
Chapter 16: Training with Scarlet!

Chapter 16: Training with Scarlet!

Fairy Tail guild was yet again filled with happy shouts and beastly growls of its members. Everyone were celebrating Makoto's and Erza's release from the Magic Council, obviously after Erza beat some sense into her guild-mates.

As funny as it may sound the whole trial thing was a fabricated lie, a formality made in order for Magic Council to show some control over the guilds.

However, the whole Fairy Tail guild along with Makoto's admirers busting into the court had risen a not-so-needed attention towards Makoto. As of now, Magic Council, pretty much takes Makoto as a serious threat because if something will happen with Luckster the rebellion might be the least headache they might experience.

Erza was thinking about it all day long since they left the council, what concerned her the most was Siegrain's interest towards Makoto which was already bad enough.

Remembering Makoto's plea she set her goals serious this time, she need to make the Lucky God Slayer strong enough for him to withstand whatever trouble he might face.

Not knowing himself Makoto set himself for a hellish training.




Makoto was surrounded by his friends from the guild forced to drink with them(he pretended to drink), specifically he was sitting near the most heavy drinker of the guild, Cana, a girl with a pretty much too free style of fashion as she was wearing nothing but bikini on her top.

"You made us worry there for a *hic* moment y'know???" Her face red from the booze she chugged in, she leaned closer towards Makoto pressing her boobs against his hand.

The luckster in a red shade averted his eyes trying his best not to look in her direction.

"C-C-Cana-san your b…"

"My B?" Still drunk she asked half serious.

"Y-Your breasts...It i-i-is indecent to press yourself like that to a man!" He screamed closing his eyes.

Silence. A dead silence was a response from Cana as she looked first at him and than back to herself.

"Hoo~?" A sudden smirk appeared on her face as she started to poke his cheek. "Mr. Great Ahoge Hero is not used for female attention am I right?"

Makoto nodded trying to break free but to no avail.

"It is just so cute~!"

Forcing his face onto her breasts, quite literally, burying him into her bulges Makoto was sure to lose consciousness.

"C-C-Cana-san!? I th-think it is a bit too m-m-much…"

Cana chuckled rubbing her face against his fluffy hair.

"Don't worry, big sis knows her deal and gosh! Your hair seems so fluffy~"

'You are not my big sis and q-quit doing that with my hair...'

While the scene was going on Lucy was starring daggers towards Makoto and Cana.

'I was so scared back than, good thing that Makoto is safe and sound along with Erza but...why do I feel irritated looking towards someone other than me t-touching Makoto?' She asked no one but herself apparently.

Lucy was skeptic about this feeling called 'love' at first but upon living with Luckster a bit longer she came to a realization…Makoto was way too cute! His fluffy hair and his pure smile…Lucy found herself drowning in his hopeful behavior at times.

"Yo, Makoto! Good to have you back!"

Natsu screamed taking luckster into a warm hug pulling him away from Cana.

"You got us scared there for a moment y'know? Good thing it ended well." Gray followed up.

This brought a smirk onto Cana's face.

"Weren't you, like, the most worried one out of everyone in here?"

Gray's sweat dropped as he flustered looked away. Yes, he was actually worried for Makoto as this luckster guy was one of the few normies in Fairy Tail and what made it even better was the fact that he was actually pretty interesting person himself. In general Gray had a great respect towards Makoto who was just himself.

And not only Gray was the worried one.

"Makoto is the manliest man in here! So no need to worry for him, right!?" Elfman exclaimed with a tears on his face.

"Hearing that from a buffed up man with tears makes it kinda illogical, no!?" Loki exclaimed with a sweat.

Truth be told, Loki was keeping his distance with Makoto since he owned a celestial key which meant only one thing, Loki must keep some distance with both Makoto and Lucy.

Slowly the commotion grew bigger with laughing drunk Makarov looking at scene unfolding and Makoto being practically ripped from different sides by FT mages trying to have at least a chat with great Ahoge Hero(lmao)



The loud sound came from the area where Erza was sitting.

This made the whole guild fall silent as it was rare to see the scarlet-haired mage shout out something like that.

Slowly approaching Makoto she looked at him straight into his emerald eyes.

"Makoto." She calmly said.


"I have decided." She profoundly stated with her eyes still firmly locked on Makoto.

This obviously took Luckster by surprise as he started to get nervous.

"You have decided on what, Erza?" Makoto finally asked only in response to get held up in bridal style. "Wh-what are you doing E-Erza???"

"I have decided that from today onward you are going to live with me."

"Haha good jo...Wait WHAT?"

The sweat started to pile up on Makoto's face while being locked on Erza's firm grip, they started to approach the exit.

To say that people's eyes were about to fall out would be a great understatement as even usually chill Natsu looked towards Makoto's side with a pure confusion and somewhat pity.

"W-What is with Erza so suddenly…" Lucy leaned nervously asking either Mira or Cana.

The girls confused themselves shrugged in nervous tremble.

Whatever was going on…Lucy didn't liked that! She didn't had any spare time with Makoto and now this!??

Praying to gods that Erza was joking(which was highly unlikely) she followed the duo with her eyes towards the entrance with Gray pitying Makoto on the back.

And luckster himself...was greatly surprised and a bit embarrassed to be carried by girl in bridal style out of all things!




As they were in quite a far distance from the guild Makoto had uncontrollable urge to ask what the hell was going from Erza.

The scarlet-haired woman noticed the confused look from her flustered friend and sighed.

"Makoto-kun, I believe you asked me to train you earlier, didn't you?"

Makoto paled, he was sincerely serious about that but he didn't expected his training to begin this early!

"U-Umm, isn't it a bit...Sudden?"

"Nay! Enemies never wait for you to train or get stronger unless you don't start without delay than what kind of glow up do you expect, Makoto!?" As if a spartan trainer Erza was fuming with fire and some sparkles in her eyes...something told Makoto that she was actually awaiting the moment to train him even more than he himself.

Not knowing what to say or what to answer Makoto gave up to recon with her reasoning and besides, he kinda needed to get stronger no matter what. As impulsive as Erza's action might seem she is completely right, enemies never wait for you to get stronger nor any chance of winning so with nothing much to lose Makoto decided to see what kind of training will he go through, and he was kinda sad that now he is going to leave Lucy's apartment, it was kinda fun living together despite some embarrassing moments regarding him suddenly entering her room or bathroom without knowing that she is there. It always ended with both red him and Lucy along with slap to the face. He could swear that Lucy packs quite a punch in her feminine figure.

While still being carried by Erza, they stopped mid-way.

"I completely forgot!" Erza suddenly exclaimed halting and finally releasing the Lucky Mage.

"Koff, Wh-What happened, Erza?" Makoto asked kinda worried.

Erza looked at him with a sweat and pity in her eyes as placed her hand over Makoto's shoulder.

"As sad as it might be, our life together must wait…" She proclaimed with closed eyes.

She makes it sound like we are some kind of newly wed couple!, Makoto thought a bit backing down from Erza.

"But it is not a problem for now as we still can live in your house!" With stars in her eyes Erza exclaimed in a most serious tone she had ever had.


"Indeed! Living together under the same roof for male and female who are not engaged yet, might seem immoral but worry not, Makoto! In case of something happening I will take responsibility and marry you to not falter your reputation."

"Th-That's not the problem!!!" Makoto exclaimed red from sudden marry proposal from Erza. "I am currently living with Lucy so…"

"What!? M-Man and w-women living under th-the same roof...how lewd!" Requip mage shouted with blood dripping out of her nose.

"Did you just thought of something lewd!?" Makoto facepalmed nearly falling and beside weren't she like the one who proposed to live together in her house or no??

"I…I am sorry for my behavior, just I am greatly confused and surprised to hear that you are living with Lucy, c-could it be that you both are dating!?" Erza's heart clenched upon realization. She wasn't sure why but the thought of Makoto dating anyone seemed… Bad, to her? She wasn't sure what to say or do with those strange feelings in her heart either.

"What!? N-No I d-don't date with anyone…" A bit sad at his own word luckster answered.

"Awesome!" Erza shouted before covering her mouth with both of her hands.

The 'awesome' word of response stabbed Makoto's heart, he knew that he was maidenless but still it kinda hurts to hear that from opposite gender!

"U-Uh, ye, so since I don't have enough money to rent myself a decent room nor apartment I rent it with Lucy."

"Oooh, so you paying for the rent together?"

"Yes, and her house is wide enough to have two people live in their and sum is pretty affordable so that's why we share it together."

Erza had a thoughtful look on her face for a moment.

"I see…I will try to do something about it for later, as for now…"

Suddenly a sword appeared on Erza's hands as with a swift swing she was about to cut through Makoto's head.

Thankful enough Makoto tripped on still ground dodging the hit completely. The wound would have been fatal would he not dodge this.


"It is a shame that living with me is a problem but no one said that our training will be delayed due to this."

Makoto gulped. Erza was pretty serious about that.

Sighing to himself he channeled the mana through his veins enhancing his powers.

"Give it your best, Makoto!"

Luckster nodded timidly. Something told him that he stands no chance against Erza.




The battle began as suddenly as Erza dragged him with her towards the forest.

The fierce battle between false hero and a strongest woman in Fairy Tail began.

Slashing her sword forward she seriously aimed at Makoto's waist only for luckster to dodge it by jumping back. As handy as the mana reading skill he used against Erigor might be, against an opponent like Erza everything seemed wasted.

Nothing worked against the scarlet-haired mage!

"Come on Makoto! Is it all!?" Erza said breaking Makoto's posture with a firm kick towards his waist.

"Gha!?" Luckster screamed in agony. This strength was inhumane and what's more…If not for his body being covered in mana he would be long gone by now!

The thrusting punches and slashes continued from Erza's side. She knew that she was rough but she needed to see it, the flame that she saw in Makoto.

Maybe lucksted don't know it himself but he holds a potential and she knows it.

"Are you going to continue in defense!? Weren't you eager to win anyone!"

Words and punches sink in together as Makoto was ruthlessly getting beat by rain of impacts addressed to non other than him. They were painful, burning and whats more...Merciless!

'Erza is right, I can't stay on defense forever but…what can I do? Mindlessly throw a kick?'

That was the only solution he had in mind. In general Makoto had no knowledge over fights he was lucky with Erigor since he managed to land a Juggernaut Punch towards the said mage but he had no chances against opponents with experience equal to Erza.

"Juggernaut Punch!" He finally decided to do it, he was ready to deal with consequences later.

A massive mana pressure started to approach Scarlet-haired mage who had a smirk on her face. That's what she wanted to see him display, the power that took down both Erigor and Lullaby even!

As the Juggernaut Punch was close to her she opened her mouth ready to cast a spell for the first time since the beginning of the battle.


Changing only appearance of her sword she cut the most powerful attack in Makoto's arsenal like a knife through the butter.

'That's not it at all…This wasn't, Wait! Don't tell me he…!?" Looking towards the trajectory of the attack she noticed that Luckster disappeared from the sight.

She quickly glanced back to see Makoto with a little smile on his face.

Sending his attack he was 100% sure that Erza would get distracted by it so he quickly ran towards her blind spot in order to deliver the Juggernaut Punch.

It was surely risky but that's what weak people do, they rely on tactics!


A white energy started to gather in Makoto's hands as his fist was ready to collide with the lady before him.

However, what he missed was the smirk on Erza's face.

"Commendable and smart effort but…" She turned herself like a ballet dancer with her skirt spinning along with her. "Don't let your guard down this easily!"

With that she delivered a straight smack at Makoto's head making him spin in the air.

Luckster's eyes rolled back in fear of such a power.

'What…the hell!?' Confused he asked no one but himself crash landing near Erza's legs.

It was too much for him after all...BUT.

'I don't wanna give up yet!!!'

A hearty smile appeared on his face. He needed to get stronger! As strong as Natsu and Gray...NO… He wanted to get stronger than even Erza herself! His goal was to save his world! To give people hope!

Erza's smirk got wider as she anticipated the Luckster to charge in. It was fun, so much fun that she didn't felt in a while. Surely she can deal with him in a minute or less given his current status but what got over her was the most humanly emotion out of all, the curiosity of what is going to happen next!

Makoto still spinning in the air remembered something...something told him by Fortuna.

"As long as you can use only Mana, Juggernaut Punch is your peak technique forever Makoto." The goddess of luck commented. "Don't rely on Mana too much as…it is merely a tool so just let yourself go wild!"

'At that time I didn't understood the meaning behind those words but now…' Tons of mana started to circle around Makoto.

Erza felt a sweat form on her forehead. What was that bugging feeling in her heart? Was Makoto planning something serious? Either way the way manga started to pile up in his palms was strange, mysterious and...Scary.

The scary amounts of mana gathering in his hands he was saying something to himself.

'Is he trying to launch another Juggernaut Punch...NO that's something entirely different!'

Erza wasn't left without answersd as she saw something crazy, something unbelievable something that she did not expect to see.

Makoto's hand started to produce flames...flames similar to Natsu's.

'Just like Natsu uses his fire… I think I can pull something like that!'

Hands glowing in fire he was finally near Erza.

"Fire dragon's…" The flame bursting with life in his hands he was finally near the scarlet haired mage.

"Re…" Erza herself didn't gave in to her surprise.

Both magic user's mana going crazy they bursted with energy.




Nearby Area exploding under the fierce Fairy Tail mage's powers the winner become a mystery under the cluster of dust formed from the clash.

The winner was…


 Za Endo! Quite happy to post this chapter since…Idk smh battle seemed epic to me and my fucking god ya all are legends! Thanks for supporting this book so kindly with your vigour! I know quite well that Makoto out of all characters out there is the most crazy choice but it is what it is. If not experiments the current era wouldn't have been like the one we are seeing now. I really wish and hope that I managed to portray Makoto nicely not doing him OOC and managed to inda jam him into this crazy world of Fairy Tail! Anyway stay tunned my friends as soon enough the Sub-Zero Emperor Lyon arc gonna start! Can't wait to...OH...I was about to spoiler the shit lol! Well, the only thing I will say that Ur might as well come back to life...or maybe not, depends on what ya all wish(Yes it was a question whether you all want her back or not as I myself plan on bringing her back)

Call me crazy call me smart I am pacifist to the core.
