
Lucrada Chronicles: Origins

I'll also be posting chapters here https://www.royalroad.com/profile/553083/fictions and here lucrada.net In the year 2108, the world has changed its definition of being normal. The people of the world gained unique abilities and magical powers. However, with this development, the corruption of the world grew. The spread of crime and murder increased all over the world. To fight the corruption of the world, the world’s governments decided to rally together and fight against this threat. They formed an army of people who have special powers, called SP User, and magicians to combat against the corruption of the world. They called this organization The World’s Army Association. Thanks to the power of the World’s Army Association, corruption has decreased in the world. As a result, the world became a peaceful place and began to flourish, however peace doesn’t last for long. The world on the outside looks normal, but it’s horrible and full of corruption. The corruption of the world spread to the world’s government and the army’s leaders. However, in this corrupt world, there is a righteous boy who dreams of leading the world’s army. However little that he knows, He would be the leader of the World's Strongest Team, The Amagiri Clan, or that he would change the world.

R_Lucrada · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Chapter 5

The next day on a bus, Lucie was playing with her new power while Kasai sat beside her bored.

"Can you explain to me why we're on a bus headed to only Jangu knows, Lady Lucie?" Kasai asked trying to start a conversation.

Lucie ignored her question and continued to discover new powers. Recently learning her powers are similar to the Jan-gu and soon will become a hybrid like Raven, she was excited to find out what she could do. However, she also learned from Ruby, she couldn't manifest the same output as Reo and Anko.

"Lady Lucie, are you listening," Kasai asked again. Lucie continued to ignore her. Suddenly, Kasai did something unexpected. She grabbed Lucie's face and gave her a long kiss on the lips, surprising Lucie.

"Okay, okay, I heard you, but I was ignoring you to get you to call me by my name. Seriously, we are married now. We won't kill you for calling us by our names. And, that goes for all of the familiars. We're family. Call us by our names without the lord and lady titles."Lucie explained with an annoyed tone.

"Sorry, La- Lucie. You're right." Kasai said.

"No need to apologize. I was in the wrong. Anyway, I don't know. This seems like a field trip on earth."

"A field trip. I wonder where?" Kasai said.

"I heard we were going to the hell arena in the hell domain." A strange girl said as she looked over the seat.

"What! Why?" Lucie and Kasai yelled loudly.

"Hey, You two back there. Be quiet, or I'll be forced to separate you two." one of their teachers said.

Lucie and Kasai instantly covered their mouths. Then, they looked up and behind them to see the mysterious girl, but she was gone, which made them wonder who they were talking to the whole trip. Five hours later, their bus stopped and opened its doors.

"Alright, everyone off the bus." The main teacher said.

Against their better judgment, the students got off the bus slowly. Once everyone was off the bus, the bus drove off quickly, leaving the students and teachers in the fiery blazes of hell. Immediately, complaints shot around quickly.

"Everybody! Pay attention." The main teacher yelled.

The students looked at him as they became silent.

"Welcome to this year's survival test. This test is to test both your survival and fighting abilities. You will have three rounds. The first round will be a race between all the students in the school. Then, the top thirty of you will be put up against each against to see who can cast the best spells. Finally, the top two will battle for the crown. The winner will be granted a title by the queen and given the chance to go on a date with Princess Raven."

Suddenly, the boys in the group got really excited along with some of the girls. During their excitement, somebody coughed really loudly. It was almost like they were surprised. Lucie and Kasai smiled as if they knew who that coughed.

"Okay, settle down. There are more details about this test."

The students, instantly, silenced themselves out of anticipation for more good news. Sadly, it was horrible news.

"This year, along with the other school's students from the other cities, the queen also brought in guest proctors from her family." The teacher said as Sol, Celestia, Kaiser, and another kitsune appeared behind him.

Immediately, Lucie and Kasai's faces went dark and cold. Hoping they were seeing things, they pinched each other. Sadly, they weren't dreaming. Suddenly, Kaiser walked to the front.

"Hello, little demons, my name Kaiser D. Lucrada. Here to right is my wife, Sol D. Lucrada. And, to my left is Celestia Lucrada and Selha Lucrada. As you can tell, we're apart of the Lucrada Clan, known across the universe. But, today our job is to find, defeat, and capture you. Thinning the herd in away. But, don't worry we'll be limiting our strength with these." Kaiser said as he held up three objects. They were a modified AGMS, Gravity wristbands, and the device Sol used on Lucie.

"So, prepare yourself accordingly, because we don't pull our punches when it comes to our nieces' womanhood."

Then, the student immediately paired up with people they thought they could work with easily. As they were moving, they heard a faint whimpering amongst them. Lucie and Kasai both were upset, but Kasai seemed more upset. Kasai was mumbling to herself while wrapping herself with her tails.

"No, no, no, this can't be happening. My mother found me. You think she knows I'm here. She probably brought brother and sister with her. They're probably sitting and waiting for me to mess up. What can I d-

"Hey, what's wrong?" Lucie asked as she knelt down. Noticing Lucie's worried expression, Kasai took a deep breath.

"Lucie, what I'm about to tell you, please don't tell the others. Let me when I'm ready."

"Kasai, What are you-

"Promise me," Kasai said loudly.

"Okay," Lucie replied.

"Lucie, I'm one of the four princesses of the Youkai dimension," Kasai said.

Lucie looked at her with shock.

"Kasai, I didn't kno-

"Please, let me continue," Kasai said softly as if her will began to waver. Lucie nodded.

"As I said, I'm one of the four princesses of the Youkai dimension. In the human year 1900 AD, I ran away from home."

"Why?" Lucie asked.

"Because my mother agreed to one of the Kings' requests for my hand in marriage. And, without my consent."

"What! Who?"

"His name was King Garuda, the lord of the skies. That what his people called him but, amongst our people and the others, he was known Garuda the cruel."

Lucie shocked.

"That's enough out of you, young lady. You shouldn't talk about your future husband like that." Selha said as she appeared beside Lucie and Kasai.

"Who are you?" Lucie said as she put her arms around Kasai.

"Lucie, meet my mother. The Southern region of the Youkai World queen, Queen Selha Lucrada." Kasai said.

Then, Something inside Lucie's mind snapped. But, surprisingly, she didn't express any kind of emotion. She was as calm as a flowing stream. However, Kasai knew this was never good.

"So, it was you. You're the one who gave your daughter's hand in marriage to a man who she didn't love."

"Love. Love for royalty like us is only a luxury. A tool for advancement for our kingdoms, but I don't expect for a commoner like y-

Lucie punched Selha in the mouth, launching her back into Kaiser. Sol, Celestia, and teachers looked towards the place from where Selha flew and saw an enraged Lucie with students cowering. The teachers were surprised to see the power that Lucie was radiating, but it was another day for the guest proctors. Maybe, it was their vast experiences they acquired over the years or they probably knew how to hide their true expressions in a dangerous situation like this.

"Lucie, calm down. I'm sure we can settle whatever Selha said. I'm sure she didn't even mean it." Sol said calmly in an attempt to calm Lucie down.

"Big Brother Kai, why is Big Sister Sol trying to calm down that little girl?" Celestia whispered.

"That little girl is one of the queens of the Jan-gu." He responded as he woke Selha up.

"What? You mean to tell me my brother married another girl. What about Meliona and Velvet?" She said excitedly.

"No, not him. His grandson took over the throne, along with his three wives. Those are two of them.

"Grandson?" she asked.

"Reiko's son, Re-

Sol flies into Kaiser.

"Wow, she overpowered a Jan-gu/goddess hybrid. She's stronger than she looks. This is going to be fun." Celestia said as she smiled.

Then, she charged full speed at Lucie and disappeared. Lucie closed her eyes and used her other senses to scan her surroundings. She felt a strange power similar to hers behind her. Unfortunately, Lucie couldn't react to Celestia's movements. Celestia attempted to punch Lucie, but Envy got in between them, catching Celestia's fist.

"Enough! We don't have time for this. We're right in the middle of receiving information about the test. You want to fight. do it later, during the tournament." She said.

Instantly, Lucie calmed down, and Celestia stopped her attack.

"I apologize, my queen. I've gotten a little too excited when I saw your power. Please forgive my insolence." Celestia said.

"No, Queen Celestia. The blame is on me. I didn't control my anger properly and took it out on my family. This is not the way a queen should act." Lucie responded as she bowed.

Suddenly, Celestia started to laugh. Then, Lucie started too. However, for Lucie, it was like it was her instinct to laugh.

"Ahem!" One of the teachers said.

Lucie and the others looked at him.

" I think you should know the test has started. And, you fell far behind everyone."

Lucie and Envy looked around and saw that everyone was gone. Worried about falling too far behind, Lucie grabbed Kasai, who was still upset about her mother being there.

"Kasai, I know you're upset, but you have to move." She said as she effortlessly dragged Kasai. However, Kasai just sat there quietly.

"Pathetic. To think my own daughter could be so useless. Unthinkable." Selha said as she appeared with two other Kitsune; one male and one female.

"Well, mother, she was never the fighting type in the first place." The male Kitsune said.

"Nor the hunter type." The female Kitsune said.

"That's enough, Shisui (the boy), Sui (the girl). Your sister might not have the talent you two have, but she makes up for that with her good looks." Selha said.

"You here for round two," Lucie said as she got in a fighting stance.

"Idiot girl, you should respect your elders. I, especially, deserve as much."

"A person who uses their daughter to progress in life deserves the current attitude I'm giving you," Lucie said.

"You brat!" Shisui yells as he charges at Lucie. Instantly, Lucie dodged him and shot a large fire blast. Suddenly, Sui rushed in between the fire and her brother.

"Seriously, you're crazy. You almost killed my brother with your flames." She said as she dispersed the flames.

"Thanks, sis." He said.

Lucie sighed. "I don't have time for this." She thought to herself. Then, she looked over at Envy with a concerned look.

"You should pay attention," Selha said as she appeared behind Lucie, striking her on her neck.

"Lucie!" Envy yelled out as she rushed to her side, but she was attacked by Sui. Luckily, Envy was able to dodge her perfectly. Suddenly, Shisui appeared behind Envy and attacked her, launching her into a fire pit.

"E!" Lucie yelled.

Then, Selha grabbed Lucie by her hair and dragged her to the same fire pit.

"Now, watch Kasai. Watch as I kill your pet human." Selha said crazily.

Suddenly, Kasai got up and released a powerful fiery aura.

"What did you call her?" Kasai asked.

"She called her your pet. Frankly, that's the only reason I would think of you keeping one beside you. You know humans are inferior to us in many ways." Sui said while using an ability known amongst the Youkai. It's called Lurk. The ability allows the user to expels the presence of themselves completely. However, there's only one kind of Youkai who can use this ability, Nurarihyons. To be able to use this ability should be impossible for any other Youkai.

"What wrong, Sister. Scared."

Kasai reached out her hand and grabbed Sui's neck

"Quiet, you're annoying me, Sui," Kasai said as she looked at Sui with a fiery expression.

"Put her down, Sister," Shisui said.

"You're not in the position to negotiate with me. As far as I can tell, you on the short side of the stick."Kasai said.

"Oh really," Selha said.

Selha, then, threw Lucie into the fire pit, where Envy fell. Instantly, The fires around everyone rose and flew towards Kasai, engulfing her.

"Sui!" Selha yelled.

Suddenly, Selha and Shisui saw someone walking out of the fire while dragging Sui by her neck. She wore a blue and black kimono with a fox mask on her face."I'm offended, mother. You call my sister's name and completely forgot about me. Did you already disown me as your daughter?" She said as she let go of Sui. Then, she moved her mask to the side of her head, revealing Kasai's face. However, she looked different. She had red marks around her yellow eyes.

Selha stood there paralyzed by the fear and pressure Kasai was giving off. Noticing how his mother was scared, Shusui charged at Kasai without a second thought. As Shusui reached Kasai, she placed her hand on her katana, as if she was ready to draw it. In an instant, she slashed Shusui millions of times with precision and accuracy.

"Impossible." Selha thought to herself.

"It's not impossible, mother. This is my true power. The power of a Divine Fox." Kasai said as she walked to Selha.

"Divine fox! That's a myth. A fairy tale. A children's story that I told you to motivate you at your training when you were a young pup." Selha said as she backed up in fear.

"Trust me, mother. I'm no myth." Kasai said as she powered down.

"Huh," Selha said confused.

"Why do you look surprised? I can't kill my mother. I wouldn't be able to look at the people I love if I killed you. Speaking of which of, Kaiser, I know you're there. Come on out." Selha said.

"How may I be of service, my queen?" Kaiser asked as he walked out of a nearby fire pit.

"I want to resign from this test. Take me in." She said.

"Me too," Lucie said as she flew out of the fire pit with Envy in her arms.

Selha, surprised, looked at Lucie as she flew out of the Hellfire pit unscathed. As Lucie landed, she placed Envy on the ground. Then, she placed a hand on Envy's head and focused her energy to heal Envy's burns. Sadly, Lucie was still couldn't use her powers and couldn't focus her powers.

"Lucie, let me try. You're still getting used to your powers." Kasai said as she powered up and walked to Lucie.

"Kasai, you...

"Yeah, I lost control of my full power after you fell in that fire pit," Kasai said as she placed her hand on top of Lucie's hand.

Suddenly, a light shined from their hands, which released a shockwave of energy. This shockwave of energy healed everybody. Selha saw the power Lucie and Kasai has and believed that they were truly all-powerful.

"Queen Lucie and Queen Kasai, please accept my deepest apologies. I shouldn't have treated you like...

"Trash... Tools... Trophies. Should I continue?" Lucie interrupting Selha.

"That won't be necessary. I regret using my own daughter as a tool for political reasons. I won't deny that, but all I wanted was for my daughter to safe and protected."

Kasai looked at her with a confused and angry expression.

"What do you mean?"

"When my daughter was young, she was extremely weak compared to the other pups her age. She was never interested in her training sessions with any of her teachers. They all said she wasn't able to take to any of the lessons they were teaching. We all thought she was a larmenes, or mentally challenged. Nothing, but a pretty face for some groom to be. So, I came up with a plan to arrange a marriage with either one of the three other Kings or their sons. Unfortunately, Sun Wukong and Ox-king didn't like my idea and refused immediately. So, I had no other choice, but to set the marriage with Garuda." Selha explained.

"Mother, Stop lying to Lucie. We both know what your true intentions were back then. But, Thanks to you. I met an amazing master and husband who treats me like I'm a person. Not a tool."

"Husband?" Selha, Shusui, and Sui said confused.

"Yes, Our husband, Reo Amagiri. The current king of Jan-gu." Lucie said.

"And, the current head of the Lucrada Clan," Kaiser said.

Selha, Shusui, Sui showed shocked expressions. Then, Celestia appeared out of thin air.

"Queen Lucie, I've been looking for you." She said as she was ready to start a fight.

"Sorry, but I already resigned from the exam," Lucie said.

Celestia sighed.

"You're no fun. But, I think that for the best. Don't want you absorbing the hellfire here." she said.

"Why?" she asked with a concerned expression.

"There's no need to worry about that right now. Let's go to the arena." Celestia said passing it off as she took off into the fiery sky towards the arena.

"What! No, get back here." Lucie yelled as she took off after Celestia.

Kasai and Kaiser both sighed and laughed.

"Congratulations on releasing your true power, Kasai. Don't be afraid to ask about your power or for any new equipment," he said as he patted her head.

"Thank you, lord Kaiser. I will be sure to ask." She replied, smiling.

"Looks like you're having fun," Satania said as she landed beside Kasai.

"No, we were just having a

"Family squabble. You do realize I sensed yours and Lucie's energy signatures. You two really should keep that down. You two are technically Jan-gu hybrids, so your powers are extremely sensitive. One mishap, and you could break a hole in the dimensional barrier. Trust me, Hell's flames are a lot worse than that stupid spell the human use. Don't want those getting out of hell to a place like the human dimension." she said.

"Speaking of which, why is bad if Lucie absorbs Hellfire?" Kasai asked.

"The fires here are filled with demonic energy while Lucie's flames are powered by the celestial's light energy. If Lucie absorbed these fires... let just say Envy will no longer the only one of her kind."

Kasai stood there speechless. Then, Kaiser smacked her on the back.

"Come on... the finalist should be arriving at the arena. Speaking of which, I think my niece deserves to be one of those thirty." He said as he summons a portal under Envy.

"Now, why did you do that?" Satania asked.

"She needs to know what she is capable of doing. And, the only way of showing her is letting her fight with restrictions. Besides, she's going to need to be ready."

"For what?"

Kaiser puts a finger over his lips.