
To Meddle or Not to Meddle

She didn't utter a single world when she saw the man leave.

She just stared at his retreating form, slowly walking away and staggering from time to time.

If some other people saw this scene, they might get the urge to help the man especially when he stumbled and almost kiss the ground.

But she chose to just observe.

'Well, I don't have a death wish.' the girl inwardly thought.

If one rushed to approach that person, he or she might instantly get killed.

He may be in a sorry state but one should not underestimate a member war merchants. They are far more dangerous when in a vulnerable state.

She wanted to turn around and leave as well however she resisted the idea.

She do not trust this person.

'What if he suddenly stab me behind my back?'

'What if he wanted to get rid of me?'

'What if he suddenly gone mad?'

Oftentimes, an elite and powerful individual do not want to expose their vulnerable state to other person. They usually get rid of witnesses.

'I know I'm getting paranoid but it's better be safe than be sorry.'

All of a sudden, a violent cough cut-off her negative train of thoughts.

The man covered his mouth trying desperately to reign his coughing fit.

It was no use.

Blood started to pour out from his mouth. It even escaped his hand from blocking it's release.

He felt several sharp objects are piercing through his core. At the same time, his insides seems like being wildly torn apart.

He was aware that his pain tolerance is higher than an average person. However, the intensity of pain that he was going through is beyond the normal limit.

If someone saw his trembling form, they could visibly see that he's in the verge of dying.

Though despite the situation, the young girl just continued to observed. By watching his movements and expressions, she can somehow feel his agony.

'Hmm... to meddle or not to meddle?'

She was having an internal conflict of whether to help him or let him suffer.

Based on what she knows, this person will still be able to survive even if she let him be.

But there's a price.

His body's condition will never be the same. He will suffer immense pain from time to time without sign or warning.

This was the very condition that forced him to continuously roam the lands for decades.

Sadly, his efforts were in vain. No one was capable to cure him.

In the end, he died a tragic death.

After identifying these events through her memories, she internally sighed.

Should I just go ahead and let destiny run its course?

But what if after meeting me, he did not survive and died?

I don't want to rely with those memories. I found them incomplete and summarized.

It was like watching a TV series that only depicts major events and concealed some of the key points in the character's life.

It didn't even show that we meet in this forest.

'How troublesome.'

A light tug on my clothes, brought me back to reality. Glancing at the little animal, she noticed its eager behavior.

'Master, he looks like dying.'

'Yup, I can see that.'

'So... can I eat him?'

'Oi, oi, you little puppy. I know that you're carnivorous but how can you asked me to let you eat a person!?'

'Should I wait him to die first before eating him?'

'No! You can't eat him. He's a major character. We need him to survive.'

'Ah-ha~ How disappointing. He somehow looks delicious.'

The young girl couldn't help but touch her forehead and massage it slightly. The dejected look of the puppy might be cute but its way of thinking was too gruesome.

With this kind of thought, she finally decided to help.

'If I hesitate any further, this cute little puppy might re-attempt to devour the pitiful man.'