
Lu Bu's Life Simulator

Do you believe it? The moment your character is formed, from that moment, a person's life is destroyed. Although there will be many opportunities and choices in life when you face these opportunities and choices, your character and perception have already been ruined. As a ruined loser, do you want to reshape your life from now on? Life Simulator, Change the future, Change your life; you deserve it. Outside Luoyang, Lu Bu mounted the Red Rabbit Horse and followed the team along the Great Post Road. Nightmare-like information flashed through his mind, and the sound of beatings was constantly ringing in his ears, not much, but you kept saying that, like mosquitoes and flies in summer, they kept buzzing in your ears, and you couldn't help them. Hit, which angered Lu Bu.

Crazy_Fantasy · แฟนตาซี
45 Chs

Go To War

Huaxiong returned with a great victory. He defeated Nanyang and Jizhou with 2,000 soldiers and horses and replaced two heads. The first achievement of this battle should be considered Huaxiong's.

"General, the feudal lord's army is outside the city." The next morning, Lu Bu discussed with Hu Zhen, Hua Xiong, and Li Su what to do next when he saw Gao Xun approaching and bowing to Lu Bu.

"It can't be that fast. It should only be a route or two." Hua Xiong frowned, for if the princes' allied forces had this pace, they would only have been able to achieve something for a year.

Lü Bu looked at Gao Xun, but Gao Xun nodded and said: "Judging by the flag, it must be Wang Quang, the prefect of Hanoi, but according to the report of the trip to Malaysia, there are also Qiao Mao, Bao Xin, Yuan Yi, Kong Rong, Tao Qian, Gongsun Zan, Zhang Yang. The Seven-Sided Prince is not far from here and should be here at noon."

"Why don't we break the way before the lords assemble?" Hu Zhen looked at Lu Bu and said suddenly.

Lu Bu looked at him and realized that Hu Zhen had been strangely calm for the past two days, as if he had startled him, but Lu Bu knew that was not the case.

"Breaking his ten fingers is worse than one bite, Gao Xun!" Thinking that Hu Zhen would not threaten him, Lu Bu stopped thinking about it and looked at Gao Xun.

"The Last General is here!" Order the soldiers and horses, and follow me out of town!

"Here!" Gao Xun nodded in agreement and left.

"The Northern Army only has 1,000 soldiers, so I'm afraid it won't be enough. I think Hua Xiong should follow the general." Hu Zhen laughed.

Lu Bu looked at Hu Zhen seriously, unsure if Hu Zhen was showing his side.

Although he has experience in the fake world, the most despicable thing is that he is always a petty soldier making things difficult for his camp. The atmosphere in the army is relatively pure, and there are calculations, but not much, so Lu Bu cannot speculate on people's hearts.

"General, the previous general was careless and was offended many times. When facing the enemy this time, I want to join hands with the general to defeat the enemy." Seeing Lu Bu's reappearance, Hu Zhen said with a serious expression.

Although Li Su does not understand what happened, now everyone is defending the city together. It is always good to live in harmony. He immediately said, "Yes, it is all Paoze. There is nothing wrong in it."

Lu Bu's personality is somewhat soft but not strict. If you give strict orders or make trouble with him, Lu Bu will never give up, but if he can keep his posture low and speak well, Lu Bu is usually reasonable.

He always felt that the other side was showing off, but in the end, he bowed his head and relented. Lu Bu nodded, got up, and said to Hua Xiong, "If that's the case, ask Gongwei to hold the formation for me."

It was to deal with Wang Kuang. In Lu Bu's opinion, the northern army was enough to defeat the enemy, but after all, it was a good intention, and the other party's good intentions were good, and Lu Bu could not directly reject it.

"Here!" Hua Xiong was naturally more inclined to see General Yixin's view and immediately agreed.

Lu Bu exits the city, and Red Rabbit mounts on the horse. He left the town before the army could assemble.

Gao Shun led the soldiers of the Northern Army out of the city and stood in front of the pass. More than a thousand soldiers of the Northern Army were a little weak in front of this magnificent pass, but at this time, they felt a suffocating feeling of oppression.

Huaxiong's 2,000 cavalry immediately lined up on Guancheng's side.

On the other hand, Wang Kuang, who had not yet set up his camp, suddenly heard that the soldiers under his tent had come to report that Lü Bu had led his army out of the city. A chance to be embarrassed

The previous year, the prince came on the offensive, but he was first defeated by Xu Rong at Sishui, then dominated by Dong Zhuo, who crossed the river at Mengjin and attacked Hanoi directly. The prince could not raise his head before them. Now that Wang Kuang is so active, besides helping Yuan Shao gain momentum, he should be even more ashamed.

Hearing that Lu Bu was out of town to fight, how could he set up camp? He hurriedly got up and shouted outside the tent, "Where is Fang Yu?"

"The Last General is here!" Outside the camp, a general, eight feet tall, with the back of a monkey and the waist of a bee, also held a square-shaped halberd in his hand. After going inside, he bowed to Wang Kuang.

"Order Qi's army and horses immediately. I want to defeat Lu Bu before the lords arrive and make the first contribution!" Wang Kuang slung his sword around his waist and went out: "I'm here to raid the structure for you!"

"Here!" Fang Yu bowed and immediately turned around and went to order the troops.

Fang Yu's army was also very powerful. In less than a moment, he saw the Hanoi army running toward the front of the pass. Seeing that the opponent's formation was thin and the number of people was only 3,000, Wang Kuang sneered in his heart and shouted: "Lu Bu is arrogant. Dare to fight?"

When Lü Bu heard these words, he looked up and saw that the Hanoi army was full of darkness, about ten thousand people, and looking at the army formation, it was not chaotic. Some people were good at ruling the military.

But this much can be said that the second general is qualified. If you want to scare Lu Bu based on the number of people, you will have to think too much. He looked in the direction of Wang Kuang from a distance, slung Fang Tianhua's halberd onto the horse's back, and took it off with ease. He forged the bow, bent the bow and mounted the arrow, and needed to aim more carefully. The needle was like a meteor chasing the moon and came straight to Wang Kuang. Wang Kuang didn't react at all, and he felt numbness on the top of his head.

His face turned pale in an instant. He didn't want Lu Bu to sit right at such a distance, so the frightened Wang Kuang quickly bowed his head behind the horse.

"Hahahaha~" During the fight, Lu Bu saw this scene and laughed aloud: "Hanoi Hero, that's it!"

Wang Kuang was embarrassed and angry, turned his head to look at Fang Yu, and shouted, "Fang Yu, don't kill this beast now!"

"Here!" Fang Yu was also stunned by Lu Bu's arrow. He saw more than Wang Kuang. Lu Bu's arrow was aimed at Ying Helm. It was not that he could not shoot Wang Kuang. The steps are very accurate!

Immediately, he swung his army to kill Lü Bu, but Fang Yu kept his eye on Lü Bu's bow and arrow, preventing Lü Bu from shooting himself with a needle.

"Strike!" Seeing that the opponent's general put the halberd to Fang Tianhua, Lu Bu's eyes lit up. He pulled back his bow, picked up Fang Tianhua again, and led the northern army to kill the opponent.

As for the area outside Hulao Pass, you can only use it if you have 10,000 people. A battle formation is best with 1,000 men.

Fang Yu was relieved when he saw that Lu Bu did not use the arrow but ran upwards, but at this time, Chitu had completed the acceleration, and the speed suddenly increased. The halberd fell and cut into Fang Yu's neck. Fang Yu was shocked and immediately raised Fang Tianhua's halberd to block.


It was just a ploy, Fang Yu's hand almost went away from Fang Tianhuajie, but it was stopped in the end. Seeing this, Lu Bu's eyes lit up. In reality, no one could lift him for a long time except in the simulated world. The Tianhua halberd brought arcs of light, and each halberd fell like a halberd.

Fang Yu wanted to dodge, but how to avoid it under these circumstances? She had to bite the bullet and try to block the three halberds. When all three arms were gone, she only felt numbness in her arm, as if it was not her own. Lu Bu became more excited. When the fourth halberd fell, Fang Yu was too hard to stop and was directly cut down by the halberd...