
Mafia Teacher's Bride

"You are being intractable nowadays, feisty," he said with his low hazardous voice as he glared at her with his burning gaze. "Oh please, I never wanted this marriage anyways, let's just get a divorce" she retorted with a burning gaze too. ~~~~~~~ A man lurking in the underworld under the disguise of a teacher in a prestigious school was forcefully engaged to one of the students from the school, which happens to be a family friend's daughter. And the lady in question doesn't want this marriage either. What does Destiny have in stock for both? ~~~~

Winters_gold · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs



"What the… Mr. Carl?" Brigitte called questioningly and surprised.

Mr. Carl creased his brow as he heard the female call his name. Without anyone telling him, he could already guess she is a student of Mendi High College.

Thank goodness he was putting his glasses on, he wouldn't want her seeing his complete identity. He walked over to the dining and pulled Brigitte by the arm cutting her off guard.

"Excuse us," he said before dragging her away.

Landon looked at their retreating and smirked not saying a thing.

The parents were all stunned at first but Mrs Douglas cleared her throat and chuckled.

"Guess they knew each other from somewhere and wanted to confirm more."

The others agreed with her too cause that was the only reason they could make out.

"So how has business been Mr Douglas" Mr Russell asked changing the topic.


"Hey, why are you dragging me like that, let me go" Brigitte struggled to make him loosen his grip on her hand but Mr Carl didn't let go until they were at the balcony.

Brigitte pulled her hand forcefully from his grip.

"What is it Mr Carl, why did you drag me like that not like we know each other, do you know who I am, how dare you touch me with your filthy hand,"

Brigitte said with her hands crossed under her b**bs looking at him in the eyes.

Mr. Carl looked at her.

'feisty weed' he said inwardly.

"I don't care who you are or what you think of me, I'm just gonna tell you this straight, don't call me Mr. Carl in front of my parents, just Carl is okay, and don't you dare utter a word about me being a teacher, am warning you, you won't wanna know what I would do to you." He warned seriously with a dark deep tone, making her shiver.

She couldn't open her sharp mouth anymore and just looked at him.

He looked at her before dragging her back again into the dining room.

"What took you kids so long? We had to wait for you to come before the dinner is served" Mrs Russell joked.

"Just settling some kinds of stuff," Mr. Carl said simply.

Landon rolled his eyes and focused back on his phone.

They sat and had their dinner discussing their children's childhood activities while the latter kept quiet listening to them talk.

"Anyways," Mr Russell cleared his throat.

"The reason for this dinner is because we planned to tell you kids, most especially, Carl and Brigitte, about your engagement."

Brigitte choked on her food, she quickly grabbed a cup of water and drank from it.

"What!!" she asked after regaining from the choke.

"What engagement, Mom what are they talking about, me engaged to him?" she asked her mom pointing at Carl who was motionless.

Though he had guessed something like that but was quite surprised cause he didn't expect it would be this sharp-tongued woman.

"Princess we had already planned this a long time ago and were only waiting for the right time to inform you all, and also you are turning twenty next month which means you are appropriate for marriage " Mrs Douglas explained.

"No Mom, I can't get married to him, I already told you I have a boyfriend who is ready to get married to me too"

Landon chuckled lightly and shook his head hearing her words.

"Enough!" Mr Douglas said firmly looking at his daughter. "I told you before coming here not to mention that boy's name anywhere close to me, you are getting married to Carl and not that sh* t of a boy and that's final."

Tears were threatening to fall from Brigitte's eyes.

Mr. Douglas turned to the family and apologized for his daughter's outburst."Don't mind her, she's only overwhelmed with the sudden news."

He then turned to Carl who hasn't said a thing yet and was only eating his food quietly.

"Carl I know this came too sudden but it was both planned by families since the beginning, though you both ain't familiar with each other you don't have any problem with it right."

"Of course he doesn't, Brigitte is a beautiful lady no man would resist her and I know my son isn't an exception too," Mrs Russell said touching his shoulder since he was sitting close.

Carl cleared his throat.

"I don't have a problem with the arrangements but my condition is there would be no wedding ceremony I want everything to be in papers."

The old couple looked at themselves before nodding in agreement.

"Alright we don't have a problem with that, you might also do the wedding ceremony anytime you like."

"But you both would be going on honeymoon for days and that's a must."

Carl sighed.

"Alright if that's all, I would get going, enjoy your dinner Mr and Mrs Douglas" he bowed lightly before leaving not sparing Brigitte a glance.

"Landon, what do you say about the arrangements?"

"Nothing, just great, no problems with me, would be going up to my room" he nodded at Douglas and gave Brigitte a smile before going up to his room.

Brigitte was still down till they left Russell's mansion for theirs. She didn't utter a word during the ride back home.

"Brigg dear you have to understand your father and I are doing this for you" Mrs Douglas assured as they walked inside their home.

Brigitte looked at her mom, then laughed sadly.

"For me? All this you and father did was only for the well-being of the company cus you know with me engaged with him, it would earn more profit for the company, it's all because of your selfish desires…"

She was cut off shut by the slap received from her father.

"How dare you talk to us like that Brigitte, is this how we trained you," Her father said angrily while tears rolled down her eyes, still shocked her dad slapped her dad the first time and it is all because of the Russells most especially Carl.

'I hate him' she said inwardly.

She ran to her room banging the door hard, paying deaf ears to her mom's call.

"You shouldn't have gone that far honey," Mrs Douglas said to her husband.

Mr. Douglas sighed and sat on the couch, exhausted.

"It's better I let her know her place, she needs to face reality."

"Take it easy on her."


"Gosh, I hate him!, I hate him!!" she screamed into her pillow hitting the bed imagining it to be him.

"How would I escape from this, Mom won't help me out and Dad even slapped me for the first time all because of him, now am engaged with him."

Brigitte roughed her hair before sitting up.

She picked up her phone and called Brandon but he wasn't picking so she dialed Gianna's number instead.

"Hey, babe I'm sad."



Brandon walked to the bed in his boxer shorts and naked chest.

On the bed, a completely n*ked woman could be seen looking at him seductively.

"I have been waiting all day" the woman's voice sounded.

Brandon crawled onto the bed to her, he buried his face in the crook of her neck kissing her there.

"I'm sorry babe for keeping you waiting that long" he whispered seductively before grabbing her left breast and squeezing it hard, earning a b*tchy moan from the lady.

Her hand moved down to his boxer slack and pulled it down rubbing his d*ck.

They both lay and f*cked till they were exhausted, moans and steamy sweat filling the room.