
New System

----Third Per POV----

In a dark void a ball of light was floating it was a man who had formally died but he could still remember his past and what happen to him, he use to be a extreme sportsman who did anything to find a thrill and look where it got him. His last day was something he would rather forget because he thought that he would go out maybe falling in a volcano or eaten by a shark, well that didn't happen instead he choked on a damn grape. True story while he thought maybe he was the best extreme sports man out there which he was named by sports magazine but no he had to be dumb and try to catch multiple at once. Using his up most effort he glided through the void laughing his butt off it was a weird feeling being in a endless void that was like floating through water but he was also enjoying the peace and quite.

His past life was always loud and annoying he grew up an only child, died at the age of twenty-two and didn't get a chance to marry and didn't date because every woman he found was only after his money. Oh did he not mention that he was like super rich it came from all his investments, contracts, TV appearances, and shoe deals, so it wasn't a surprise by the end of his life he had over 100 billion and it was always staying steady there never going below it. He found out when he turned eighteen he had a knack for the stock market investing the thousand dollars he had saved before he was kicked out then used it to invest in some tech then in a month that turned into twenty thousand and from there it just kept increasing.

After awhile he was able to follow his dream and go into extreme sports which just jump started his career which gained him over two hundred million followers in a day, after it was countless vixens coming after his money and some even his life. Now that he was dead though all his money was going to the one person who actually did care for him, Sammy, she was a middle aged woman who took him in when she found him sleeping next to a dumpster. He was homeless and waiting for money to come in from investments so he had to sleep outside, after finding him though she brought him back to her house with her three kids where they were a little over the line of homelessness themselves. After making some money he tried to help but she denied him but that didn't stop him from sending monthly checks of fifty thousand to her, but he found she hadn't been using it since they were still in the same house living the same way.

Now that he was dead she couldn't reject his offer since he had a meeting with his lawyer a week before his death leaving his entire fortune to her and her family which put a smile on his face. Going back to him in the void he was currently smiling at the thought of her expression when she found out about it, sure she would be sad by his death but he really hoped she would be happy about what he had left her.

--Sammy POV--

In small house surrounded by a broken fence and a yard that is almost dead with just a patch of green three kids were playing in the yard, two looked no older than ten while the last was a girl who was about thirteen. Sitting on the porch was a woman who was in her mid thirties with long black hair and a beautiful face and body, she had countless men trying to be with her but all were rejected because the only man in her heart was her dead husband. It put a smile on her face when she thought of him and everything he did for her and the kids, she also was smiling for the boy who sent her a check each month, he was kind and caring doing that for her but she only put the money in the bank for the kids college fund. She would get by on her own.

The smile grew as she watch a man in a suit walk up to the house it was a little early but he was the man who always brought her the checks, when he got closer she noticed the red rim eyes like he had been crying or up all night. The smile left her face when she noticed this, "What's wrong?"

The professional look didn't leave his face but she could see that he was using all his will power to keep it there, "Miss Waiter, I sorry to inform you that yesterday at noon Mr. Weller died from suffocation due to eating. I am here to let you know that you were the only named mentioned in his Will, you are the sole person who has inherited his items, you are left with five houses, two planes, three boats, and sixteen cars, but you were also inheriting his fortune of $1,365,768,904,332. after selling what was left in his will and signing over the rights of numerous contracts this is the balance left to you." Mr. Rogers said his voice cracking at parts, it was understandable he had met the kid at nineteen and since them raised him like a son helping him it was hard for him to do this. He was also left with over a billion and some properties but he was going to donate it all, it was enough that he even got the chance to meet such and amazing person.

Sammy felt the wind leave her lungs at a lose of what to say not because of the money or properties but because her heart was breaking from losing someone who she saw as a son. It was a secret that she had never told anyone but she had once found his family and yelled at them for a straight hour saying they had given up a gift that she was happy to take in as her own and care for. His parents just shrugged but they had gone crazy when they saw what his life had become saying that they deserved something for putting up with him through the years but where sent away when Weller had introduced Sammy as his mother on national television during an interview. Tears streamed down her face when she thought of how she wouldn't see him anymore or see him at their weekly Sunday dinners.

--Third Person POV--

The ball of light that was formally known as Weller was still enjoying his time of nothingness he honest hasn't had time to himself in awhile so he was going to enjoy it while he could before he left existence. Laughing his ass off he flew towards something that was shinning like a star thinking it was his time to go on to Heaven or wherever he was headed before he could blink the bright shinning star took over his 'body' making him groan in pain.

"Detected New Host...….. Integrating System….. Compatibly Successful… Binding in 3…2..1…. Binding Successful." A monotone voice sounded in his head making him blink in surprise, he had read the novels with situation like these but he thought that it was a joke for something like this to happen. Not saying anything he let it continue since he knew that it might have something else to say to him, "Host please choose an option for a voice for your new system." He looked at the screen with a slight smile.

'1- Male Voice

2-Woman Voice

3-Neutral Voice'

He thought it over he didn't want a mans voice in his head all the time and he really didn't want to hear that monotone voice again since it was robotic and uncomfortable, clicking the only option left he chose to hear the woman's voice in his head. "Thank you host. Welcome to the 'God Of Cooking' System (GOC now), as the name implies you have been granted the GOC can help become a cooking god which stands above all in cooking techniques and cooking itself. Now seeing as you died in you past life the system will put you into another world with your welcome package." The soft voice of the woman was pleasant in his ears and he was excited to know that he was going to have a chance to start over again. He didn't really mind going to a world and being a chef at least he wouldn't have to worry about doing to much, although he loved his past life extreme sports weren't for him but he kept it up for the fans towards the end there.

After waiting awhile he was taken by a white light and ended up in what was a lone shop in front of him was a counter that was like the lay out of a bar, behind him was a door and pushing it lightly he saw the interior of a kitchen. He didn't go in just yet and instead looked over the restaurant inside he saw eight tables four had four chairs, the rest were for two and there was three stools at the bar, the whole place was painted in reds and silver giving it a calm feeling. The floors were a burgundy oak that didn't have a spec of dirt at all, in fact wiping his finger across the bar he found that this place was clean enough to preform surgery inside if he wanted to. While he was enjoying that he realized he finally had a human body going to the mirror to the side he looked at his reflection, he was tall around six foot two with silver hair that had light highlight colors of blue, green, pink, and purple. His face looked like it was sculpted from marble making him look almost like a god but he didn't put much thought into it since he didn't really care for looks, he was single in his past life and would probably be that way in this one.

Going over his clothes he was wearing a leather jacket, a black T-shirt that said 'Willy Cooking', green fit jeans, and black converse, he wasn't muscular but he did have a fit body and could feel the six pack he did need to be in shape to cook for long hours so he was happy. While he was looking himself over he stopped cause he heard the sweet voice in his head, "Host welcome to Earth 3371, while this is like your former earth it has many differences for one the money used here is all one currency which is called Rips it is paper currency with $1, $5, $10, $20, $50, $100, and $150 as the bill sizes. It is similar to America on Earth with the difference of the $150, now other changes include this world having Magic so it is not technology advance the best they have are cell phones but it is run off Mana. The system awarded you with Pure Magic Veins which allows you to control all magic."

"Host should also know that he is the only person in this world who can do this and you Power is already at Seventh Grade Magician, the levels are between 1-15 in the city you currently live the highest being is 12 while the highest in this world is 14. The system is giving you this information since it is a world that has never been visited or made into a novel by anyone from your former world. Now while it was the System who gave you the veins it was you luck that you started at Seventh level also no one will know unless you release you magic power the system will hide you power until then. Does Host have any questions before opening Stater Pack?" The sweet voice who sounded oddly enough like Sammy asked waiting for his response, "Oh yeah also Host please give me your name so I can stop calling you Host."

He stood there shocked it was true he didn't have a name yet and he didn't want to go by his former since he was starting a new life so he thought it over before speaking, "Please call me Lucas and my last name is Landon….. as for questions can you tell me how to use magic? What kind of food will I serve? Where am I? and Where will I live?" Lucas asked he hadn't moved from where he was so he didn't know what or where he should go to sleep.

"Name Confirmed... Well Lucas to answer you questions for now you will only be not using magic and focusing on Cooking, as for food you will serve whatever the System provides so do not worry you are still to low leveled to know future foods, You are currently in the City of Natin the restaurant is located at the same place as you house you have two options I came make you living area in the basement or upstairs your choice." The System said waiting for his answer.

"Both with upstairs have three bedrooms, two bathrooms, and a living room. While the downstairs just give it a one bedroom one bathroom for the times when I am to lazy to go upstairs so let it connect to the kitchen please." Lucas wasn't to picky but he wasted something homey upstairs while the basement was for when he really didn't feel like doing anything since it was windowless.

"Granted... and Finished Lucas please open your starter pack now it is currently 9pm and the store is only open for six hours a day with you have free range for when to have it open afterwards when you reach level five it will be at set times." the sweet voice of the system rang in his head while he nodded taking a seat on one of the bar stools.

"Open it." Lucas said waiting for to see what he would get.

"Opening in 3…2..1... Host has received x1 Breakfast food containing Pancakes... Host has received x1 Lunch/Dinner food containing Burger and Fries….. Host has received x3 Drinks coupons containing Lemonade, Root Beer, and Coffee….. Congratulations Host has received x1 Holy pet as a guardian of the Store...….. Host has gained pet Mythic Owl which is a grade 5 holy beast starting tomorrow host is required to feed the Mystic Owl a burger and fries combo." the voice dinged in Lucas head each time he got something new he was shocked to see the Mystic Owl and it was the first thing he brought up.

"System what is the grades for Holy Pets." he asked shaking with excitement.

"Holy Pets are rare beast in this world that can not be contained by man there are only twelve in this world recorded, but in total there are twenty the grades are between 1-5 so you have one of the six five in the world. While you have Holy Pet most people only have a Common to Rare Pets, Lucas you should also know that the Mythic Owl will be completely obsessed with you and will have a loyalty of 100." The systems voice rung in his head but he was utterly stumped by the stuff he just learned, it was like a dream come true these past couple of minutes learning these things and he was happy to know what he was about to experience. "Now since you interrupted me Lucas let me continue, Host has received x1 Mythic Owl Feather Knife..... x1 Odorless/Tasteless cutting board…. That is all now look at you Status Lucas cause of after you will start your first mission."

Name: Lucas Landon

Cooking Level: 0 (Rookie 0%)

Magician Grade: 7

Pets: Mythic Owl

Skills: None

Tools: Mythic Owl Knife, Odorless/Tasteless Cutting Board

Current Mission: Serve ten customers and get your name out there (currently served 0/10)

"System will I get rewards for serving the customers at the end of the mission." Lucas asked looking over his Status he was okay with everything but he wanted to see if he would gain rewards like in the novels he read.

"No Lucas seeing as you have just started and already have top of the line stuff then you will only get rewards for big missions. As for now I recommend host practice making the dishes at least thirty times each to get your level up in cooking." The sweet voice of the system rung in his head.
