
Restructuring 7

In the evening, in the knight barracks. 

James, Otto, Pasha, Jim and Maria way down in the main hall as they sat together for some drinks. 

James: " Maria, I wonder if your throat is okay. You haven't screamed this much in the whole three years as you have done in the past three weeks."

Otto chuckled. 

"No kidding. The kids had one heck of a look on their faces when they found out your personality."

Maria sighed.

"Try taking over my position then. The archers are so f****** weak. Just what were the criteria when they were being recruited?

No wait, just what sort of training did they receive to be even called archers?"

Jim: " The criteria was of course, the accuracy rate. Almost all of them have over 95% accuracy rate and an error margin of 5 to 6%.

That's considered elite and here you are swinging them off like trash."

Maria flared up.
