
Hot mysterious boy

Brittney POV

My alarm clock goes off but I stay in bed until some small hand remove the pillow from over my head. "Come on we are going to be late Brittney why you have to be such a drag, we moved somewhere new no embarrassing events" Charlotte said. while rolling her her eyes , my little annoying sister. She's referring to the time I beat a boy up for touching my ass he got what he deserved if you ask me. "I'm up Charlotte!" I snap then groans ugh I'm so not a morning person, anyone heard of like night high school? I got up to the bathroom I brush my teeth and shower I brush through my long blond wet curly hair now normally I wear it dry and straight but who cares it's to early in the morning. If I knew what was about to happen next I would have just stayed in bed but then again if I had I still would be lonely. I throw on my navy skinny blue jeans with the holes in my knees it fits my curves like a glove and a blue crop top yes it's a lot of skin but so what it's 98 degrees out side. My stomach growls for breakfast but of course I'm running late i scarfed my pop strawberry pop tart down and chugged it with skim milk no wonder why I'm skinny.

"Have a good day at school honey!!" Yelled mom I rolled my eyes facing the door "yeah thanks mom" I said sarcastically and I rushed out the door before she could respond. I went inside the car with Charlotte driving great we're going to die before we reach school. Daniel my brother he's the quite type and geeky my favorite sibling, We arrived at the hell ward and we gather our things heading towards the entrance of the school. But before we can make it inside the school I feel this strange pull and a authoritative presence.Everyone's head in the school yard all in the direction of the strange presence, girls starts drooling and screaming before the figure even emerges from the Benz 5 series the windows so tinted you can't even see inside? Wtf do they see? Who is that? The crowds starts swarming growing if I don't move I will be swallowed, this tall pale boy with green eyes shining like emeralds emerges dressed all in leather looking annoyed at the attention as if he didn't enjoy the attention I scuffed show off. I put on my meanest mug face I possibly could have, then Charlotte screams "he's so hot" I thought she might pass out. That's one thing we agree on look at the biceps but for some his green emerald eyes darken with lust he searches the crowd a and find my eyes. The instant our eyes connect there goes the pull again and oooooh how I wanted him to taste my juices so bad he smiled knowingly ugh jerk I turn on my heels to get to class he looked like he was chasing me but his fans were swallowing Charlotte stood looking agape at me I ignored her while walking.