
Chapter 4: A Peculiar Character

This is Mordain's point of view

This fruit has quite a weird consistency but food was food. Perhaps it was even a vegetable. The mage seemed quite dissapointed and unsatisfied though. I couldn't quite believe my luck still, having been rescued by a mage of all things!

Still, he seemed a decent fellow enough, sharing his ressources with a total stranger. Odd that he did not speak Lanash nor any other language I could have recognized.

Even more so that he could do magic without any chanting, glyphs or magic tools although I'd heard that really powerful mages don't need to, like Gannes back then at the battle of Mitinari .

He must be from some far away land I decided to tell myself, the alternative being I was in the presence of a mage whose power was overwhelming. I've never seen powers like his though, conjuring food and water out of nothing, simply disappearing a sand-grappler to boot, a rank C threat!

We're not too far now, from the borderlands. I don't know how to tell him either. We'll have to be on the lookout for bandits and thieves that maraud these parts.

If only I had a weapon, I wouldn't be so useless. My wounds have healed up nicely enough, I won't be limping tomorrow.

My thoughts then drifted to the events that had occurred a few days ago but I quickly dismissed them.

No point in thinking about this anymore, she's dead and it's partially my fault. I can't go back, they'll hang me for sure. The only reason they had not done so from the start was that starvation and dehydration in the middle of the desert was a more fitting end for me than glory in battle.

They could not have foreseen a mage coming to my rescue. I never would have made it without him in the state I was in.

As I fell asleep, my mind still raced on, thinking of past mistakes but ultimately putting it all behind. The mage had saved me and fate must be behind it. I would see the mage to safety, whatever the cost, it's the only thing that I can devote myself to now.

Next morning, I surprisingly awoke after the mage. The fatigue finally catching up with me, I needed the rest I mused.

Barely a scar and his hands don't seem very damaged I noticed. Perhaps he's a noble but then I wouldn't have expected him to last this long or that well in these conditions without comforts.

Getting up and exiting the cave, the mage called "mhat-heas" stood by the entrance, scanning the horizon. Grabbing his attention, I pointed towards the east again, where in a few hours time, we would finally be out of the desert and into more temperate climate.

"I know of a small abandoned farm we could rest at the end of the day in, but we have to get going soon if we want to get there before nightfall."

Mathias stared at me perplexed and handed me a water bottle, only 6 remained by now, and started walking in the direction I had pointed. It was so hard communicating with someone you had no language in common with but he seemed to grasp the general meaning of my intentions.

I opened the bottle, Mathias had showed me how after I had nearly destroyed the other, and gulped down it's contents. It was the freshest water I'd ever drank. At first, I had thought of giving up but the fact that the mage could simply summon clear water at will was mind blowing and gave me hope.

The day wasn't as warm as the last few so we made good progress. We came upon a carcass a few hours later, completely picked clean by the local wildlife. It looked like it was a Hrana, a large quadruped that was sometimes used as a mount.

Wary, I scanned the surroundings but could not spot anything. There was a fresh breeze which made the walk that much easier but likely blew away all the tracks if there were any.

Mathias kept trying to initiate a conversation with me but in a language I did not understand. I replied in kind, with Lanash, which seemed to irritate the mage. He tried speaking very slowly, uttering every letter of the words but that served no point.

There were a few simple words that I managed to make out, with the help of gestures. I knew how to say things like "eat", "drink", "stop" in his language now. Finally, after another few hours the desert slowly gave way to a steppes like plains.

Far off in the distance, a forest covered a large area and even further ahead, rocky peaks could finally be observed. Pausing for a few minutes, I checked the terrain and landmarks for an indication of where the small farm would be. We came in a bit too far west and will have to go east for a few miles.

It was mid-afternoon when we finally could see the small farm off in the distance. The vegetation was thicker in this area, small leafless trees were growing and some robust flowers managed to live here as well.

The mage seemed very excited looking at the farm and could not hide his enthusiasm, which I found very refreshing.

This mage is very honest with his feelings and emotions, I thought to myself. It's a welcome change from the usual serious and tight lipped shell most mages put out.

As we got closer to the shambled building, the mage erupted into a sprint towards it, leaving me behind. Trying to catch up to him in order to warn him of possible dangers, a small glimmer from the sun reflecting on the mage's back catches my attention.

Ah, he does have a weapon after all, it appears small and impractical though.

Catching up to Mathias as the door creaks and pushes open, two figures are sitting at a table on wooden logs. We both look in surprise at one another until it registers to them that we might be enemies.

They get up and draw their weapons, but I quickly grab Mathias's knife and rush forward, swiftly stabbing the man on the right in the abdomen and then turning him as a shield against the other. I position myself between the mage and the other attacker, the mage's safety paramount.

Holding the man's arm against his body and the knife at his throat, I keep between the attacker and the mage whilst Mathias still stands in the door frame, looking unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, the second man flips the table over and lunges for me.

I let go of the prisoner and side step the attack, turning the knife around and slashing at the charging attacker's wrist.

Both opponents pull back, one clutching his stomach and the other cradling his arm.

The one holding his wrist speaks out. "Damn it, let's talk about this."

Surely not, I scoff internally.

"If I hadn't put you in the defensive you'd have killed us both and stripped us of all our belongings."

Motioning at Mathias for help, I notice him shaking and hesitating.

(Must be his first fight, unfortunate)

The two strangers begin walking towards me, each going on one side, trying to flank me.

Slowly moving myself away so as to not get cornered, I backs up towards the entrance while keeping my eyes on both of them.

I've been feeling better lately but I can't fight like in my prime yet. We've been malnourished and severely dehydrated.

When suddenly an object flies past my head and hits one of the strangers. Glancing backwards quickly, I see Mathias is outside with a handful of medium sized rocks in his hands and throwing them.

Using the distraction and momentary lack of attention of my opponents, I sweep in, a kick to the legs brings one down and allows for a swift stab in the neck. A few gurgled sounds escape his mouth but he soon stops moving.

Now facing two enemies, the remaining stranger is visibly shaken, cries out and tries to rush us while swinging his saber wildly.

Backing up a little more, I pass the threshold of the entry and close the door. The doors stay closed and a silence overcomes the small farm.

A few moments later, a voice can be heard from inside the building.

"Just.. just let me live, please" begs the voice from inside.

"You won't ever see me again, I swear."

My reply was short and to the point, "How can we trust you?"

"I vow on my ancestor's spirit. I will perform the ritual of servitude"

My composure is unbalanced by the man's statement, it was a very serious thing to say.

"Very well, throw your weapon outside". The door slightly opens and a saber, rusted and with many blemishes, marks and notches is thrown outside.

"You understand the implications, correct?"

"Yes...I will fulfill them".

The stranger steps outside with his hands in the air and sits down, legs crossed and head bowed.

I step forward, knife in hand, heading towards the stranger when Mathias yells out.

Oh, he probably doesn't know about this. Tsk, how would I explain?

Facing an angry faced Mathias who's yelling stranger words I've never heard before, except "no", I knew that one now, I mimick scratching the stranger's forehead with my knife.

Only receiving a puzzled look in exchange, I address the stranger

"My...friend doesn't know our customs, can you lift your head and signal everything is okay?"

The stranger slowly lifts his head, tears swelling in his eyes and clasps his hands together, facing Mathias, and tries to smile.

I continue towards the stranger, Mathias expressing his displeasure by crossing his arms.

Sitting down in front of the stranger, my knife comes up and I start to etch a design in the stranger's forehead, my family's crest.

Muffled screams from the man are the only sounds permeating the quiet air of the farm.

A dozen minutes later, I stand up and proclaim loudly:

"For the next 4 seasons, you are mine. No harm shall come to me by your hand, no harm shall come to you by my hand or all who would know shall strike us down forever, both in body and in mind. May the ancients watch over us".

Clearing my throat, I address the man personally.

"I shall give you only one command. Leave, never come back. Speak to no one of us, plot nothing towards us"

The man slowly gets up and hobbles away, cradling his other arm.

Sighing, I open the door to the house and go inside to sit down. Mathias follows me inside and we both finally relax.

Looking at the knife in my hand more closely, I notice a dragon design and attention to detail like I've never seen before. The metal is sharper than any I've ever seen and testing the flexibility, it doesn't bend.

Remembering I pretty much stole it from Mathias, I hold it in both hands and bow my head, offering it back to him.

Waiting for hands that never come, I lift my head and look at Mathias who replies "no" and closes my fingers upon the knife.

He is... gifting it to me, I think.

Mathias unpacks the bottles and offers one to me, which I graciously accepted and we both go to sleep quietly, talking no more the rest of that night.

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Notes: Wew, that one was a bit long to write. Spent a lot of time erasing, writing, rinse and repeat. I feel like I got it somewhat right.
