblings and the betrayal of one close to us. Seeing such teamwork earlier had truly brought back such memories, all good until that night.

Sighing, I closed my eyes as the memories of my youth flashed before my mind's eye. I remember the days my brothers, sister and I trained in the arena with the knights as our father watched from the balcony. The four of us would always see who could run the gauntlet, an obstacle course that tested one's body, the fastest or see which could hit the most targets in under a few moments. My favorite had always been seeing which of us could last the longest under the magical aura of our mother. How she would laugh as each of us gleefully stepped forward and almost immediately fell on our asses. I had always come in last but still enjoyed the time we spent together. 

I remembered the night we were called to arms to fend off Vaniel soldiers that besieged our home. The warm blood smeared across my body and the smell of smoke as the manor and nearby village burned. We were one of the first renowned families along with those that worked under my father to leave Vusta and settle on another continent that unfortunately was part of the Vaniel Empire. Since we could hold a sword, we swore to protect our home and the village people no matter the cost. A cost that came like the strongest of storms and a betrayal so unexpected which pierced our hearts like any blade.

We had taken shelter in the manor as Vaniel troops tried to break the grand door of the entrance down. I remember my father calling us to his study for a controllable environment to launch a counterattack only to find a Vaniel commander sitting at his desk while he stood to the side with a grim face unnatural for him. From behind me, the horrifying screams of my sister took my breath away as I turned in time to watch her pinned to the ground by two burly men who proceeded to tear the clothes from her body. The gasps of air escaping my brothers from the blades piercing their bodies became intertwined with the pleas of my eldest sister. Pleas which fell on my father's deaf ears as he looked away; unable to watch what was becoming of his children.

I found myself just like my sister pinned to the ground and clothes being cut free, exposing my body. The cold steel traveling down my neck and stopping just at the center of my chest leaving a trail of warmth behind. Just like my sister, my eyes were avoided by my father who trembled where he stood like some well trained dog. I remember praying for someone to help me before my world was enveloped in darkness. I awoke on a small boat as the kingdom filled with howls of death burned behind the figure of Clarissa, the family maid, who was bloodied yet still rowed the vessel far away from shore.

I felt the chilled wind run the length of my spine reminding me of my past that was willed to the back of my mind, never to see the light of day again. A chill that I wished to rid myself of for far too long yet unable to do so. I was once again that same little girl all alone after running aground on some far off land while Clarissa's lifeless corpse still held the oars. She had just enough strength to get me far away from home. For the next five years, I survived living off the scraps that no one wanted or what I could steal. I had been struck, beaten and abused during that time as I roamed the streets like some vagabond. Sometime later, I found myself in a ditch ready for death's embrace only to be saved by Momma Joan and a human, Zachariah VonKnight.

A warm embrace blocked the wind as I felt my body begin to warm. Opening my eyes, I felt the smooth leather and small metal rings that reflected the moon. A calming voice spoke beside me, "You've been up here for awhile, I was getting worried. Are you alright, my love?" 

Both startled and relieved, I turned to the source of the voice that comforted me in my times of need. Standing beside me with his back against the rail was none other than Jackal who placed mugs of warm liquid between us. His porcelain skin blended with the moon which made his eyes sparkle like two unknown orbs of light. I still found it somewhat unbelievable that he was actually the offspring of the man that saved me long ago. Pulling his jacket closed, I fell into his arms that where always there to catch me without fail.

I answered as he held me close, "I'm fine, just wanted to be alone with my thoughts. Is everything ok? How long have I been up here?"

Jackal sighed out of relief and held me so close that I heard his heartbeat. He whispered, "Everything is fine down below. Zeke and Scar are sound asleep in their chambers below deck. Ulf, Luca, Ruben and Xeth are playing dice to pass the time for now anyway. Ruben is losing like always and is down to his undergarments. The children are passed out in Luca's cabin with Orion held in their arms. Casteilla and the little fox are going over parchments with Freya while Veronica is looking after our captive."

"What of Isaac?" I interrupted as I stared into Jackal's eyes.

He just smiled, "He is resting in his quarters while his father is looking after him. We gave him a potion to help ease his injuries and allow him well deserved hours of sleep. That boy reminds me of his father when I met him five years ago in Stonewall. Both are arrogant bastards that keep pushing forward no matter the damage they take." 

Jackal chuckled for a few moments before his tone became serious, "To answer your last question, you've been up here for almost three hours. Everyone has been worried about you and that goes for Freya, Veronica and the others."

I smiled and pulled away from him to look up at the shimmering stars. Sighing, I put my hands in the coat pockets only to discover something in the right one. It felt like a little square box of some sort wrapped in a soft cloth. I pulled out the object while looking at Jackal from the corner of my eye who was in thought and discovered that my guess was correct. It was a little box covered in a purplish crimson cloth that felt soft to the touch. Curious, I placed it against my ear and shook it only to hear a rattle of sorts within. I could only imagine what he had gotten me and the trouble he went through to keep it hidden until this moment.

[(Possibly a matching pendant to go with the one mother gave me.)]

My heart fluttered as each thud became quicker and quicker like a horse free to roam the land as it saw fit. Inside the small box on velvet cloth, a gold ring rested that glimmered under the moon's gaze. Three beautiful jewels sat nicely in their beds for all to see, the outer two gems were emeralds as green as my eyes while the center was a sapphire as blue as a new day's sky. Upon closer inspection, tiny thorns etched in silver clung throughout the ring until the center gem as if it were a freshly plucked rose. I looked at Jackal who had a grin spread on his face as he nodded. Taking a breath, I pulled the ring free from its slumber so delicately as if it would break with the slightest of pressure. I smiled even more as I held the ring between my fingers and read the words Te Amo engraved in its center.

"I know you already said yes," Jackal spoke as he took the ring in one hand and my right hand in the other, "but I wanted to properly ask again." 

He got down on one knee, an action he never did, without looking away from my eyes. Placing the ring on my finger, "Nyxis Zumna Aquarius, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?"

Tears ran down my cheek as I spoke the words that I truly believed, "Yes…yes I'll be your bride without so much as a hesitant guess." 

Jackal just smiled as he pulled me to him and held me as we stared at the sea around us. "I had a dream last night," I thought now was a good time, "I dreamt that the two of us had moved to a wooden cabin that overlooked a waterfall surrounded by trees. I then saw myself sitting in a chair with you behind me as we stared down at a swaddled babe."

Jackal just chuckled, "Not even truly married yet and thinking of children." 

I was starting to worry as he continued to laugh at my words, but that faded away soon after. He took a moment's breath, "It would be an honor for you to bear my children. That being said, I have something of my own to tell you. What would you say if I told you that I had a daughter not by blood, but one I had adopted long ago? What if I told you she was not human, elf or beastmen, but a monster? An Arachne?"

 "Are you referring to Isho?" I asked. 

Jackal looked down at me with a confused look like a child learning how to use the bathroom on their own or a newly hired chef making exquisite food for nobility. Looking into his eyes, I saw that his mind was at work straining to figure out how I knew such a thing. Afterall, he had went through a great deal to keep the knowledge of the Undercroft from everyone in order to avoid bloodshed. I always enjoyed watching his mind trying to process things he thought I had no knowledge about. Like right at this moment, I could've sworn I saw smoke spew from his ears. 

I chuckled as I laid my head on his shoulder, "You have your ways of knowing things and I have mine. I'll remind you that Beatrice Hunnington is not only one of my patrons, but a long time friend since the academy."

Sighing, Jackal seemed to be a little more relieved as if a weight had been cast from his shoulders. He placed his head against mine, "Then I'm guessing you know about the Undercroft as well and what its residents consider me. Tell me, how do you feel learning about everything? Do you feel betrayed for not telling you sooner?"

I didn't say anything for a few moments allowing my thoughts to gather. My mind swam with the mixed feelings I felt upon learning such a thing. We had first started dating when I was told this truth by Beatrice; about how the man beside me was the imprisoned nephew of Ironclad's king. I remembered the meetings I happened upon with Willem Lloyd and the vampire known as the Madame. It was them that first told me of Jackal's past followed by Momma Joan when I asked her. Down the line, Jackal had finally come to me with truths in tow. 

Sighing, "At first I was a little offended that you kept such a secret from me, but deep down I guess you could say I had already known."

"How so?" Jackal asked, brushing his fingers through my hair. 

I just smiled recounting what had occurred when he was left in my care. I remembered catching glimpses of eight little eyes peering in the window whenever changing bloodied bandages and applying more tonic to rid infection. The many nights I returned home after running an errand or making house calls to find a little spiderling lounging on my roof basking in the moonlight without a care over the room Jackal was recovering in. At first, I was terrified at first but after several nights I didn't feel any hostility coming from the little monster. Instead hostility, I felt a calm understanding within those eyes.

I told Jackal of the times when it was storming that I allowed the little spiderling into the room through the window or backdoor sheltering it from the rain. I told him of the many one-sided talks we shared and of the sketches I drew in my journal whenever I had no customer. Most of my works during that time were of Isho resting on the chest of an unconscious Jackal or of her eating roasted pork from a plate. Drawings that showcased a form of trust between monster and man. The times I often laughed at how Isho would dance to the music coming from my mother's music box. 

[(She was so excited when I gifted it to her when we first met in the Undercroft after her evolution to an Arachne.)]

Sighing, I looked to Jackal who just stared out over the vast sea. Smiling, "As for how they think of you, I think it suits you. I have been told many times about those you saved, those you spared, and those you welcomed to the Undercroft's inner circle. The Madame, for example, told me of the time you acted as a caravan guard when she first began branching trade for the Undercroft in its beginning. She told me about how you stood against Paladins of Lokdis and how you were like a rampaging storm taking all who stood in your way." 

Lokdis the God of Order was one of the newer gods thought to sit on a glass throne as he watched his followers. Followers that thought monsters and beastmen were a plague upon the world that needed to be wiped away before true order could take place. They also acted as hired clergy that rid the world of specters and infernals. In my opinion, they were nothing but brigands using the name of a god to justify their actions. I was glad to hear that someone wasn't afraid to stand against them, especially for what they do to those suspected to be in league with monsters or harboring suspected beastmen.

Jackal chuckled when I finished my tale, "I bet she told you that I allowed her to feed upon me to regain her strength. About how I slit my own forearm and placed it against her lips."

"She may have mentioned it once or twice," I chuckled, kissing his cheek. The both of us just stood there holding one another as the moon hung at its apex. 

[(Whatever the future may hold, I know we can get through it together. Isn't that what you always said, sister?)]

For four long hard days, we sailed the Avonwall that flowed into the Ironfail Ocean. Four long grueling days spent hounded by wave upon wave that clattered against the ship as if a giant's first step. We were plagued by harrowing storms with powerful winds making the sails flutter violently. Still we continued forward to the land beyond and the unknown enemy making moves in the shadows. The nation of beastmen, Vusta was now in our sights as the flags of Windstall Port blew in the horizon.

Birds chirped above as they fluttered in the calm winds of the earth mother. The sea life danced below as if our arrival was long awaited. A whale breached the surface to our right sending a large torrent of water onto the deck as it fell just feet away. Large fish swam along the surface and jumped through the air singing their song. I smiled looking at the lush green lands of Vusta waiting to be explored. This was my first time visiting Vusta which was of the places I had dreamt to see. 

"It is beautiful, isn't it?" Jackal asked as he stood beside me taking my hand into his. 

I didn't say anything as the sounds of cargo being unloaded, the shouts of workers as they hefted heavy boxes to their destination, and the calls of barter blended with the songs of birds. Looking at Jackal, I saw that he had a small smile on his face, "We are finally at Vusta: the Land of Beasts."
