
Lustful Desires: The secrets

Jasmine, a survivor of a human trafficking ring, finds herself employed as a house manager in the residence of a wealthy billionaire, Matheus. Her traumatic past contrasts with her new responsibilities. She's tasked with overseeing Matheus's diet, adhering to his strict rules, and maintaining a low profile within the household. Despite the challenge, Jasmine's systematic approach and calming presence gradually earn her a place within the household. Matheus, on the surface, is a ruthless and aloof individual. However, as he spends more time around Jasmine, he finds himself drawn to her soothing demeanor, which helps him escape the haunting memories of his past. His attempts to remain distant only intensify his feelings for The story takes a complicated turn with the impending arrival of Matheus's fiancée. Matheus is torn between his loyalty to the woman his late mother wished him to marry and his growing affection for Jasmine. The impending wedding compels him to consider his responsibilities and the promises he made. Jasmine, meanwhile, grapples with her own feelings for Matheus. As his wedding date approaches, she must navigate her emotions and confront the reality that Matheus is meant to marry someone else. The intensity of their connection becomes more palpable as they struggle with their desires and societal expectations. Will Matheus bury the feelings he once had for Jasmine after marrying the woman she believes is the one meant for her? How will he lock out those ocean-blue eyes that he keeps seeing every time he touches his wife? How will he keep his name out of his mouth?

Coffee_ciggarette · สมัยใหม่
12 Chs

Chapter Eight

It has been one month,

Trust me, life here is not a walk in the park. Most days, my schedule is a disaster and I need to re-adjust it every day to make sure it aligns with My boss's schedule.

I may wake up early in the morning, and make him breakfast only to realize that he didn't come home the previous day. Sometimes, I might run upstairs to check on him but he is not in bed. I hate those moments.

As promised, a chef is taking me through vigorous training. Surprisingly, it's Wendy's brother, Malachi. I wanted to ask Wendy why she didn't tell me about his brother but I haven't found the time to even walk out of this compound to go anywhere.

Mark is still mad at me. I tried calling but he has blocked my number. I don't know for how long he is going to do this but Wendy told me to give him some space. I never asked his brother where he might be. I assume he is busy focusing on his studies now that he is behind the college schedule.

Today is one of those days of the week that I hate, Wednesday. On Wednesdays, Matheus is unpredictable. He might fail to be home the previous night and pop in at any time of the day and he is grumpy from I don't know what.

Malachi has taught me the best meal to cook him on Wednesdays to make him a bit pleased. I have to prepare him a steak, with broccoli and some hard coffee. When I asked Malachi why that meal, he said it was the favorite dish his mother made him every day. As much as it looks odd, I made it every Wednesday but first, I have to confirm if he is around.

Tip-toeing, I walk upstairs.

I gather my courage, I don't know what am going to find today. On other days you might be greeted with dresses and trousers at the door. In such cases, I don't knock. If not, I might open the door and people are moaning that is when I run downstairs and I won't wake up until Malachi comes in.

Matheus is never respectful, I noticed. I hate that part. I tried writing my unpleasant suggestions and leaving them on his side bed every day but seems like he never pays attention to them.

I don't know what to find today. Knocking on the door, I don't hear any response, that is a good sign for me to enter. There are no clothes in the doorway. Opening the door, I see a messed up bed but I don't see Matheus.

Malachi is the one who came up with this idea. He said it would be good to avoid getting on his bad side. I was satisfied with the scene and I had to cook his meal. Closing the door, I saw a leg protruding from the bed. I turned around to look again but I was not sure if it was a prank or it was just my imagination.

I walked back and looked at the leg. Bending below the bed, I wasn't sure what I would find, maybe Matheus fell while sleeping and forgot to wake up. On second thought, what if he fainted or someone attacked him last night?

I slowly looked below the bed, my heart was not erratic and it wasn't beating fast because of fear. I was concerned as to why Malachi would be down under his bed.

Following the leg, indeed it was Matheus, he was curled under his bed, shaking, sweat covering his body and I feared that he might be on drugs. Since I couldn't pull him out because he was shrieking, I threw the mattress from the bed and looked for a way to get him out. My heart started beating as soon as I saw his red eyes. They were moving around like a vampire that wanted more blood. I feared that he might jump from the bed and scratch me.

Shaking my head, I threw away that feeling and called his name, "Matheus," my voice came out loud and commanding. It made him crawl further and cover his face. I realized that I had used the wrong tone.

I remember when I was in a children's home, I used to have nightmares. Older kids would bully you and even pour water into your bed. To save myself, I hid under the bed and after escaping I couldn't sleep right. Even the dreams sounded real and the only thing I could do was keep myself awake until morning.

For Matheus, I don't know what happened, I don't know what led to this situation. I wish I understood everything that comes with this. My situation can't be his situation.

I quickly pulled the bed bit and when he saw me pulling the bed, he followed the direction of the bed's shadow.

This was not going to save him.

I crawled under the bed and hugged him tightly, he didn't say anything instead, he was numb and his body was rigid. This made it hard for me to understand whether he needs support or he wants to be left alone.

I was not going to leave him alone. I hugged him and patted his head. His rigid body rigid body started to lose up and instead of hugging me back, he started to cry, silently. I wanted to hold myself together but I felt tears flowing down my cheeks. I wish I had someone who held me like this when I had those nightmares.

"It's okay," I mumbled.

When he calmed down, I slowly helped him crawl out of the bed.

I placed my hands on his cheeks to feel them, but his hands stopped me from doing that. He stood up and walked to the bathroom as if nothing happened. He didn't even say thank you. Why is he arrogant like this? I helped him can't he just say something?

I returned the mattress and changed the sheets. Done with his room, I placed out the clothes for him to wear and went to make his meal.

Downstairs, the delivery guy was already in the kitchen sipping a cup of coffee. I said hi and picked up all the delivery. He left me to prepare the meal.

The steak is seasoned and he loves a lot of chilly, just like me. It is stupid to think that we love the same thing. After preparing the steak, I steamed the broccoli and made some coffee.

He prefers to eat from the kitchen counter. So I set everything just in time when he descended the last stairs. The last thing was the coffee in a flask to keep it hot while he dealt with steak first. Sometimes he prefers to drink it while going to work.

I pull out the kitchen apron and walk out of the room but his voice stops me, "Aren't you going to eat?" he asks. We always eat together every morning.

I shake my head and start walking but he hits the spoon on the counter making it crack. I stop and walk back. Filling my plate with steak and broccoli.

What with his mood every day? Why can't he just have one mood for a day? If he is happy, why can't he stay like that?

"Stop assuming things, if we are supposed to eat, let's eat, you don't leave me when we are supposed to eat!" he shouted.

"The same way you assume things?" I asked, playing with my meal.

"Is this about the meal, what is your issue?" he growled.

"You want to explain what was happening, some one hour ago?" I asked.

He stopped slicing his steak and placed the clutter beside the plates.

"It's a nightmare and it won't happen again," he said and picked up his fork ready to eat his meal.

"It's not a one-time thing. It will come again." I said and picked up my plate.

"Don't say this to anyone," he said.

I looked at him and smiled, "I don't promise to shut my mouth. Mark must know it," I said and walked out.

"Jaz," he shouted and I looked at him, I was used to his growling by now. He looked at me but didn't open his mouth to what he wanted to say because Malachi walked in.

"Hello, man, Jasmine, hi," he greeted Matheus and ran towards me. He hugged me while lifting me high.

"I missed you," he said. I cling on to him. "I missed you two," he kissed my cheeks.

Malachi treats me like a younger sister unlike Matheus who treats me like a child. Looking at Matheus, he didn't have a happy expression. Is he jealous that I have a very good bond with Malachi?

"You two, are here to work, don't make me fire you!" We turned around and gazed at him. Malachi started preparing lessons for today while I headed to the sink.

"Jaz," walk with me to the car, "Chef, teach her."

Once in the car, I handed him his briefcase and coffee. He didn't take them instead he folded his hands on his chest and glared at me," What are you guys doing?"

What does he mean by: what are we doing?

"Mr. Matheus, I am doing my work and you haven't complained about it. Why are you acting like an immature boy?" I was just playing along with his game.

"Between you and me, you are the immature one and a kid!"