
Magic In Every Bite: A chef Reincarnation

synopsis ------------------ In a fantasy land where magicians can summon meteorites to destroy a country and Aura swordsmen can split mountains and sea, there exists a little restaurant like this. The little restaurant can not compare to luxury from the outside, but it is a place where countless peak-level existents come to eat from beast-man to dragons, from Novice magicians to legendary ArchMage all line up to eat. There is your tomato ketchup Sir ! Made from 9th-grade tomatoes from heaven. There is your egg-fried rise made from legendary grade phoenix egg and Netherland rise. There is your cola made from a highly advanced compressor machine and the honey extracted from an 8th-grade 'moon-light' flower. There you can taste 10th-grade crocodile meat with golden apple wine. Hey, You want to make a ruckus inside the restaurant, System beats the crap out of them. The king wants me to serve him, tell the king to come here if he wants to eat. With the power of the System, I can become a magician and a swordsman. ------------------ Cover photo: A. I generated ------------------- Weekly 7 chapters are released between Monday to Saturday ------------------- A/N: If you like the novel don't forget to support me with the golden ticket and power stones. If you have any suggestions mention them in the comment box.

Dibya_Pal · แฟนตาซี
48 Chs

Chapter 4: Main Quest

After the merging of memories, Max couldn't resist the temptation to pick up the note once more. As he unfolded the paper, his heart raced like the beat of a drum. He knew the note's contents, but he wanted to read it not as David but as Max.

The words on the note revealed a profound and heartfelt connection:

'My Dearest Nannie, (A/N – here, "mother" refers to the orphanage head, Nannie)

You raised me from childhood and showered me with your boundless love. In a world that often felt cold and indifferent, you gave me a home when I had none, and for that, I am eternally grateful. But I have reached a crossroads in my life where I must make a heart-wrenching decision, one that fills me with sorrow.

My lifelong dream has always been to become a chef and use my culinary skills to support our cherished orphanage.

However, fate has dealt me a series of harsh blows, and I've failed to obtain the necessary certification. The weight of my repeated failures bears down on my spirit, and I can no longer bear to see the disappointment in your eyes.

I yearn to secure a brighter future for our beloved orphanage, but I've exhausted all other options. By taking this drastic step, I know, I can not provide the financial stability it so desperately needs.

I hope that, in time, you'll find it within your heart to forgive me. Please take good care of everyone, and may they find happiness in their lives.

With all the love I can muster,


As Max read the note, he couldn't help but be deeply moved by the intensity of David's emotions and the immense sacrifice he had made for the orphanage.

It was a poignant farewell letter, laying bare David's love for Nannie, the orphanage, and his unwavering determination to secure their well-being, even at the cost of his own life.

This note served as the final message David had left behind before making the profound choice to begin anew in the form of Max. It stood as a testament to David's selflessness and the profound connection he had shared with Nannie and the other children at the orphanage.

Upon reading the heartfelt message from start to finish, Max took a seat on the edge of the bed, his thoughts heavy with the weight of David's sacrifice. He shifted his gaze toward the table where a dimly burning lamp cast a faint glow on the room.

"Sorry, David," Max whispered softly to the empty room. With determined steps, he rose from the bed, picked up the letter, and approached the table with the flickering lamp.

Placing the note into the fragile fire's grasp, he watched as the paper slowly caught flames.

As moments passed, the letter turned to ash, the remnants spiraling upwards in a wisp of smoke, until all that remained were charred fragments, scattered like delicate memories turned to dust.

"Rest in peace, David. I will fulfill your ultimate wish," Max murmured solemnly.

Suddenly, a notification rang in Max's mind, and a blue panel materialized before him:



Main Quest: Fulfill David's Dying Wish

Details: David's final wish is to provide financial aid to the Sun Care Orphanage in Dani Village.

Time Limit: 30 Days

Rewards: Will be determined by the Host's performance

Failure Penalty: The Sun Care Orphanage will face dire consequences

Note: Congratulations, it's your first mission. You can choose to be a hero or a bystander.


Max's jaw dropped in astonishment.

In his previous life, he had devoured countless novels where protagonists gained strength and abilities through systems, but he had never fathomed that he could find himself in a similar situation.

He had always perceived the "Ultimate Chef System" as primarily focused on culinary matters. Seeking clarity and a better understanding, Max decided to inquire further with the system.

"System, can I also become stronger, akin to those formidable main characters in the novels I used to read?" Max inquired, his curiosity ignited.

He yearned to comprehend the full extent of what the system could offer him beyond its culinary aspects.

[Everything is possible as long as you follow the guidance of the system. Even a humble pigeon can transform into a majestic phoenix with dedication and effort. Cheer up, host!]

The system's words brimmed with encouragement, infusing Max with newfound determination. It appeared that his journey in this fantastical world held boundless potential, as long as he remained committed to heeding the system's guidance.


[Host can now access the status window. To activate it, simply say "status window," and to cancel, say "cancel."]

Max was caught off guard by the system's response, leaving him in awe.

It seemed that the system possessed even more capabilities than he had initially assumed, and Max was eager to delve into these newfound possibilities.

You guys. I hope the chapter is to your liking.

Do you want to know if MC can be a magician or a sword men or what, That will be a secret .

For hints he can be either or not, he he he.

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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