
Maō No Gyokuza / The Devil's Throne

A competition broke out in hell, between the 666 sons of Satan based on their hells (knowing that the 666 th hells is the most powerful), the eldest jealous of the younger (the 666th) makes escape the first 100 damned from hell forcing the 666 th son Ozren to go to the earth of this world called Vinverth to bring them home. (This story is already ended)

MeNotUbitch · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

The Atlantis

Ozren arrived at Atlantis 3 hours after leaving the African villages, he was surprised to see such a beautiful city in a similar place, because the demons and the water made it 3, but thanks to the water spell he had nothing to fear. He went to the city to see a place to sleep, on the way everyone looked at him, as if he was a fair monster, most people had fish tails, because they were Newts and Mermaids, walking there came across an inn, it was like a dump, a house where the window panes were broken, where the door seemed to have been eaten by termites at least their aquatic equivalent, but it was the only inn in the whole city which accept non fish, so Ozren had little choice. He went to deposit his belongings upstairs, but when he dropped them off the stairs which had broken due to his weight, it seemed that he had not been used for decades. Although it was not Ozren's fault, an old woman who came out seemed to be 89 years old (I mean it seemed, because mermaids look younger than humans, in reality she was 876 years old), who said to him "Well, my dear sir, you will have to pay for it", in addition that this inn was the one in poor condition of the whole city, it was also the most expensive and each time an object was broken even, from a small breach, Ozren then had to pay the price of this object at its creation, that is 412 years ago. Ozren got tired of this place and went to take the air outside, finally take the water. Outside he heard a lot of reproach on him, but two people were talking about something that tickled Ozren's ear, these people were talking about a newt with a man and an octopus, they said it was 5 meters long, that it had a long black beard and he had a huge trident scar on his chest, that was the physical description of their king Neptune apart from some elements, like the color black for the beard, while that of Neptune was white and especially the trident mark on the chest that King Neptune did not have. After a few minutes Ozren understood, that they were not talking about a double of King Neptune, but of his brother Merpus, that will explain everything, because he and Neptune had fought for the throne, but Neptune triumphed, thanks to his trident. Merpus was incidentally also the 5th damned in history. Özren thought the best thing to do was go to Neptune to alert him to that, which he did. On the road to meet Neptune, he met his brother Thorginnok, Thorginnok was the 34th son of Satan, he was born from the union between a mermaid and Satan, his hell is that of the sin of gluttony, when he was in his demonic form he was obese (weighed 567 Kg) and quite repulsive, but in his Triton form no woman could resist him. They talked to each other. -Hello, how are you big brother? , said Ozren -Greeting, I'm fine, and how is your quest to bring the damned back to Hell? Said Thorginnok -It's going very well, I only have 9 left, what are you doing here? said Ozren -Wow, you've already beaten 91 damned, you're not going with dead hands say so, I am here to try to recover souls, for the competition, but since year and a few I have not succeeded, and you have managed to have it since time? , said Thorginnok -Ah, I think I got 400 from the start. says Ozren -WHAT? Quatre ceeent, how did you do it? Said Thorginnok - It's a secret technique I'll show you later, how many people are here? said Ozren -I think 250 yes that's 250. said Thorginnok -I have to go hi soon. , says Ozren So Ozren ran off to the castle of his majesty Neptune. When he got there Ozren explained the whole story to Neptune, but apparently Merpus had already come to say hello to his brother taking his trident, otherwise Neptune can't beat him, he begged Ozren for help Ozren asked what Neptune makes an audience in front of all the inhabitants of the city, in either during the audience Ozren sent to everyone a contract to sign, otherwise their city will be devastated, they signed it. Thorginnok was in the crowd, and understood the strategy of his little brother which he found very ingenious. Ozren went to his brother to help him beat Merpus, because normally he could beat him, but they are underwater where Merpus benefits. At first, he offered Thorginnok 25% of the souls he collected, but thanks to the negotiating talent of Thorginnok, he managed to settle with Ozren 50%. So the two brothers left for the lair of Merpus, he was 20 kilometers from Atlantis. It looked like a sort of underwater cave, but in reality its lair was in an underwater volcano, arrived there, the brothers had to start fighting, it was a fierce fight, but after 2 hours Merpus had a great advantage, thanks to this trident, but when Ozren thought it was over for them, he felt light, and suddenly Merpus fell to the ground, Thorginnok came and said "You see Merpus, nobody touches my little brother ! ", It was the power of Thorginnok who had done that, because his power and to change the gravity around an individual, thanks to this Merpus released the trident, Ozren recovered it and planted it in his head, he impaled the head of Merpus and the trimbala, everywhere in the city (He was still alive, because they have a great longevity), arrived in the palace Neptune acheva Merpus, Merpus changed into a red soul, Ozren 1 ´ avala, and gave his brother his due due (125 souls), all was happy for the city, because they were all saved, but Ozren stopped that by starting a dialogue with Neptune. -Neptune, I saved you and your nation, right? said Ozren - Yes that's it. , said Neptune - And in the contract there was written that all the people, saved by me asked gave their souls, right? , said Ozren - Yes that's it. said Neptune -So you have to give me your soul too, right? , said Ozren At that moment this sentence froze everyone's blood, and all the smiles changed into faces of fear. -HAHA, I love you my little one, you know that I am immortal, therefore I could never go to Hell, but if you insist hold my souls HAHA! , said Neptune He stretched out his soul, and that shocked Ozren, because there are only 5 colors of soul, but that was golden so he said to himself "So this is a soul of god". All were shocked by the color of Neptune's soul, and above all so easily acceptable. Ozren says "I'm going to turn you into one of my demons", but too bad for him, because this sort does not work people who are weaker than him, while Neptune is more powerful. -HAHAHA, you mortals make me laugh, you know what tell me something and I would do anything to you. said Neptune -I want you to go to the nearest place on earth. said Ozren Neptune pointed his trident to the sky and granted Ozren's wish.

Ozren found himself teleported precisely to an island, no longer to a beach.