


We arrived at Yekaterinburg two days later. Yuri was a little livelier than the first day. He mostly slept the whole flight which meant I rested above his body or by his side when he did. The stupid cuffs are still on, my bandana now covers it because he stubbornly commanded me not to take them off.

My plan was to get a flight back to New York the moment we landed but Yuri had this bright idea of writing 'just married' on his suitcase. The ticketing lady gave me a lecture about my husband's feelings and that I should be the one to understand him when I said he was impotent. She told me that love is a very precious thing, it should be cherished blah, blah, blah.

"This is all your fault…" I turn my back from the ticketing booth, my cheeks crimson while my fist clenched, with a chuckling Yuri walking beside me. "I hate you, I fùcking hate you!"

Crossing my arms over my chest was a wrong move. Because of the handcuff, his hands followed mine and brushed over my breast. My breath hitched, his eyes darkened, almost drowning me in their emerald depths.

Yuri's tongue darted out licking his lower lip "careful what you do with my hands, babochka." He smirked.

"Control Yuri Jr., will you?" I retorted back at the obvious bulge building against his jeans.

"The things you do to me, butterfly" he brushed his thumb over my nipples, puckering them for him before pulling my hands down with his.

"ublyudok" I murmured while he drags me out of the airport. (bastard)

"I heard that and I can understand Russian, Baby, I'm Russian after all" he warned.

"It's meant for your ears, ublyudok."

He just shakes his head while we stand at the entrance. It was chilling cold but my body was well adjusted to any weather. It doesn't bother me anymore. I might be the only person around that doesn't wear winter clothes or four layers of clothing, except for Yuri.

Our breaths were making little steam against the air as we breathed out. The man beside me was silent, almost as if he was reminiscing something looking far ahead.

"Our ride is here" following his gaze, my eyes narrowed at the grinning Diez. I have an idea how he beat us to Siberia. They planned everything, backstabbing sonsofbitches.

I've had enough of them interfering with my life, this was Isiah's idea. That cunning old fart. I broke my thumb to free my hand from the cuffs, walked past Diez, and slammed the door on the driver's seat. Diez had no choice but to take shotgun and Yuri on the back seat of Isiah's Land Rover.

"Buckle your seatbelt, Yuri" Diez warned the confused Russian. Yuri moved quickly to buckle his seatbelt but the car already hit 0-170 slamming his body on the leather seat.

Diez enjoyed the daredevil in me while Yuri's mouth left colorful curses in twenty different languages.

The traffic patrol knows Isiah's car, they probably arrested me twenty times for over speeding before I turned eighteen. I'm a hell of a driver when I'm sober and Satan when I'm mad.

The two-hour drive to Isiah's place took only thirty minutes. Yuri was still cursing but the hell would I care. I slammed the car door before kicking open the mahogany entrance in Isiah's mansion. Like always, I was right. The old fart was sitting on his throne by the living room, facing the bricked fireplace.

"You're home early" he casually greeted me the same time Yuri and Diez walked in.

"I'll burn your Cuban Cigar collection you old slimy fart" I huffed like a child.

The old patriarch just chuckled "I can buy more of those."

"I'll burn Mom's journal" that seemed to irk him. His wrinkled forehead creased "stop meddling with my life, Loukas." His eyes darted blue fires, probably because I called him by his real name.

"Who's Loukas?" Diez asked. I was the only one who knew Isiah's real identity.

"Don't test my patience, child." The patriarch warned.

"Don't test me" I equaled his threat. I was stubborn as hell but he just pissed me off.

"Ah… Yuri, want a drink" Diez broke a long staring contest between me and the old fart.

"Sure" the Russia mafia heir answered. "Butterfly?" I didn't know he was waiting for me.

"I need a shower" I stomped up the stairs to my room. Stripping off all my clothes and standing under the cold shower, my mind drifts off to Yuri.

This is messed up. Isiah knows how Yuri affects me, how important that man is to me and he's using him to manipulate me. No matter how hard I fight the fluttering in my heart whenever he's near, it just wouldn't follow. Stubborn heart.

Isiah has a bigger plan in play for me and I have to figure it out before I fall deep, to never be able to walk away from Yuri.

Drying my hair and body with fluffy towels, I wrapped one on my hair and the other over my body. I went out of the bathroom, back to my room but my heart skipped a bit when I saw Yuri looking over my window.

My room wasn't as big as his, mine was simple. A double size bed fed one side, facing the window while my closet was across from it. A work desk, computer, and bookshelves decorate the walls. The wall was white, only with one petunia painting above my bed.

Yuri was very out of place inside my room with his tall and well-built body. One of his hands was shoved in his pocket while the other was holding a glass of whiskey.

"What are you doing here?" I asked, moving as casual as I can in choosing my clothes from my small closet. It contains mostly shirts, jackets, jeans, and work out clothes. Only a few dresses were hanging inside it.

His back was on me but I still decided to change inside my bathroom. Only then when I walked back in, that I saw his luggage sitting on the side of my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I repeated my question while towel drying my hair.

"They said this is to be my room."

