
Lustful Evolution System

Pandora, a world of magic dominated by women. Men could not use magic, and they could only grow stronger by having intimate relations with witches, absorbing some of their powers, using it to cultivate their bodies and grow stronger. Aura Masters, as they were called, were skilled men who not only had a witch partner but also had Aura Techniques, cultivation manuals used since ancient times and passed down through generations. A crisis erupted in Pandora. Dimensional gates appeared all over the world, and with them came much more powerful monsters. But the witches still reigned supreme. A particular man, a seer, said, "You will need heroes for the future, or Pandora will perish, forever." No one paid attention to that man. "A man cannot use magic, so you can’t see the future!" Well, things changed when demons started coming out from the dimensional gates, and the witches needed help. They performed a ritual to summon heroes, or rather, heroines. The same ritual done a thousand years prior! A classroom of 10 girls got summoned, all from Earth. Among them, a man, Rick Grey. He soon discovered that men were seen as inferior and got kicked out. "Leave before I kill you!" Those were the words he heard. It hurt him, being betrayed by his own friends, and screwed by the luck of the universe. Just when everything seemed lost, something incredible happened. [Lustful Evolution System Initializing]

Ryongul · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Demon God of Lust

Rick could not win the fight. He couldn't sense if the wolves had magical power or not, but even if they did not, he would lose.

No weapons, no skills, no spells, no anything. The only thing Rick had was an athletic body, but that wouldn't be enough to outrun wolves or fight against them using his bare hands. The odds of him winning a fight against five wolves were just zero.

'Fuck. What should I do?' Rick's mind worked at full speed, trying to find a way out of that situation. But the wolves did not stand there and let their prey flee. They attacked!

One wolf pounced over Rick, its mouth opened, trying to bite his neck! Making use of his athletic body, Rick managed to roll to the side, avoiding getting bitten on the neck, but his arm paid the price! The wolf ripped a part of his flesh. Blood spurted from the wound like a water fountain, and the pain made Rick curse and scream in agony.

"Damn it!"

The pain Rick was feeling made his mind stop thinking clearly, and the constant loss of blood made his body feel weak, unable to continue moving forward.

What options did he have? Rick was too weak to face those wolves, and death seemed imminent. The first enemies he encountered in the forest, which weren't even magical beasts, were able to put his life in danger. He was starting to accept death.

As the wolf that had just attacked was feasting on the piece of flesh from his arm, another wolf leaped, attempting to bite Rick in the same manner as the first wolf. This time, his leg was the target, and another large chunk of flesh was torn from his body.

Rick was desperate. He looked back, noticing the strong current of the river. A crazy idea crossed his mind. 'If I stay here, I'll die. At least by jumping into this damn river, I might have a chance to survive!'

He didn't have time to waste. Rick jumped into the river, using what little strength remained. Staying in that spot, waiting for the remaining wolves to attack, would simply be stupid.

Not that Rick was very confident about surviving the strong current of the river in his injured state. The bleeding was severe, and with each passing moment, Rick felt his body becoming weaker, his vision growing blurry.

Despite that, he fought with all his might! The river pushed him downstream, and with his leg and arm injured, it was almost impossible to swim in that situation.

His body collided with several rocks. Rick could feel some of his ribs being broken, and at a certain point, he lost consciousness. His fate was uncertain.

After an unknown amount of time, Rick opened his eyes. A wooden ceiling entered his sight, and a cozy atmosphere embraced his body. He looked to the side, noticing a fireplace with a crackling fire. It felt nice.

'What happened?' The last thing he remembered was hitting a rock, and then losing consciousness. Everything after that was a complete mystery to him.

"Are you awake?" A voice entered his ears, waking him up from his daydreams. It was the voice of a woman, and Rick already thought about the worst.

"Where am I?" Rick said, turning his head to the side. That's when he saw one of the most gorgeous women he had ever seen. She had blond hair, but it was more towards white, and her blue eyes were like staring at an ocean.

She wore a red dress, showcasing her attributes and curves. A stunningly attractive woman. The size and shape of her breasts were perfect by Rick's standards, and the pale skin of her thighs made Rick feel a rush of desire.

The color of her hair and eyes resembled the leader of the temple Rick got summoned to, but the rest was completely different.

"This is my humble home," the woman said, "Some villagers found you near a river, and because I live alone, they decided to put you in my care. Your condition is pretty bad so don't expect to get out of bed so soon."

Rick looked down to check his body, seeing bandages all over. He had lost pieces of flesh, and every time he moved, his ribs hurt.

"Will I get better? I mean, I feel like shit…" He was just a regular dude in a magical world, and his wounds were severe.

"I will not lie to you," the woman said as she placed a dead rabbit on a table, "You will probably get better, but your body will never be the same. But don't be discouraged, you can find jobs here and make a living. Do you like fishing? There's a river and a lake in these parts, so you can make a living out of fishing."

"I am Hanna, by the way. You?"

"Rick… My name's Rick…"

It was impossible to not feel down. Rick was first full of hope of being in a world of magic and becoming a mighty wizard or a powerful sword master, yet all of his dreams were crushed by harsh reality. Not only that, but he got crippled on the first day. He felt terrible.


"Demon God of Lust, are you trying to find a suitable candidate for your powers again?" asked a winged demon, respect evident in its tone.

A handsome demon with horns, wings, and a powerful aura sat on a throne. An orb made of pure demonic energy was in front of him, displaying scenes from a world.

"Yes, I am," the Demon God of Lust said. "This is the only way I can start to put my influence in Pandora. All the other Gods and Demons are doing it, so I must do the same!"

"But you tried it before, and while the others have candidates to share their powers, you don't," remarked the winged demon.

The Demon God of Lust rose from his throne, slamming his hand on the table. "Shut up! That's why I don't get a candidate. You, my counselors, are always full of shit. Why don't you suggest that I will find a candidate, you fuckers?"

"But Lord, it has been three thousand years and nothing…" another demon interjected.

The Demon God of Lust was about to strike the demon when his demonic orb started shining. That was the sign he was looking for.

"A... a candidate for my powers appeared!!!"