
Lucy Reaper

The realms of Darkness and Light were always at each others necks, never winning or losing a major battle. That is until the Light did something unforgivable. Now a strand of the darkness must live in a world where the consequences of the light start to seep through without knowing what she truly is.

Fluffis · แฟนตาซี
29 Chs


The castle shook and rumbled. Each person on Camilo's team grew more and more worried as they looked for the queen. The majestic castle was now close to collapsing. If the queen didn't get out soon, she would be crushed to death under the grand castle.

The King charged at Camilo, the ground cracking behind him as each step was filled with such force, that Camilo knew, he had to either run or hope his spear could take the hit. Camilo braced himself, tightening his grip on his spear, his celestial weapon, praying that the king's power didn't have the strength to crack his spear. The strength of the spear was equal to Camilo's resolve and will, and if it faltered even just by the slightest bit, he was done for.

The king held his sword up, pointing it straight at Camilo's heart. He then sped up and lunged towards him. Camilo swung his spear, blocking the blade from getting near him. The black metal pole engraved with gold lining was close to bending.

"I will not falter here Fighting you, you cowardly King!"

"I hope that you do not! It would take the fun out of this wouldn't it now Camilo!".

Camilo backed away quickly, seeing the king ready for another blow.

As the king struck the ground where Camilo once was, the floor cracked and broke. Bits of stone and dust filled the room and stung at Camilo's eyes. Camilo made the mistake of rubbing his eye to clear up the dust.

"Damnit, that stings!"

"You utter fool."

The clanking of metal charging at Camilo was horrifying. The king, with red hot determination in his eyes, struck at Camilo, slashing his side cutting into his body, before launching him to the wall.


Camilo yelled the taste of Iron, washing his tongue, as the wall caved in.

He spit the blood in his mouth at the king.

"Hey…Fuck you,"

"Why you insolent…"

Camilo laughed as he slowly started to heal.

"Your celestial weapons ability is to modify your strength isn't it…for a king that hides behind his people, it is a cowardly ability for you to have."

"I am amazed you even stood up from such an attack Camilo. Yes, you are correct my weapon allows me to modify strength. However, this will be your last battle. You can't keep up with my divine weapon with that puny spear!".

Camilo laughed.

"You should've ended it with the first strike,"

"Then with this last swing of my weapon, you will die here!"

The king charged towards Camilo, blade ready to pierce Camilo and finally end it.

Camilo had different plans.

Camilo ran towards the king, adrenaline fueling this brave venture, and vaulted over the king using his spear avoiding the King's attack.

He grabbed both ends of the spear and pulled down, bringing the king's neck down, choking him. With both feet on the king's cold metal armor, he held on tightly to the spear, choking the king.

"I'll fight dirty if I have to! To end your reign is worth anything! You creature of the light, who caused pointless wars taking away families! My family! Join the reapers and die!"

The King gritted his teeth and grabbed the spear pulling it with immense strength, throwing Camilo over him and onto the ground.

Panting, and recovering air Camilo saw his chance.

Camilo, despite the pain and bleeding, grabbed his spear as it started to glow.

"Now join the reapers in the afterlife! Pay for your sins!"

In the few seconds that the king needed to recover air, Camilo shoved the glowing, silver tip of the spear into the king's armor, breaking it entirely and pulling his heart out.

The king looked on in horror before laughing.

"Well played…"

"Don't draw out a fight with me…I can pierce anything…and the queen will be next to fall"

"I will be taking you with me however…you cannot sustain that injury even with our species healing factor…"

"You're a creature of light…but you're just as dark as a Reaper. I may go down. But I won. I won…and whoever rules will change the way you ruled."

"Do what you will with that victory…however…you never did get rid of all the reapers. They might just come back Camilo…and it will be your fault."

"Tch…and now the consequences of the celestials are seeping into the earthly realm…who's fault is that." Camilo tightened his grip.

The king with a hearty sigh looked at Camilo.

"No matter what you may do…the effects of my reign will be forever lasting. People will never change. You cannot stop the darkness. Even if we are creatures of light, there is darkness in every corner of every realm. We are both evidence of that truth of the world."

"What are you on about! You know next to nothing about how this world works! You caused the darkness to seep into this realm of light!", Camilo coughed up blood, before dropping to his knees, his spear clattering next to him.

The king fell over, a loud boom from his metal armor.

"Camilo, the consequences of the light, are starting to show…and I doubt you will take responsibility..."

And with those last final words, the king finally died, his body never to move again.

Camilo had won.

He muttered to himself.

"Down with the king…"


A soft gentle wind blew through the golden plains of Lafores. Lucy took in a deep breath, smelling the rich land, with a few hints of sweetness. She enjoyed the golden plains of Lafores, they always had an adventure waiting just beyond the capital. Now instead of traveling with the guild, she found traveling with kids around her age, just as interesting an experience.

It had been a few days of traveling, and groveling from Olivia (she really wanted to get back home safe, or she would complain about being tired and hungry), and soon they would be closing in on the Forest of Death. Each one of them were nervous, besides Lucy who was purely excited to explore the forest even more. Liz looked around, admiring the blue sky and golden plains. She still couldn't get over the beauty of the plains she lived by for so many years, that her parents kept her away from. How could this ever be dangerous?

Alerian and Liz bonded over with Lucy through the past few days and really enjoyed her company. Her unwavering spirit for adventure and genuine kindness towards them made them closer as a group together. However, Hailey still had trouble opening to this new dynamic. She was used to having Lucy to herself and soon fears set in. Olivia just watched over Alerian making sure he wouldn't do something idiotic or reckless.

Olivia and Hailey were sitting next together while the other three were counting their rations and see what they can eat. Hailey tried not making eye contact with Olivia. She was so pretty and confident, entirely different from Hailey, and Hailey felt worried that they might leave her behind for her. She certainly thought that they would.

Olivia tied her hair up into a bun and turned to look at Hailey. Hailey looked down and grasped her arm tightly.

Olivia sighed and put her hand on Hailey's shoulder.

"It's ok to talk. Tell me what's wrong Hailey"

Hailey shifted around, "H-huh…?"

"You are being well, how do I say this nicely…frightful?"

"I'm not scared…"

"But there is something bothering you correct?" Olivia said.

Hailey looked down and hugged her knees, "I can tell you anything…? Like Lucy?"

"I suppose so…if it makes you feel better."

"I am scared…I'm scared they will leave me for you"

Olivia rubbed her shoulder, "Now don't be so foolish. None of us would leave you behind. Especially from what I've seen from Lucy. She will never leave you behind. No one here will."

"But you might…I have nothing to give…Lucy can fight, and Alerian keeps us together."

"Well if that's what you're going by, then I should be the one worried not you, I mean I brought nothing to this, and yet all of you are sharing your rations with me. I'm in your debt."

Hailey stayed silent. Olivia pulled the sad child closer and held her hands.

"Listen, you don't have to worry about that. Lucy would never leave you and if anyone here were to even think of it, she would force them to go get you I'm sure of it. You're okay here Hailey. I'll be your friend too. Don't be uncomfortable around us either you can talk to us".

Hailey looked like a lost animal. She wasn't expecting her opposite to comfort her like this. Even if it wasn't Lucy, she appreciated it just as much. Hailey felt a weight be removed from her heart and mind. She felt better and hopeful that she could make friends like Lucy. Hailey felt content.

Hailey just leaned onto Olivia's side silently.

Happy and content. A first for this child.