
Ludso and Driddon

The feud between the two clans backdates hundreds of years, during the darkest parts of their history when slaves broke from their masters. The pain of losing their slaves was much deeper than anyone could have imagined, dividing the Island. Intermarriage between the two clans was forbidden, entertaining the idea of friendships was not tolerated. Despite the feud many people have disobeyed causing a loss of stability to the control of Ludso, although Driddon appears unaffected by the change, the conniving hearts of those in power attempt to corrupt the good heart of the Driddon Clan it is up to our heroin to save her people before the damage remains permanent. The people of Driddon must remain free, no matter the cost, all people deserve the freedom to choose their life without fear that their loved ones will be murdered. Civil unrest calls for immediate action, so many have died for the belief in the revolution, many more lives are at stake. Driddon’s peaceful ways are hanging on the line if the revolution should fail all hope will be lost, and their sacrifice would have been in vain.

Anagwin · แฟนตาซี
14 Chs

Chapter 7

Meghan got out of the bed, the first time in a week she felt better, she felt happy, she felt ready to face the world, Meghan walked to the window to look across the city, but it was hard to see much more than just the next skyscraper, she wished she could see the sky gleaming toward her she wanted to feel the night blowing into face as it traveled past her hair back into the world. Her longing was getting her into trouble with the nurses, she was healing and they new it, but they were under strict orders to keep her in her room.

Meghan was tired of staying in the hospital wing, but every attempt of her escape ended with her being sedated, she didn't understand why she was being forced to stay, she was off IV now, she was well enough. According to the Doctor she was still too weak to handle the world. Meghan just knew that was a lie, but also thought that if it wasn't it is the custom to send the patient home to re-cooperate rather than wasting resources in a hospital, the nurses agreed with Meghan but couldn't do anything about it. Not everyone on the Island had phones and the ones who did have phones she couldn't remember their numbers. Meghan leaned on the Window, trying to figure out what Mrs Fisher's number was, because if anyone could get out she could, after how Mr Boscamo treated her she was too afraid to call Pierre to her side, he was working. The thought of Mr Boscamo sent cold shivers down her spine, immediately she changed her thoughts back to remembering Mrs Fisher's number, after jibbering numbers silently she threw her hands up in defeat and wished she had her phone, which was somewhere in Pierre's house. Meghan had, had enough, she stood up and determinedly strode to the door, before she neared it the door swung open, and there stood the big, dark figure of Mr Boscamo. Meghan stood speechless in front him, she wanted to run, hide and scream, all at once. But her body wouldn't move, she just stood before him petrified.

His voice ended the silence "you owe me woman!" Meghan's eyes narrowed with pure hatred toward this man, her fear though held her tongue, Mr Boscamo saw the fear gaze over her eyes, seeing that he had power over her, he rested his foot on the bed leaning into his leg "you owe me big! I lost my best worker because of you, that's a lot of money to work back to me, because you're uneducated the only job I can offer you is being an intern to my assistant, even then that's a generous bargain. Thank Pierre that I don't take you to court and have you imprisoned for what you have done" Mr Boscamo placed his foot to the ground as if his words were final. He went to leave the room when she said "I will not work for a man like you. You are no man, you hold a black heart. I do not owe YOU anything. I am in here for as long as I was because of YOU!" Meghan stood her ground, her body showed resistance, stubbornness but her eyes showed fear, it was that fear that Mr Boscamo wanted. "So you haven't learned your lesson then!" Mr Boscamo stormed toward her, this time she didn't run from him, her insides were shaking with fear, she wanted to vomit than to hide, but the fact she held her ground eyes wide open caused Mr Boscamo to stop in front of her, he wanted to hurt her, he wanted her to beg him to stop, so he grabbed her hands, he pulled her to his eye level, she hung a bit of the ground, her wrists burned with pain, she didn't make a noise all she said was "you hurt me, that's more money you have to pour into my health. You break it, you fix it!" At that he dropped her, he was tired of paying the hospital fees with all his might he stopped himself from kicking her. Mr Boscamo turned to leave, "just so you are aware, I will expect you to work, for I lost Pierre to you." Meghan clenched her fists, she yelled "that's not my fault! I will not work for you, no one should ever work for you!" Angrily Mr Boscamo stormed out of the room.

Meghan cooled down at the edge of the bed, night was approaching fast, this had been a terrible day, she wanted to sulk and to hide from the world, this was not the adventure she wanted. Her thoughts were interrupted by Pierre who hastily barged in the door way, "Meghan, are you hurt?" Meghan shook her head, she looked down to her feet then out the window, Pierre slowly neared her as he did he saw she was crying, he just lovingly wrapped his arms around the woman he loved and said "I'm taking you home, I've already informed your family of what has happened." Meghan nodded whispering "thank you". Pierre carried her out of the room and gently placed her on her feet as he spoke to the Doctor, he told him he was taking her out of the hospital, and he could not be stopped. The Doctor objected for Mr Boscamo had ordered her to stay in the room, Pierre told him that Mr Boscamo had no power over him or Meghan, they were leaving, with that Meghan was free from the hospital, she took in the night sky as if it were her very first that she had ever experienced. Pierre chuckled as he guided her to his car, he ensured she was safely in the passenger seat before going to the drivers side.

Meghan was finally home in Driddon, however Pierre was driving her to the Cooper's house, she wondered why that was. Pierre just smiled, he wasn't going to say anything. It was a secret. When they got out of the car it took Pierre quite some coercion for her to go up the steps to the front door, however her fears and doubts were replaced with joyful cheers once the door was opened. She was embraced by her parents with the greatest joy, her family and friends put on a beautiful dinner. In honour of Pierre who rescued Meghan from the horrible Mr Boscamo they toasted and drank to their new dearest ally, her parents apologised for judging him so harshly that night, perhaps they were more prejudice about the West than they realised. Mr Colesman called Pierre aside and asked if he would stay the night at their place so they might shower him with blessings in honour of their daughter whom he bought home, he told Pierre that he would approve the marriage alliance between him and his daughter Meghan. Pierre was overwhelmed and accepted Mr Colesman's words most graciously. Although Pierre wasn't sure if he was ready for marriage, but one thing he was sure about was that he didn't want to live anymore days without Meghan in his life. He loved that she was much stronger than she looked, she was able to withstand Mr Boscamo, no woman had ever stood up to a man like that before, he thought maybe she was strong enough after all.

The next morning Meghan awoke in her bed, she had no idea how much she really missed waking up in her room, this was a feeling she took for granted, she looked at herself and was so relieved that the clothes she went to sleep in are the same when she awoke. Meghan felt happy that today was a normal day for her, and that she didn't have to go to work, her parents requested the next few days for them to be with their daughter, Meghan didn't mind, on the contrary she welcomed the leisure days. Before she was fully awake Meghan heard a knock on the door, Meghan was curious about who should be knocking on her door, she was so happily surprised to see it was Pierre, immediately she let him enter, Pierre just hugged her close to him and was thankful she was alright. Meghan enjoyed the warm embrace and hoped it would never end.

Pierre later spoke to her saying "your parents, friends, other relatives. Actually pretty much all of the Island are throwing you a welcome home breakfast, it's like a festival outside but you're not welcome until about half nine, Meghan looked at the clock and giggled, "that's a few hours away, what am I supposed to do?" Pierre looked at Meghan flirtatiously "I know how to keep you busy" Meghan giggled as he took her to the bedroom, he wanted her, she was his now. Meghan looked at him as he began to take his top of in front of her, she rose from the bed and firmly spoke "please, don't ruin me" Pierre smiled "I wouldn't dream of it" Pierre left his clothes on, as he lay on the bed he looked to her "you know for most the time you were in hospital, I was there with you, I'm so tired." Meghan shrugged in agreeance with him, so she lay next to him, upon being so close to his naked torso, she could feel her cheeks swell with blushing pink, Pierre watched as Meghan looked over his body with stars in her eyes, using this moment he took Meghan with little effort he was able to win her over to him, he stayed with her until her body went limp inside his arms, she had satisfied him well this morning, he no longer cared about how she felt he was finally satisfied this pleased him. Pierre left her side once he was certain she had fallen into unconsciousness he went out to greet everyone to encourage them for being so kind, he gave his sincere apologies to the people of Driddon for she was still to exhausted to join in their festivities. Pierre however turned the heads of all those around him, the people grew to love Pierre, not just because of how generous, kind and caring he was being now with them, but because of how he was in the hospital with her, he had proved to them he was a man without fault, a man who could look after their Meghan in a way no other could, a man worthy to be a part of this large family. Pierre let himself be cheery to the people, he was there for them, he loved the attention, he was finally gaining their trust, he was in the loop over a tragedy, his revenge was well underway.

It was midday when Meghan awoke, she was feeling just as terrible as when she was in the hospital, so she forced herself into the shower. When Meghan came out of the shower, she really didn't feel much better, everything hurt to the extreme, she wanted Pierre, she wanted to tell him how much pain he has caused her, for she couldn't even walk, her body felt bruised and tampered, Meghan felt miserable, she didn't understand how it was suppose to bring comfort and joy to people. Meghan waddled with the towel around her to the bed, where she just lay curled up in ball, hoping that the pain would go away. Pierre noticed the time and wondered where she was, he calmed the town of Driddon and said he would go and fetch her, when he entered her bedroom he noticed she was dripping in water curled on the bed, "Meghan what has happened? Why are you not dressed?" Pierre stopped to look upon the woman he was beginning to fall in love with, she was pale, cold and she looked miserable, Pierre didn't try to force her to say anything, he just went into the bathroom to grab another towel to stop her hair from dripping, he found a blow dryer to dry her hair and the bed, only after she was completely dry, he grabbed clean clothing without any assistance from Meghan he was able to gently dress her, although it pained him to dress her, he really wanted to feel her body against his skin once more. Pierre then carried Meghan to her couch when he combed her hair, once she was ready, he sat next to her, she just fell onto his lap, completely lethargic "what is wrong?" Pierre whispered, Meghan answered "why am I in so much pain, I can barely move, I couldn't even walk, my body feels ripped apart" Pierre thought for a moment, but there were no words to be spoken, this was what he wanted, he wanted her to feel this way, but he also felt like he wanted her to love him, Pierre was out for revenge, he never thought that revenge would hurt him, he didn't want her to regret him. Pierre was beginning to understand the family she came from, it was so different to the world he knew, for a moment he almost believed he wanted that.

Meghan had fallen asleep on Pierre although he wanted to move her, he felt compelled to stay with her, later her mother came in to inquire after Meghan, Pierre gave a sympathetic look to Mrs Colesman, she just smiled back to him, "she looks exhausted" she whispered, Pierre nodded, she wanted to really see what sort of man who would be her son in law. Pierre knew Mrs Colesman was sizing him up, but he couldn't read her at all, Pierre felt confused he could always read any women, but this one was outside his domain, he had never dealt with a mother before, and she was proving to be rather protective, Pierre wanted to rise to the occasion, to put this woman in her place. But for now he needed her support, he needed her not to alert the Island. Mrs Colesman spoke "if you have any decency at all you will marry her, I will remain quiet for the time being for the sake of my daughter, but that will only stretch so far" Pierre sighed "I don't know what you're talking about" Mrs Colesman replied "of course you don't, but if you truly care about her you will do well to let her be, or there will be much trouble at your front door." Pierre watched as Mrs Colesman left the room, he didn't want to leave her alone, Pierre grew indignant with her words, for no one tells Pierre what to do.

During that night he ensured that he stayed by her side until he was certain she was well, he wanted to see her awake one more time. Meghan awoke next to a handsome figure staring at her, he looked so serene to her, but her body was still so sore, Pierre smiled, he gave her some pills and a glass of wine, Meghan giggled "I'm not having that last time I took alcohol from you I ended up in hospital" Pierre shook his head "believe me, no mixing has occurred, I'll leave that up to my bartender, this is just red wine and anti inflammatory pills, please take them to make yourself feel better" Meghan obeyed as she took them Pierre felt completely satisfied with his work, he was so happy that she trusted him so implicitly. Pierre watched as her eyes grew glassy and droopy this is what he wanted, he would love her one day, but only once his revenge was complete "don't worry my flower, you don't have to do anything more, just lie there my dear." Meghan smiled before falling into unconsciousness. When Pierre was finished with her he felt fully satisfied with his work these were the moments she would never remember.

Meghan awoke just before her alarm clock, her body was almost frozen, she went looking for her blankets which had been pushed to the floor, unable to find them, Meghan turned on her light where she found she was lying completely naked and alone, Meghan looked around her to find signs of Pierre, but it was as if he was never here, Meghan pulled the blankets onto her frozen body before reaching out to her phone which showed a message from Pierre "had a great time, thank you my love" Meghan smiled as she unlocked her phone to give a reply, only when she went into the messages, she saw that he had sent her many pictures of her naked body, Meghan's body froze further, her body shook as her heart pounded, this was not what she wanted. Meghan took her shaking fingers and called Pierre, at which he answered, "How is your body this morning? Awaiting my handsome hot mouth I'm sure" Meghan was disgusted with his speech, she angrily said "how dare you! You took pictures of me, what is wrong with you, delete them all or we are over" Pierre's soft voice was heard "if you walk from me, I'll put these picture everywhere, prove to me you love me and don't go to your work today, instead come to my office, I need you" Meghan immediately hung up, she was better than that, she blocked his number and called Mrs Fisher, she would not be in to work today, but she couldn't let Pierre control her, she wanted someone who could love her. As the phone was dialling Meghan was thinking that maybe she was a complete fool for blocking his number, after all she did love him, Mrs Fisher's voice pulled her from her thoughts, Meghan was so flustered "Oh, I'm sorry. I woke you. I shouldn't have called." Meghan went to hang up but then sighed aloud to herself that she was an idiot, of course she had to call. "Mrs Fisher" Meghan took a breath, her voice began to quiver, Meghan felt lost, a part of her wanted to say what had happened, she wanted Mrs Fisher to laugh at her and to tell her to stop being silly, she wanted to know that Pierre was a good man just waiting to happen. But Meghan also felt she couldn't speak, finally she forced out the words "I won't be able to come in today" as Mrs Fisher asked if she was alright, Meghan hung up and threw the phone away from her, her breath became heavy and her body shook. As Meghan frantically tugged on the blankets around her body she rocked back and forth, and nothing could stop her outcry which came for a long duration.

Mrs Fisher went to work to get the other girls sorted before leaving them to check on Meghan, for she had called six times during the past three hours and all her calls were not being answered. Mrs Fisher seemed to be the only one around who didn't trust Pierre, for during the breakfast that they were putting on for Meghan he seemed to have sweet talked his way into everyone's hearts, even her parents had warmed to him. Mrs Fisher just had a feeling something wasn't right. Upon reaching Meghan's apartment she saw that Meghan's door had been left slightly open, and she could hear that Meghan was in pain, without any hesitation Mrs Fisher maternally ran through to her, as she entered the room, she saw Meghan in a terrible state on the bed, there didn't seem to be any signs of anyone else around. Mrs Fisher remained alert to her surroundings, she saw Meghan's phone on the floor as if it had been thrown from the bed, as she went to pick it up, Meghan cried out "please, no don't" slowly Mrs Fisher stood up from and cautiously approached Meghan, as she neared her, Meghan flinched begging "please, I'm, I'm" Meghan mumbled unable to push the words through. Mrs Fisher instinctively hugged her close to her bosom and said "I'm here now, everything will be alright, you're safe now" Meghan just cried into Mrs Fisher until she couldn't cry anymore. Only then did Mrs Fisher gently lie her on the bed.

Mrs Fisher had been dressing her since she was a baby and felt compelled to dress her again, to Mrs Fisher this bought back so many cherished memories of Meghan growing up. Mrs Fisher felt comforted to know, that in times of distress Meghan called her, she was her mom too. Mrs Fisher found some warm pyjamas to cloth her in, as she dressed her Meghan didn't fight, which helped Mrs Fisher to examine her body. As she did, Mrs Fisher was greatly disturbed, Meghan's bosom were bleeding as if a wild animal had tried to eat her, as her eyes looked closer upon her body, there were bruises and swellings appearing all over. Mrs Fisher's maternal anger flamed deep within her core, she felt compelled to thoroughly look over Meghan's tampered body, which caused Mrs Fisher's veins to boil with pure hate for this man, whom she believed to be Pierre. Once Meghan was cuddled into bed and asleep did Mrs Fisher attempt to wash her.

Mrs Fisher cleaned out the bowl she used and stacked it in the dishwasher, once the house was clean, Mrs Fisher went to check on Meghan who was still fast asleep, curiously she reached out for the phone and left the room, once she unlocked the phone, Mrs Fisher saw the messages and photo's from Pierre, she hated being right, although she was proud of Meghan she was concerned for her well-being, for she knew that man like this would not tolerate a women standing up for herself, Mrs Fisher also wondered if Meghan was strong enough to resist the temptation to go back to him. Cutting off communication was one thing, following through with it was another, Mrs Fisher placed the phone on the coffee table in the living room, she sighed and found other things to amuse herself with, for she was determined to remain with Meghan until she was fully convinced she was well and safe.