
Lust King: I will Rule the World with my Secret Harem!

Alex Delcus was just a normal college student with a simple life. One evening, his world changed when he was hit by a speeding truck. "... So, my sad and failed life finally ends here." As he lost consciousness, he thought his life was over. But instead of dying, Alex woke up in a strange, luxurious room. "Ugh... what's going on? Where am I? How to heck am I even alive?" He found out that he was no longer in his own body but had become the Demon King of Lust, a tall, muscular and handsome figure with humanoid skin and horns. "Hmm? Why is my body so different?" A voice echoed in his mind, a voice that wasn't his. It was a woman's voice. "Welcome, my lord. You have been chosen to live your daily life as the Demon King of Lust," the voice said. "You are now the ruler of this kingdom, a world where the desire for power and conquest reigns supreme." As Alex tried to understand what was happening, he met Lisa Dilhidia, the Queen of demons of lust, who introduced herself as his wife. "Wait! Wait! What do mean by chosen? When did you became my wife?" He was very confused about his existence and his wife who had suddenly appeared. Before he could ask her more questions, Alex felt a powerful desire. He suddenly felt super horny for Lisa's lips apparently for no reason and kissed her, even though he didn't want to but had no choice. Then, a voice echoed in his head, and a virtual video game screen appeared in front of him. Various messages started popping up on the screen. ... [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements necessary to activate the "Devil System"] "Wait! What Requirements?" [Ding, Devil System has been activated!] "A System?" [Ding, Congratulations to the host for completing all the requirements for the "Devil System" to evolve into the "Lust System."] "Evolve? Already? But what did I even do to make it evolve?" [Ding, Commencing Evolution! Failed!] [Ding, Commencing Evolution multiple times! Failed!] "Urgh, shit, failed, now what?

JetLord004 · แฟนตาซี
19 Chs

Chapter17-I should have stayed in my home that day!

"Listen, everyone," I began, my voice determined but tinged with urgency. "The Kraken may be a formidable foe, but we have our strengths."

Daniel, with his sword at the ready, nodded in agreement.

Thompson, the skilled assassin, silently adjusted his daggers, while Elizabeth, the summoner, began to conjure protective wards.

Mia, the elemental mage, started channelling her magic, and Lisa, the demon queen, prepared her dark powers.

"We need to focus on coordination," I continued.

"Daniel, you're on distraction duty. Get the Kraken's attention and keep it occupied. Thompson, use your stealth to strike from the shadows, targeting its weaker spots. Elizabeth, summon your creatures to support us."

They all acknowledged their roles with determined nods, their eyes never leaving the monstrous creature. We needed to act fast.

"Mia, use your elemental magic to control the water around the Kraken. Try to immobilize its tentacles. Lisa, use your demon powers to weaken its defences."

Mia unleashed a torrent of water, shaping it into ropes that moved toward the Kraken's arms.

Lisa's dark magic enveloped the creature, causing it to twist in discomfort.

With our plan in motion, we advanced towards the Kraken.

Daniel bravely charged forward, drawing the Kraken's attention as he clashed with one of its massive tentacles.

The Kraken roared in pain as Thompson took advantage of the distraction, landing precise strikes on the tentacle's sensitive spots.

Elizabeth's summoned creatures joined the fight, engaging the Kraken's other tentacles and disrupting its balance.

Mia continued to control the water, encasing the Kraken's appendages in icy bonds.

Lisa's dark magic makes the creature weaker, making it easier to hurt.

As the battle raged on, the Kraken's colossal form moved in agony.

"Hehh!! "

Its roars echoed through the chamber, shaking the very stones around us.

But we were relentless. 

The battle raged on, our team was locked in a deadly struggle with the colossal Kraken.

Despite our coordinated efforts, the creature's resilience was awe-inspiring.

It seemed to draw strength from the very depths of the underground lake, its tentacles lashing out with increasing speed.

But as the minutes passed, it became clear that something had changed.

The Kraken's eyes once filled with malevolence, now held a glimmer of confusion and frustration.

It couldn't understand why we were not defeated yet.

Daniel, still locked in combat with one of the Kraken's tentacles, grunted with effort as he parried the creature's relentless attacks.

"Keep it up, everyone!" he shouted, his voice strained but determined. "We've got it on the ropes!"

Thompson continued to strike with precision from the shadows, but his daggers seemed to have less effect as the Kraken's scales hardened and thickened.

Elizabeth's summoned creatures fought hard, but they were getting tired and couldn't keep up with the Kraken, which seemed to have endless energy.

Mia tried to control the water around the Kraken, but it was getting harder.

The Kraken's arms moved a lot, making it tough to keep her magic working.

Amidst the chaos, Lisa and I exchanged a knowing glance. It was time to unleash our true power. With a nod to each other, we moved in unison.

"Lisa," I whispered, my thoughts reaching out to hers, "We need to combine our abilities. Let's merge our strengths and use 'Deadra' together."

Her eyes met mine, determination mirrored in her gaze. "I'm with you," she replied mentally, her voice resolute.

I channelled the dark energy that flowed within me, allowing it to surge through my veins.

My eyes burned with fiery power as I lifted my hand, calling on the strength of the Demon King.

Dark, wavy lines of energy came out from my fingers, coming together to make a big, shadowy sword.

Lisa's powers mixed with mine, making our magic stronger.

She pointed her hand at the Kraken, her eyes full of determination.

Dark, ghostly chains came out from her hand, wrapping around the creature's arms.

As the magic swirled around us, I spoke softly in our shared mental space, "Lisa, let's direct it towards the Kraken to the east."

"Let's go!! "

With a synchronized battle cry, Lisa and I attacked as one.

I swung the shadowy sword with all my might, slashing through the Kraken's tentacle.

Lisa's chains squeezed, crushing the arm with strong force.

Amid the magical onslaught, Lisa's voice echoed in my mind, "This power... it's incredible."

I smiled mentally, "Together, there's nothing we can't overcome."

As I spoke, the Kraken screamed in pain.

One of its long arms got cut off and twisted by our strong attack.

Strange, dark power flowed through the sea creature, making it jerk in agony.

We surprised the Kraken with our strong, dark abilities.

Our team had already fought hard to weaken it, but it was when we combined our dark powers that we started winning.

Feeling strong again, the rest of our team joined in.

Thompson used his sharp knives to wound it more, Elizabeth's summoned creatures tore into the creature's flesh, and Mia's magic got even stronger.

Now, the Kraken was hurt and really suffering. It couldn't defend itself well anymore.

It moved around a lot, its scary eyes now looking scared and desperate.

But, Then...

As the huge sea monster, the Kraken, twisted in pain, its gigantic body shook with the pain it suffered.

A creepy change began happening around us—the air got filled with dark power, and the Kraken's malevolent eyes glowed angrily.

Trying one last time to protect itself, the Kraken used its strongest ability.

The walls of the cave shook a lot, and the room itself seemed to fight against the monster.

Ancient stone pillars cracked and crumbled, sending debris raining down upon us.

"Everybody, Be careful! " (Alex)

I shouted a warning to my team, but it was too late.

"Kra... Kraees! "

The Kraken let out a deafening, otherworldly roar that shattered our eardrums.

"Fuck you, motherf*cker stop shouting!! " (Alex)

A shockwave of energy radiated outward from the creature, and the chamber began to collapse around us.

Massive chunks of the chamber's ceiling tumbled to the ground, narrowly missing us as we scrambled for cover.

The very ground beneath our feet trembled as deep fissures snaked their way towards us.

The Kraken's power was overwhelming, and it was determined to take us down with it.

Lisa and I, still recovering from our earlier display of power, realized that we had no choice but to counter the Kraken's devastating attack.

We joined our powers once more, summoning a protective barrier of dark energy around our team.

The Kraken's shockwave collided with our barrier, creating an explosion of mystical energy that sent shockwaves reverberating through the chamber.

The impact was cataclysmic, causing the very foundations of the ancient chamber to quake.

But even with our combined strength, the Kraken's power was formidable.

Cracks began to appear in the ground beneath us, and the chamber continued to crumble around us.

Stones tumbled, torches flickered and died, and the ghostly blue light that had bathed the chamber began to dim.

Desperation and determination drove us forward.

As a team, we faced a few challenges, and we weren't about to let this ancient terror be our undoing.

With renewed strength, we pushed back against the Kraken's attack.

Mia, her elemental magic surging, summoned a protective barrier of water to reinforce our defences.

Thompson, using his agility, darted between falling debris, shielding his comrades with his own body.

Daniel, ever the stalwart warrior, stood as a fortress against the collapsing chamber.

The battle between the Kraken's devastating power and our determination raged on, the very fate of our team hanging in the balance. The chamber continued to crumble around us, and the Kraken's tentacles thrashed wildly, causing further destruction.

And then, in one final, explosive burst of energy, the Kraken unleashed its ultimate attack.

The chamber seemed to implode upon itself, and a colossal abyss opened in the ground beneath us.

We were all sent hurtling into the deep, surrounded by falling debris and the remnants of the once-majestic chamber.

As we plunged into the darkness, I could hear the shouts and cries of my comrades.

"Everyone hold each other's hand." (Alex)

We reached out to each other, desperately trying to stay together in the chaos. But the overwhelming force of the Kraken's power had torn us asunder.

"My Love, hold my hand! " (Lisa) 

Amidst the chaos and the falling stones, I caught a glimpse of Lisa, her hand outstretched towards me, her eyes filled with determination.

But before I could reach her, the darkness swallowed us whole.

We fell deeper into the abyss, uncertain of what awaited us in the depths below.

The second trial had pushed us to our limits, and now we faced an even greater challenge—surviving the Kraken's ultimate onslaught and finding our way back to each other in this dangerous unknown.

Damn, this is why, I sometimes, thought it was better if I had not gone outside that day, I would have been watching porn videos in my computer and masturbating instead of fighting with this shitty creature.

I really missed my home.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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