
Fallen Archangel

"Every archangel can attain greater power, but I highly doubt you can do it." Panting, Argus is remembering the method to overpower a messenger's skills. "Please don't. " A faint voice coming from Rafaela can be heard but Argus seemed lost all of his senses.

"Etsel Mala'kel"

"Test'zel Sam'tan'el"

"Itz Retz Nama'tel Itz Hel"

"Asta'Rel Kama'Kala"

"Kama'Kala Kama'Kala Satan'el"

"Kama Kala Kama'Kala"

"Vel Me Vaskalla Me Solvalla"

"Me Res'Alla Ah'tan'tel. "

The ritual of the dark mages continues as Rafaela is being consumed by an evil force.

"Lord, forgive my sins."

Argus bid his farewell to heaven.

"I, Argus, is no longer a messenger of the Lord."

"I, Argus, will become an evil worshipper!!!"

Argus proclaimed and embraced the demonic spirit. He summoned his saint blade and mentally controlled it. He pierced his heart and blood rushed down to his saint blade. After that, a malevolent aura engulfed his physical body and spiritual soul.

"What have you done? " The puzzled necromancer asked.

As the dark aura faded, the reborn Argus has showed. His face was covered by a devilish mask with battle horns on his head. His body was geared by a fiendish armor and his wings had turned black and sharp.

"I will bury your souls!!! "

"Demonic Grip!!! "

A concentrated black aura has discharged and the binding chains has broken. Argus pulled his demonic blade out of his chest as he dive towards the ritual to combat evil and save Rafaela.

"You shall not disturb the arrival!!! "

"Cult Altar!!! "

The evil necromancer summoned the revival altar and resurrect countless souls. The puppets charged towards Argus and swarmed him.

"More! I need more!!! "

Argus awakened his demonic warmonger's power by feeding on the energy of the eliminated souls. The power intensified the abilities of his blade and unleashed his ultimate skill.

"Eternal Evil!!! "

The fallen archangel has turned into immortal barbaric fighter and killed countless puppets one by one. After wiping out all the resurrected souls, he managed sealing the revival altar summoned by the evil necromancer. Argus rushed towards Rafaela and unchained the maiden from the ritual.

"We will meet again..."

The evil necromancer escaped and left the dark realm.

"Why did you deny the heavens?" Rafaela cried.

"Even the gates of hell can't stop me from saving you." Argus foolishly replied.