
The Bloody Battlefield

As he woke, he smelled the blood everywhere, he felt heavy weight on every part of his body. Then slowly, he opened his eyes. He vomited instantly, he saw the huge mounds of corpses on top of him. He was in a state of hysteria, everytime he struggled, he felt fingers, eyes, legs, arms, swim across his body. After many hours of struggling, he finally calmed, his instinct was telling him if struggled any more, he will die.

Instead of squirming, he slowly climbed his way to the top, moving chunks of flesh out of his way. After pushing through hundreds of bodies, he saw the moonlight, then one final push, he was out.

What he saw he will never forget. He saw thousands of his fellow soldiers bodies on the ground. There was a bloody light, the moonlight reflected the blood on the ground. On the bodies that were not completely mangled, had their eyes open, shock and refusal of death was written on their faces.

As he looked at the deadly and surreal scene, he wondered how he got there, he started to recall his experience up to that point.

His name was Ver, he was born in a poor village near the capitol, his mother was a musician that worked in the tavern, she was pretty woman, not extremely beautiful, she was in her late twenties. His father was a veteran military doctor, he is in his early thirties, decided to travel to clear his mind of the horrors he had seen. One night he was traveling through that same poor village. He entered the tavern for a drink, he saw men heckling a female musician. After giving the fools a good beating, he hit it off with the lady. After a few years, Ver was born. His childhood was nothing special, he worked the fields with his father. After many years of work, he grew into a decent looking young man, he inherited some of his mothers good looks, had black hair and green eyes.

One day the current war started with a neighboring country to the south called the Lezic Empire. They started by striking first, invading the Hebron Empires border. After many battles, it turned into a bloody stalemate. Both countries needed more man power, so they started drafting. The monarchs of each country demanded one man of each house hold, over 17, to report to a recruiter. So vers father, already being in the army, immediately set off with many tears. They did not want Ver to go, he still had his whole life ahead of him. Many days later, the army came to look for deserters, they saw a strong, young man. They figured he was hiding in fear of the war. They immediately confronted him, saying he was a coward and failing his country. Vers mother tried to tell them her husband already reported, but they thought she was lying to save her son. They gave Ver an ultimatum, come quietly or die. In order to protect his mother, he decided to go, he did not even get to say goodbye.

After a month of brutal training, he was outfitted with weapons and armor. The armor was, of course, cheap leather and chain mail, bearing the countries crest, an angel. The weapons were more special, he was given a long sword, a dagger, a shield, and alchemical grenades. These grenades were made of cheap magic materials that were explosive.

Then he was made to form into a marching army, heading to the south border. Everything was fine at first, in fact, it was too quiet. They reached the border, without any incident. They marched into enemy territory. There was no enemy. People were getting restless, worrying about an ambush. They were right. Ver heard a whistling noise. His instinct told him to dive on the ground. Then a massive explosion occurred and he lost consciousness.

Remembering what happened only hours before, Ver shiver,"If I was late diving, by only a second, I would be dead...".

As he was about to walk back to camp, he saw two robe figures, seemingly, walking on air.
