
Main God

Our Main character dies and seemingly travels back in time to his high school years. However what’s with the home room teacher having books slowly floating around them? Why are my classmates focused on how to effectively kill goblins? Isn’t it just World of Warcraft, a video game? (Basically reincarnated to a world where a VR game is the center of the world. This VR game encompasses all fiction on Earth, but what’s more surprising for the MC is technology, skills, and items can be brought out of the game.)

Seabass · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
10 Chs

Ch. 4

Zack feels bad leaving and disobeying his parents but he wants to lead them out of this life. He's sure with his newfound immortality and knowledge of works of fiction from his other life he will be able to get ahead in this life.

Sinking into the main god space in his seat he disappears as many do when they get on the bus. The great thing is if you enter the main god space you will return to the place you were even if it's a moving seat. Another feature Zack loves is no matter how much time you spend in a mission only three hours is spent in the real world. This doesn't include the auction and housing area though. Arriving in the place he left he goes and looks for the item he saw on the auction house.

[Mission space cool down card: brings the random cool down of the mission space to allow reincarnators to enter the space immediately. Price: 2,000 reincarnation points.]

He directly bought and used it. Feeling like spinning a prize wheel he waited for the next world to lock in.

[Next mission space locked in: Shinobi World. Time of the world: Between the second and third Shinobi World Wars.]

[Because of your +3 identity modifier you have the choice to create an identity as an 8 year old war orphan and enter the ninja school. Do you choose to do so?]

"Yes please."

Zack goes unconscious for the second time. He wakes up in a clearing filled with other eight year olds.

"Someone woke up early again, I hate talented people like you." A man wearing a Konoha head guard speaks up as Zack wakes up.

"This is the Shinobi World correct? Yes, this must be your first mission right? Good choice ninjutsu is a very comprehensive system."

Realizing the identity modifier is more powerful than he thought he quickly agrees, "Yes, I'm just about to leave for a college. Do you have any tips for this space?"

"Wait for everyone to wake up, I don't like repeating myself." The man says then pulls out a box of cigarettes and lights one up.

Zack speaks up after seeing this, "Can I bum a cig while we wait?"

"I don't give cigarettes to children." The man says with a grin.

Looking down at his body changed into an eight year old by his identity modifier, Zack thinks he really should have stopped at a gas station for a pack before getting on the bus.

Eventually everyone wakes up and they look excited.

"I'm finally in, time to conquer America!"

"Yeah right, you're probably still gonna be a nobody."

"Hey, let's set up a team when we spend enough time in this space, I heard if you put out a request sometimes the Hokage allows it."

"Sounds good, now I just need to buy information."

The group of children that are actually 17-20 year olds mutter excitably like they are actually as young as they look. But of course this is God's Gift where anyone can grow into a worldwide powerhouse that rules over others. People are bound to be excited. The newcomer guide calls everyone over explaining that they have the choice to choose a ninja village out of five.

It's not known which village is the best to join but if they are willing to sign a contract and pay him 100 reincarnation points at the end of the mission, he will give them inside information. About half of the kids buy the information and as they're listening to the man their voices are blocked by the space. When they finish one of the guys who bought the information stands out.

"Hey guys, I have a strategy as courtesy coming from my large family, the Culvers. If you want to get a C-level plot point in your first mission join me."

Quickly 75% of the kids join the big man. He tries to persuade the rest but none of them budge. They all have seem to have their own insider information and strategies. The guide claps his hands to finish this and the kids teleport to a caravan full of merchants and ninjas from all the villages.

"First stop Konoha, those who want to get off there please do. After that Sunagakure. Further stops will be determined."

Zack hears the Culver guy whispering to his group, "Get off at Konoha, that's where the hidden mission is."

Zack hopes whatever they do will not conflict with his plans in the slightest. He currently hopes to get the two BUG level abilities in Konoha, one is of course the Sharingan, but the other is something that shows up later in the anime called the first Hokage's, or Hashirama's cells. The only things is getting these requires approaching the most dangerous and difficult of the Sannin, Orochimaru.

His experiments supported by Danzo naturally have these materials, but convincing Orochimaru to perform these surgeries on him is not easy. Remembering something he read back in his past life Zack walks up to the novice guide.

"I have a deal for you."

"Oh, what could a newcomer like you have that would interest me?" The guide replies.

Zack motions him to a quieter place then continues speaking, "You should no longer be a novice reincarnator. You're at least a regular or senior right?"

"Yea, so what?"

"That means you have access to the auction house even in the mission space. I have a strategy that requires modern medical skills, if you buy one skill set and gift it to me I'll pay you back fully plus one extra C-level plot point and 500 reincarnation points. It's only a C-level plot point right?" Zack explains his situation.

"I'm only a regular reincarnator, C-level plot points are still valuable to me. What if your plan doesn't work out and you die, or you end up with no gains?"

"If I end up with no gains, in the space contract we set up, there would be a clause that would put me in debt to you until it's paid off. If I die... Well people generally don't die in the first mission of the ninja worlds now do they?"

"I'm taking a gamble on you, so I'm putting interest onto the debt if you can't pay it back by the end of this mission."

The guide swipes up in front of him, browses the auction house, finds what Zack needs and buys it. He has a painful expression on his face yet to get ahead in the space you often have to take bets. Furthermore when someone has an inside strategy they generally have a good background, this could be considered increasing his reputation among higher circles to some extent. Of course that is if Zack actually had a good background.

Pulling a medical textbook out the guide says with his sour face, "Just use it, I hope you succeed."

Under the space contract the guide has no worry on whether Zack will pay or not. It's just a matter of when Zack pays. Plus Zack already has one of the two needed C-level plot points needed to pay the guide back. He just doesn't have access to the auction house in missions yet. Zack picks up the textbook and uses it seeing the guide has already paid for it, a nice feature of the space, however with special rules to prevent abuse.

[Learned: Basic Modern Medical Knowledge.]

A flood of information on surgeries, medicines, diseases, and medical principles rush into his brain stunning him for a second. With the knowledge gained Zack is more confident to approach and gain Orochimaru's favor.

The caravan eventually arrives at Konoha and he gets off with the group surrounding the Culver guy. They head off and get signed up for the ninja academy, however Zack breaks off from the group before they arrive and get registered in village records.

He begins walking around questioning on the residence of Orochimaru and where to find him. Most villagers have a good opinion of Orochi as he hasn't rebeled against the village yet. Unfortunately no one knows where to find him. A few know of his 'house' but say he rarely spends any time there. At this point anbu hidden around the village have found out about Zack and reported to Orochimaru. As Zack arrives at Orochimaru's supposed residence he hears a cold voice behind him.