
Mana Journal

Gifted but arrogantly self-assured mage Diojo Kawn, narrates his journey in the 'Mana Journal.' In the mystic lands of Nort Thrauna, he embarks on a quest to unravel the deepest truths of magic. But as Diojo delves into arcane mysteries, he faces not only dangerous foes and unique mana of each individual but also the risk of his own unravelling. Will his pursuit of knowledge lead to enlightenment or to a perilous path from which there is no return? 'Mana Journal' is a gripping tale of ambition, power, and the fine line between brilliance and madness.

Goldy_Penrose · แฟนตาซี
42 Chs

Journal entry: The Intricacies of Kinship

Home, a realm where the heart finds solace, transcends mere sentimental attachment. It stands as a static sanctuary, a constant in the flux of life. Yet, it's a sanctuary I find myself departing from eventually, as destiny weaves its unforeseen path. During my long awaited respite at home, an event unfolded, etching itself indelibly in my memory, marking the genesis of a journey both vast and majestic.

But before all that, Yiu—an enigma as perplexing as witnessing uncharted territories through the lens of my younger self. Holding her, I felt a dual sensation—heartwarming yet peculiar. Why should I, Diojo Kawn, feel a sense of responsibility for something so delicate, as though an extension of my own essence? 

It becomes apparent that your brother, oblivious to the world's oh so many truths, shares a kinship with your youthful innocence, although the vast chasm in our ages remains undeniable. My hope for her is to remain tethered to reality, a quality I find increasingly elusive as my aspirations stretch beyond the tangible.

Transitioning to more magnificent events, my father had seemingly attained a state of serenity and tranquility, despite occasional disruptions. Yet, maintaining this peace was a formidable task. Visitors rarely graced our abode, so the sudden appearance of a congregation at our doorstep at dawn was a startling surprise. Adorned in armor, mounted on majestic steeds, and accompanied by a resplendent carriage, each bore the insignia of House Kawn. The pride within the dark green and black checkered flag, a sword's blade submerged in a sea of flowers, surrounded by a vignette, was unmistakable even from a distance. Lammus Kawn, it seems, you got caught in a predicament.

A resonating proclamation broke the morning stillness, "Lammus Kawn, you and your family are expected at the Kawn Household. Refusal shall be met with coercion." I barely suppressed a laugh. My father's compliance was inevitable, yet this turn of events deepened my curiosity about his reluctance to discuss his familial ties. This was a chance to uncover long-veiled mysteries.

Memories of Sir Dubert recounting tales of my father's lineage came to mind, but the specifics always remained elusive. The Kawn Household, a lineage of near-royal stature, wielded significant power. In the king's absence, they assumed command, overseeing not just a segment but the entirety of the militia. Now, we found ourselves stepping into the grandeur of the Kawn estate, a place integral to my father's past.

The estate was a stark contrast to the lifestyle we were accustomed to, its opulence surpassing anything we had known. The expansive land was comparable in size to our forest. A paved path wound around a colossal fountain in the front garden, a welcoming gesture to any arriving guest. The meticulously trimmed bushes along the path formed smooth, elegant curves. A curious observation was the presence of multiple carriages parked nearby, indicating a gathering of significant size.

Upon our arrival, we were seamlessly ushered into the mansion by a cadre of attentive servants. The interior of the mansion mirrored its external magnificence, a testament to both antiquity and tradition. 

As we navigated through the hallways, I couldn't help but notice peculiar portraits lining the walls, each depicting unfamiliar faces that seemed to echo tales from a distant past. My own chamber, assigned to me for the duration of our stay, reflected the estate's lavishness.

However, amidst the opulence, it was the bed that offered a surprising oasis of comfort. As I lay down, the mattress yielded a perfect balance of support and softness, enveloping me in a cocoon of relaxation that seemed almost out of place in the grand scheme of the mansion. 

It was as if every fiber was designed to ease the burdens of the day, allowing me to sink into a rare state of tranquility. In stark contrast to the chamber's grandeur, this bed provided a comforting embrace, a reminder of the simple pleasures that often get overshadowed by external splendor.

Soon, an invitation to join a family luncheon arrived, interrupting my brief respite. The dining hall, while modest in appearance, radiated a welcoming atmosphere conducive to leisurely dining. The table itself was a marvel, stretching an extraordinary length to accommodate forty seats, with nineteen on each side and an additional chair at either end. 

We were seated near the end by the windows, providing a vantage point for observation. The hall was already bustling with a variety of relatives, their ages as diverse as their appearances, revealing the interconnected threads of our family tree.

As time passed, more family members streamed into the dining hall, yet two seats at the head of the table remained notably empty. The quiet buzz of conversation was abruptly interrupted by the arrival of the lady of the house. 

Lady Derratrix Kawn, also known as The Lady Dawn, commanded instant attention. Her age was difficult to discern, but her demeanor reflected the highest standards of etiquette and grace. Despite her stern and strict aura, she exuded a sense of benevolence toward those she deemed worthy. Her mere presence seemed to command respect, holding the power to bring the entire assembly to a respectful bow. Yet, an anticipatory silence hung in the air as she stood before her designated seat.

The cause for this collective pause became apparent as the entrance of the patriarch was heralded. In a synchronized motion, the entire assembly, including my parents and I behested by them, rose from our seats. The man who entered, distinguished by his white long undercut hair and a prominent beard, was the head of the Kawn family — my grandfather. 

His advanced age, surpassing even that of Sir Dubert, surprised me. His entrance into the dining hall was the first time I recognized someone with such an overwhelming sense of authority and formidability.

With a simple gesture from the patriarch, everyone resumed their seats, a moment of silent anticipation preceding the start of the meal. It was only after he delivered a lengthy and commanding speech, ending with the words "Let us feast!" that the banquet officially began. Unbeknownst to me at the time, this gathering was set to be more than just a family reunion; it was the start of a significant chapter in the family's history.