
Making A City In A World Full Of WARS

It all started when a young adult in his 20's named Marco Sedano died by a traffic accident when he got hit by a 16 wheeler truck. In a verge of dying he had wished to survive, for him to be able to participate in a war schedule against the Top 1 Team in the popular MMROPG game "KINGDOM WARS", played by billions of people around the world. It was his dream to defeat them and become the number one, but fate forbid him to do so. After dying he found himself lying face flat on the ground when, DING! "Welcome Player Marc! Please pick a specific class to start!" ============================ "Feotere"            "Hashashun" "Māj"                   "Tankū" "Helere"              "Archerie" "Byldere"            "Smiø" ============================ Am i still inside the game? I remember being hit by a truck... was it a dream? No, this is not a dream... How did i know? Well... WHY AM I BACK ON CLASS SELECTION?!

SupremeBeingJin · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 4: Crowdy Night

Amidst the chaos, a scary looking guy with his weird mustache and hairstyle, donning a clothe that sean never saw before.

That man silently approached him with his hands situated on his back. His expression was so calm and exceeds a murderous aura.

The young boy felt so powerless in front of that man vigor, the face of that terrifying man turned grim.. then he nonchantly took a out a strange weapon under his clothe and aimed it to the boy's head.


Swooooosh Slash!

"GET OUT OF HERE SEAN!", a loud voice shook the young boy from his core. He looked up and saw a familiar wide and reliable shoulders.

It was him,

"F-FATHER!", The trembling young boy cried out with teary eyes.

Before that moment.

His father, ferin. Attempting to save his one and only son, that is slowly being approached by a random man from a distance. He threw the axe that he was holding in his left hand with all his might and aimed at the enemy.

Wooosh wawawawawawa Thud!

Unfortunately that man managed to dodge by jumping backwards, Ferin used that chance to rush to his son's location.

Not only Fenrin, his wife was also aiming for that opening.

With her fast and nimble hands, his mother, theresa---quickly snatched sean away from danger, and left his husband without looking back. 'Cause she knew they were just gonna be deadweights for him if they've decided to stay there.

Seeing that his family is now on the run, a smile etched on Ferin's face. He retrieved his axe on the tree where it lands.

"Now, let's fight one on one you shithead!" The mysterious man snickered hearing ferin's request.

"RAAAH!" Ferin's attack missed and made a huge crack on the ground.

He attacked in bulk desperately trying to kill his opponent, but to no avail. Because of the fear of accidentally hitting innocent villager that his enemy use as shield from time to time, Fenrin can't go all out.

It has been 2 minutes since they started.

The mysterious man's comrades already surrounding him, strangely, they were just watching their fight, no one dares to interfere.

The reason for that is because, the one fighting Ferin right now was their boss. None other than, Adolf Hizler.

All of them showed a confused look, because their boss. Is powerful enough to end the life of his opponent without breaking a sweat. However, this time, that indifferent boss of them, is now playing with the life of a poor man in front of them.




All sorts of disturbing shouts and loud screaming of women ingulfed the village.

But only... there's only one thing that caught ferin's attention, and it was.


"Kekekeke i don't care about gold, the way that woman's body look, it is surely worth more than that"

"Kuukukukukuku i will be the first one to taste her"

Ferin stopped chasing after Hizler.

Completely enraged, his facial expression can't be illustrated even by the most skilled painter in this world.

Veins popping all over, he swished his axe behind where he heared those disgusting conversation.

Adolf smiled seeing the power of a father protecting his family. It made him aroused and crave for more. The lives of his men are disposable as they only use his notorius name to scare people weaker than them, so long as he is safe, it doesn't matter how many of his men dies.

"You fucking bastard!", frustatedly yelled by a random bastard.

Soon, ferin was attacked by group of marauders that was watching the fight. He stood his ground while protecting his wife and son's path behind him.


Rustle rustle

"Keep running sean! Don't ever stop!"

"But mother, father is still there!"

"I know! But we must make it out of here no matter what! In that way, you're father's sacrifice will not be in vain!"

Theresa and sean were crying as they run away from their beloved Father and burning village. The path they are treading was dark and it made them hit against trees multiple times, but they still stood up quickly after going down and run again.


Huff huff

"What is it mother?!"

"Aaaah!", sean tripped over a rock again and landed on his face hitting the ground.


"I'm okay! Let's continue!", when sean stated that, her mother quickly grasped his face and with worried look she commanded, "Sean my son listen!"

Sean notice a blood coming from her mother's flank as she pant and groaned. Sean new what her dear mother's gonna tell him and without compromising he said, "No mother! We can make it! You said it too... rigtht?! Father is sacrificing himself to let us live!", Sean was crying heavily as he please her mother to run wih him.

"Sean...my son... you have to run without me... ask for help... i will hold on until then" Theresa told her son with worried eyes, warm tone and a bitter smile on her face, as he look at his son's body full of bruise and face full of worry.

"But mother.." theresa didn't let her son finish what he is about to say and hugged him tightly as she can.

She kissed sean's forehead and whispered to him " I love you, my son."

Theresa brought out a knife in her pouch and yelled, "NOW! RUN SEAN! AND NEVER LOOK BACK!"

Sean had no choice but to follow her mother's orders even if it is against his will. But before running away he replied to his mother. "I LOVE YOU TOO, MOTHER! I SWEAR I WILL ASK FOR HELP! SO JUST WAIT FOR ME HERE AND LIVE!". Theresa can't help it and started bawling. She knew that this is the last time that she's gonna see her son. "I promise, now go!" Theresa said underneath her breath, and bit her lip as he look at his son running away after she told him a lie.


5, 10, 15, and now 20.

Fenrin, took down 20 men on his own. However, his stamina and strength now hit rock bottom. It makes Adolf frown and uninterested to him anymore.

'Haah...haah... my wife.. my son... i hope both of you are safe.. forgive this weak man for not being able to ensure your safety... i could only hope that you managed to get away... i will die here...'


As fenrin was in deep thought, an attack from a distance hit his chest. He lost his grip on the axe that he was holding and with his trembling hand-----he touched the part where the burning sensation is coming from.

"Blood....?" He fell down on his knees.

The tip of the strange weapon that hit fenrin released a smoke after a lightning fast object came out of it.

"Finish him and also his family, they won't get away that easily."

Hearing that order from their boss, elavate the bloodlust of his crew.

Some of them even licking their weapons while smiling, and some immediately rushed towards the direction of theresa and sean.

'Kuwahahahahahah! That woman's body is mine!"

'Let's have more fun tonight!"

Fenrin, died on his knees.

He suffered multiple stab, and a gunshot.

With him dead, the safety of his family is now in danger.

To be continued.