
Lucy Reaper

The realms of Darkness and Light were always at each others necks, never winning or losing a major battle. That is until the Light did something unforgivable. Now a strand of the darkness must live in a world where the consequences of the light start to seep through without knowing what she truly is.

Fluffis · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


Knock Knock

Olivia knocked on the old wooden door of Hailey's home. It looked the same as it always had. Decrepit and old. Olivia seriously wondered if Hailey really lived her. She knocked once again after a minute, hearing nothing from the other side of the door. Silence. It felt as if it lasted for hours.

"Are you sure she lives in such a filthy area?" Olivia questioned.

"Why would I lie to you Olivia", Lucy said.

Suddenly they heard clicks on the door as each of the locks was undone. Olivia took a step back watching the door eagerly. Lucy just waited as always, for Hailey to peak out her little head. But this time it wasn't the autumn-haired girl that peaked out. It was her mother staring down at the two kids.

"Good day, ma'am…is your daughter here?"

Lucy grabbed Olivia's arm gently.

"I'm afraid she isn't here…who are you two?"

"I'm Olivia-

"She's Olivia and I'm Lucy, we're friends of Hailey. Is Hailey really not here miss?" Lucy said louder than Olivia cutting her off.

"If you are her friends, you'll leave her alone," said the frail woman shutting the door and putting the locks back on.

"What was that Lucy!"

"Don't say your last name around here…I'm surprised you forgot only the Elite have last names. And we're not in a safe place for you to say that allowed…let alone how you're dressed. Now let's go meet the others. It looks like we can't do much to bring Hailey with us today"

"Hmph…you could've just let me handle it."

Lucy tugged at Olivia's arm and pulled her along with away from the home of Hailey. As Lucy pulled her away, she looked back at the home a little crestfallen. She had really wanted to see Hailey that day more than anyone else. She felt as if she needed more than any of them.

'I hope she's okay…I can't wait to see her again'


As Olivia and Lucy made it to the plaza of the capital, Alerian was already there waiting with Eliza.

"Hey, you two! It's been so long!", Eliza shouted, running up to them and hugging them both tightly.

They both said their greetings and hugged her back.

"You guys didn't get Hailey?" asked Alerian.

"Her mother said that she wasn't there for the time being", Olivia said.

"That's unlucky then…next time!", Alerian said.

Lucy cleared her throat, "Alright now that we're here together, what are we doing?"

Eliza smiled, "We live in the capital let's go and see what we can't do!"

Lucy grabbed their hands and pulled the girls along, "Well I know a crap ton of things to do in the capital! We have all day let's go!"

Alerian followed, a small smile on his face as he saw Eliza smiling and laughing again. Just like in Havenfort, she was happy again with her new friends. He followed from behind, his eyes focused on Eliza's smiling face. How he missed that smile.

The group went around surrounding themselves with Lucy's enjoyment and knowledge of the capital. Her years of running around and exploring paid off as she led them to small banks of rivers, ponds, and small, beautiful patches of the earth with flowers and insects in harmony. They walked around the back alleyways of the capital, talking about what they went through during those two weeks. Seeing the people of the shopping districts advertise their goods, soldiers in armor with the king's royal crest on their arm, other kids running around playing with each other as they laughed happily at the games they play.

They swam in rivers (against Olivia's judgment), chased each other, and rested under the same shady tree.

Hours passed as Lucy took them around the bustling capital, and as the sun slowly started to set, they sat down next to each other on a bench in front of a few shops. As the energy from the bustling city started to die down as people headed home to rest and see their families. The city slowly came to a slow crawl. They looked upon the setting sun, as the sky turned to a warm pink and orange.

Olivia leaned on Elizas back as they both looked up into the sky. Alerian and Lucy sat next to each other as they watched the sunset. Olivia then looked around and her face lit up. She got off their bench and headed to a store that sold decorative accessories while the others watched.

"Lucy…how are your injuries?", Eliza asked?

"They still hurt from time to time, but other than that ill get better by next week", she answered.

"You're something else aren't you Luce", Alerian said.

"Well so are you guys", she smiled, "I mean …who would stay to save someone like me".

"Idiots like us tiny."

"You take that back Alerian!" Lucy got, and punched him lightly.

Eliza sighed, 'I hope this can last even a little longer'

Lucy rode on top of Alerians back smacking him.

"I am not short I'm just younger than you!"

"Whatever you say! Now get off me short stuff!"

"Why you!"

"Alright you two cut it out", Olivia shouted as Alerian fell over, Lucy sitting on him victoriously and a proud smile.

Olivia stood there with different colored feathers in hand. A slightly dark yellow feather, an emerald green feather, a feather with red and blue, a black feather, and a white feather.

"Alright pick your color guys, and I guess we'll give the last one to Hailey when we get the chance to alright?"

"What brought this on Olivia?" Eliza asked.

"Well, I thought we get something to commemorate our first outing together as a group. They are also pretty."

Lucy got up and gently took the green feather and a clip. She clipped it onto her hair. Her dark hair made it pop out more.

"Thanks, Olivia. This is really nice of you." Lucy said.

"We're friends, don't worry about it it's the least I could do after we've been through," Olivia stated as she clipped the red and blue feather onto her hair.

Alerian clipped the large yellow feather on the side of his belt while Eliza grabbed the black feather and clipped it onto her hair.

As they looked each other admiring the feathers for a little bit, they turned towards the sunset and watched it set until nightfall, each of them thinking of what the future would hold for them. Lucy then looked down as day turned into night. People going down the streets turning on the lamps on the street and stores finally closing.

"Hey guys…I want to go back outside the capital…I know we were supposed to see Havenfort for you two", Lucy said.

The kids were silent.

"I'll go by myself and tell you what I saw when I come back! I won't be long, and I won't be as hurt as I was the first time around! That way you guys also don't get hurt", Lucy said, as she scratched her wrist.

"You won't get hurt…"

"Don't be stupid Lucy", Alerian cut her off raising his hand to her face, "If you plan to go, we'll go as well. We all survived our first trip. The second time might not be so difficult".

Eliza nodded in agreement while Olivia looked up into the sky.

"I'll go only to protect you three idiots…", Olivia said.

"Wait why! The last time I nearly got us all killed! It was my fault we were in the infirmary for so long and with such deadly injuries"

Olivia patted Lucy's head, "We don't care. We are coming with and we are bringing everyone. If they still want to see Havenfort and if you feel drawn to the outside world then all we can do is get stronger and go ahead and go through with this. We all want to see the world out there and not be stuck here."

Alerian nodded in agreement, "I still want to see Havenfort. We would've gone anyway this just makes planning it easier."

Eliza grabbed Alerians hand and clasped tightly, "Lucy you just had perfect timing"

Alerian gulped a bit, "Yeah she did…"

"And this time ill get us through the gate. Legally mind you. Give it a few weeks. We're all still injured, and the paperwork will take a while."

Lucy sat there in awe as her friends didn't stop her. In fact, they supported her in her decision. She expected them to deny the idea, go against it. All of them were in agreement to help each other out. Now all they needed was Hailey to agree and they would go.

Lucy smiled and hugged them tightly.

"Alright! To Havenfort we go!"

They stared up into the night sky, stars slightly twinkling as the feathers they had clipped on swayed gently with the chilly night breeze. Olivia gently held the white feather meant for Hailey.