
Magus of the Wizarding World

[A Harry Potter X Marvel Fanfic] After reincarnating into the body of a young Wizard on the Hogwarts Express. Matthew decided he wouldn't waste this second chance. He will explore the deepest secrets of the Universe on his path to power. Will he reach the peak with the help of his AI Chip or will he die trying. Follow Matthew on his next great Adventure. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For advanced Chapter consider supporting me on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Arrowinmyknee ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [ The Wizarding World and the Marvel Universe belong to their respective owners.]

Arrowinmyknee · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
143 Chs

Dark Souls?

Suddenly Matthew got pushed into the portal from behind and landed in a long Stone Corridor lit by torches. On the end of the Corridor waited a large dark brown Door for him. Matthew cast "Hectego!", while also maintaining his echolocation minimap.

He slowly started to walk through the corridor, as suddenly from his right side he heard a click, and a volley of arrows flew straight at his hexagon shield. His shield easily resisted the first attack without any loss in stability. While continuing through the corridor there were a few more arrow attacks, once even from every side. But his shield was able to block all of them.

Then Suddenly a hear a swish sound from the top, and flames attacked the topside of his shield. After a few seconds, they stopped. Matthew needed to recast his shield since the attacks wore it down considerably. With a fresh shield he continued to the door, as he reached the door he saw a turn to the left which wasn't visible before. He couldn't watch far into the corridor since there were no torches, it was completely dark.

Another Swish and a Black arrow approached his shield, his instinct told him to dodge. He barely managed to dodge the arrow as it shattered his shield. These were no normal arrows, they were apparently enchanted. He quickly tried to open the door into the next room but it was locked.

He quickly jumped backward back into the corridor as he just heard another arrow, impacting the wall just behind where he stood moments ago.

"That was Dangerous." He breathed out as he tried to summon the arrow with an accio. It didn't work. He tried to levitate it, which also didn't work. After trying to cast the Spells on something else, he concluded that really only self-created spells were working in this place. "How does this even work? Maybe it's some kind of intent-based wards or these are specific wards targetting every Spell practiced in School?" He mused while trying to carefully pick up the black arrow while hiding behind the corner.

"Enodo!" he cast and a string of information appeared inside his mind.

[Beep! Basic Analysis complete. Enchantments Recorded. Multiple enchantments and runes were detected. The Arrow is a magical construct enchanted with the power to break magic below a certain level, while impacting the Hexagon shield it breaks one of the shields and disrupts the structure of the whole shield, it only works one time.]

"Huh, I directly found a weakness to my new shield Spell. Good that I prepared myself for that eventuality." He muttered while re-summoning his shield and entering the Corridor around the corner again.

As another black arrow flew at him he summoned a small Hexagon shield on its trajectory. The black arrow broke through the small shield and continued to fly at Matthew. But it got repelled by the large Hexagon Shield without trouble since its enchantment was already used up.

That way he passed through the Corridor while sensing approaching arrows with his echolocation and disabling the magic breaking enchantments with his small shields. At the end of the dark Corridor, an Armored archer holding a bow appeared. With a quick dark piercing charm through the had, he disposed of the archer. As it fell to the ground it began to dissipate.

"Huh, also a magical construct. It seems if there is enough damage it disappears.", he concluded while observing the effect. "But honestly what is with this Level design? Did I suddenly land in Dark Souls?" Complained Matthew drily.

At the end of the corridor, he only found a wall. 'Do I have to break down the door?' asked Matthew himself while looking around. Suddenly he spotted on the floor where the archer dissipated a key.

He picked the key up and returned to the door, it fit without trouble into the old-looking keyhole. He carefully opened the door and tried to see what was behind it. His echolocation was only able to perceive a large empty room. He couldn't see inside since the whole room was dark.

While starring into the blackness he complained "I should have brought my potions."

As he carefully stepped into the room, slowly further and further. The door closed by itself and the whole room lit up. Suddenly filled with light, the room turned out to be a colosseum-like arena. It Easily had a radius of 200 meters.

While observing the room, Matthew suddenly heard the arrogant voice of the Bronze Eagle somewhere. He couldn't locate from where, it sounded as if it was all around him. "Welcome, Challenger to the grand Ravenclaw Arena. After passing through the Qualification Round, you won the Right to Challenge the arena. But be warned in this stage you could lose your life. Previously although it looked dangerous, you were in no danger since no attack would actually harm you. But in this final Trial, your Life is at stake. So? Do you want to continue or Run away?"

'Shitty Bird. Are you sure I am here right for the Ravenclaw Trial, isn't it more like a Gryffindor Trial?' he complained inside his mind while answering, "No. I came so far. I will also pass this last Trial."

"Proof your worthiness, Challenger. All you have to do is survive every wave and kill the Final Boss. You still only can use your self-created Spells. Good Look, young heir." Explained the Eagle. After he finished suddenly more magical Constructs appeared in the arena.

The first wave consisted of 5 Armored Archer, 10 Swordsman, and 5 Axe Wielders. The Archers instantly shot a volley of arrows. Luckily these weren't the black Arrows. His shield blocked the arrows, as the first enemy appeared before him. With an 'Almighty Push,' he catapulted the close-range fighters into the Wall. The damage was enough to dissipate most of them. He disposed of the few survivors and the Archers with a few targeted dark piercing curses.

After the first wave was cleared he had a few minutes to take a breath. He had to kill another 9 waves which became increasingly more difficult to handle. In the second wave shield beares additionally appeared. They could block his dark piercing curse a few times. To kill them efficiently he had to flank them and attack them from the sides.

Later the Archers started to shoot black arrows again. He either had to dodge them or block them. But with the end of the Echolocation spell, he was able to react to them. In the last wave, he basically had to fight a whole army of magical constructs. After a hard and long battle, because they learned to strategize in the last wave instead of blindly attacking him, he finally cleared the last wave.

He could rest for around 15 minutes before a large light appeared in the middle of the room. The Boss was here, with a loud roar it announced itself. What was the last Boss? Well ass expected for a Gryffindor Trial, eh a Ravenclaw Trial it needed to be a big fucking silver-Blue Dragon. The final Boss of the Ravenclaw Trials was a Swedish Short-Snout. Rowena Ravenclaw expected a second-year student to handle a dragon to be worthy of her inheritance. He really landed in Dark Souls.


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