
Her very own Garden of Hope

A calm world is all what the maiden wants...a beautiful world of her...with the magic wands of pure dreams in heart...She wanders through flowers in the garden...She picks the flower of hope and sees the sky for a while...braiding her long hair...feeling the scent of the hope into her...She says to herself...that she has been through lot of crucials...the heart was at worry and a literal peace was all she needed at the moment...when there comes the crucial,there comes a Crescent in every move out of the crucials...she breathed out slowly...as soon as she woke up from the scent...The  fairy of hope came out of the flower and said " dear maiden...I can feel the soft and kind soul of yours...Your life shall become more mesmerising and wonderful as you are...thank you Lord Maiden for taking care of this Garden and discovering new seeds...from the Lord of Waters,i have got you a scroll of a mystery message...,the Lord of waters said..." You have a wonder mission and each mission shall be found in your own way...Look into the scroll and find the most interesting place that you always wanted to treasure here in this 'romance paradise' "...and the fairy of hope disappears

      the mystery shall be revealed soon...