
Maō No Gyokuza / The Devil's Throne

A competition broke out in hell, between the 666 sons of Satan based on their hells (knowing that the 666 th hells is the most powerful), the eldest jealous of the younger (the 666th) makes escape the first 100 damned from hell forcing the 666 th son Ozren to go to the earth of this world called Vinverth to bring them home. (This story is already ended)

MeNotUbitch · แฟนตาซี
18 Chs

Part 1 : End

Baraqiel entered and said "Cain, surrender in the name of God". - Ah, cadets, you know I hate that, you just walked into the wolf's mouth kids. Said Cain He cut the wire where the key was, it destroyed the cabin. - Why are you doing this at your house. , said Ozren - Quite simply, because after killing you I will change cities, do you remember Mombolo from the tribe of Moyumbas? , said Cain - Yes, he's one of my demons now. , said Ozren - Well, saying more now, because he was the 7th child in his family, he had to die, which explains why he was so strong for a child. , said Cain - What did you do to him !! , said Ozren - I passed him on the other side. said Cain Because of these words the fight started he was raging, they arrived at the top of the lake, and Cain gave a blow in the water to weaken Ozren considerably, but it was blood which touched him and which made him Ozren louder and caused the rain. They continued, but due to the great difference in level, Ozren and Baraqiel were in bad shape. Cain struck Baraqiel in the middle of his stomach with a power that his whole body exploded, only his head remaining. This made Ozren angry, he shouted with all his might "NOO0000000000000000ON". When Ozren raised his head he was surprised to see that Cain no longer attacked, he looked at the sky and saw the drops in the air but which did not fall any more, like this that the time was freezing. He looked around, but after 5 minutes without anyone revealing himself he understood that it must have come from him, how? You remember at the beginning of the story in chapter 1, I said that the 666th son of Satan had 2 special skills instead of one like the others, the 1st is that of transforming living beings into demons, and the second is this, that of being able to stop time, finally to control it. He looked at his friend and said "Abadon egaxud xeloria" that could put his body back as before, ie before he died, but his soul was no longer there, so Ozren had to transform him into a demon, so that he comes back to life (because if an angel dies he goes to heaven, but will no longer be considered an angel, and another angel will be created to take his place), then shivering Ozren says "Valmas saglunoth orzin" , so Baraqiel turned into a demon manipulating light, but so that there was not a demon Ozren called "GAZIRATH", with this spell Baraqiel stayed alive, kept the power, but was no longer a demon. Ozren was happy, after he turned to Cain and said "Bizgath bir´oth srandal", as I told you before when Ozren fought the damned having the power to restart Ozren's day, what has to happen will happen, seen that Baraqiel will not die, someone will have to die in his place or he will annoy Baron Saturday (The master of the dead). The spell that Ozren cast is a spell that put the loop of time back in place, by killing Cain, Ozren who had had enough time stopped, put it back in place saying "Sturmuth zog´thmoth ernozaz", when time went back in place, he saw Baron Samedi take away Cain's body and give him his red soul. The Baron Saturday was dressed in an unusual purple suit and with feathers, he had a scepter with a skeletal skull at the highest level, a boa resided on this scepter, Baron Saturday stood on a coffin and held (rather levitated) a spirit on his left hand. Baron Saturday greeted him one last time and left. Baraqiel woke up and said "It's good, I've finished all my work, I'm finally going to be able to become a god. », He felt a force, which carried him and took him to the heavens, where he was going to be named divinity. Thus Ozren of finishing his adventure alone, he remembered that today was the day when we were going to award the title of new Satan, he called his breaze, which arrived in 5 seconds, he left in the city hall explaining that The Baron Saturday had taken the murderer for good. He asked his breaze to send him to Hell, which he did without using the underworld gate, because the breazes can travel between Vinverth and Hell without restriction and without the need for a door or other artifact. Ozren arrived in the ceremony, his father Satan was going to crown Sillmuzan, but Ozren said "Wait I am here, WAITED", all turned to Satan himself, Ozren said "Count, how much soul I have before letting him become Satan ". They made an account, but Ozren had 6,000 less souls than Sillmuzan, Ozren was disappointed with him, but he remembered the souls in his bag and took them out and said "You have not count that one", there was a rechecking and apparently Ozren ahead of Sillmuzan by 5 souls. -But father, it came too late, it doesn't count. , said Sillmuzan -You're the one who let my souls escape, it's your fault. , said Ozren - But no, don't say anything. Said Sillmuzan -I know it's you, the Gorgon sisters (these are three sisters who see the future and predict death) told me so. , said Ozren -Tss, you're right, but why do you want to be Satan. , said Sillmuzan - Because I want to be the lord and you what is the reason? , said Ozren - I want to be, because when I am, I could kill our father. , said Sillmuzan Everyone in the crowd was shocked -Why do you want to kill father? said Ozren - I would tell you, if we fight, if you win you become Satan and I tell you, but if you lose I become Satan and I tell you. said Sillmuzan Ozren nodded, they fought, Ozren had 1 advantage, but Sillmuzan had more of a tour in his bag. - You know that I am the fruit of father's union and who? , said Sillmuzan No, in any case that's not what will save you. , said Ozren - Well, yes, because I was born from the union of Satan and an angel. said Sillmuzan A deaf silence was heard in the room. Sillmuzan spread its wings one summer that of an angel and the other that of a demon. In a few seconds Sillmuzan took the advantage. He took out the Bible, everyone was afraid and he approached Ozren (for Sillmuzan on his angelic part it didn't matter to him). Ozren stopped time, took the bible, which did nothing to him when time was stopped and put it on all the demonic part of Sillmuzan, he put the time back in place with a snap of his finger, Sillmuzan was on the ground he had won , Satan named him Satan, Ozren after becoming Satan, went see his brother and ask him for explanations for his desire to kill their father. Sillmuzan says "I want to kill father because he does something horrible to our mothers. "-What did he do? , said Ozren -II, he killed our mothers and imprisoned them in a hell called the 667th hell, unknown to his sons, but the Gorgons confessed the truth to me, when I was asked for explanations about my mother, and I told them not to tell anyone else that, that's why they didn't answer you about your mother. said Sillmuzan Angry Ozren went to his father's room and tried to kill him, but even if Ozren was more powerful than his father who had bequeathed him his powers, he was still immortal (because Satan is immortal, although we change it every 1600 years. So Ozren called breaze, for who takes him to heaven with his father, but he didn't accept, because a breaze cannot go to heaven, so he asked his breaze to "Take his father and him to earth, then he went in search of the Baraqiel xanadu, and if the Baraqiel xanadu knew him he let him go up against his heart. When he reached the heavens he went to see the gods, and said" To the deities, excuse me for bothering you, but you can help me send the old Satan to hell as the damned. "And then what, again a new Satan, you want us deities to take away his immortality., says Zeus Yes, because he hurt 666 women by killing and torturing them, said Ozren Although the s deities would not seem like the acceptance of two came to help him. - Helping him, he helped me and all my people. , said Neptune Yes, he's a good demon. , says the god of light. Thank you Neptune and to you too the divinity of light. Said Ozren Don't be like that Ozren, it's me Baraqiel thank you for the powers of light, thanks to you I have become the god of light. , says Baraqiel Because after going to heaven Baraqiel was named god of light due to the power that Ozren had given him. - And then what, again new Satan, you want us deities to take away his immortality. , said Zeus - Yes, because he hurt 666 women by killing and torturing them. , said Ozren Although the deities did not seem to be accepted, two came to help him. - Helping him, he helped me and all my people. , said Neptune - Yes, he's a good demon. , says the god of light. - Thank you Neptune and to you too, divinity of light. Said Ozren - Don't be like that Özren, it's me Baraqiel thanks for the powers of light, thanks to you I have become the god of light. , says Baraqiel Because after going to heaven Baraqiel was named god of light due to the power that Ozren had given him. After a long discussion, the gods decided to help Ozren, in Satan the damned, Ozren returned to Hell tickled Satan and opened the 667th Hell, he freed all mothers. time with his mother, like all He spent other demons had done. And after a day he was sent back to their respective places, now they had the right to come and see their children once a month. Thus ends the adventure of Ozren and our History. Just kidding, because the part 2 is comming soon with Ozren who will get involved in the competition to choose the Emperor of the 5 Great Hells.

Part 1 : End