
Loving The Mysterious Alpha

"FUCK YOU LUCIAN!!" I yelled for the whole hall to hear and I shot deadly glares at him. The whole hall fell silent for a second and the whispers began with people giving me suspicious and fearful looks. I guess it's an abomination to call the asshole by his name. His black eyes pierced into mine and his knuckles were turning white from gripping the chair too hard. He looked scary but I can't show him how scared I was of him. "Take her away!" I could hear the anger in his voice as he instructed the guards. They dragged me out roughly and the murmurs got louder. I guess today is finally my death day. **** Audrey Rhodes, a twenty-two year old mundane living with a rare medical condition:Xeroderma Pigmentosum. Young, adventurous,full of life and also waiting for her death day but it all came crashing down when she figured she is a half wolf who had been forced into a wolf agreement since she was a child and her low-key life was stripped off when she was forced into a loveless marriage with the hotshot billionaire business tycoon, Lucin Armani.

Khariemeeds_ · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Chapter 7


Standing in front of the huge brown door with two guards guarding it, I waited with Warg for the council to call us in and I am getting really impatient. Those old hags enjoy delaying me anytime I'm meeting with them. Let's get this done with!

"Alpha Lucian Waylen Armani." I heard my name announced and almost immediately, the huge door opened with a loud noise revealing the 7 elders in white robes seated with stern looks on the high table.

"Do you need me to come with you?" Warg asked and I shook my head.

"I'll be fine." I stepped in.

The huge door closed by itself.

The first thing I noticed was the statue of Ma'at, the goddess of truth, Justice and wisdom and in front and of it was a jar with a cup half filled with a red liquid.

"Stand before it and place your right hand on any part of the status." An elder instructed.

"Do you swear by the goddess of truth, wisdom and Justice that all you will say here will be the truth and nothing but the truth?"

"I swear." I drank the red liquid and it was tasteless. Is truth serum always this tasteless?

There was silence at first before Elder Lyall, the head of the council spoke up.

"I suppose you already know why you have been summoned."

Lyall is actually a very good and old friend and my drinking buddy. Her mundane name is Lauren annoys the hell out of me at times.

"I do."

"And you know the consequences if you lie?"

"I do."

"Do you admit to breaking the first rule of our world despite being an Alpha?" Elder Chriyl asked.

I hesitated before I answered. "I do."

There were murmurs among them before they continued.

"Do you have a reason for your actions?"

"I do." I explained to them in detail leaving mother out of it and when I was done, it was too quiet. Nothing happened to me so I wasn't lying

"Why don't we give us a minute to confer?" Lauren said.

The door opened before I could reply and I just left. Warg was not alone this time, Mother and Maggie were with him and immediately I came out, they rushed to me.

"What did they say?"Maggie asked.

"Nothing, they are conferring." I took a seat.

"Were you given the truth serum?" Mom asked and i nodded.

"As you can see, my insides haven't exploded." I just wanted space and silence and they took that hint. In minutes, I was called back in.

"We've come to a decision." Lauren said.

Silence again.

"We've heard your reason and we understand the horrible situation you were in but you were suppose to inform the council of what was going in. You didn't think telling the elders was wise and you didn't even explain to the young lady in question, did you?"

I fought the urge to roll my eyes. Laura really??

"I didn't."

"You put her in a tough situation depriving her to know what she was getting into."

"This is your punishment."

Another deafening silence

Can they just quit this silence?

"You'll be flogged a thousand strokes and spend a week in the hell of blades. A public apology will also be tended to the pack for your actions." She hit the gavel.

I wanted to say my mind badly. Why did they make me alpha if I have to tell them every of my decision. Fine, I understand the fact that I was suppose to tell the girl about the whole werewolf shit but do you think she's going to survive if I give her time to think about it?. I was about to talk when Lauren signalled to me not to. I've been given my punishment what's up worse they can do?.

I was dismissed. Laura better tell me why she shut me up back there.


"You should have told me." Lauren said pouring herself a drink.

"Well, you were vacationing in Santorini."I gulped my drink down.

"How is she?"

"Fine, I guess." She punched my arm.

"Don't tell me you abandoned her?" she gasped.

"Are you going to tell the council?"

"I'm sure you don't wanna see hear their judgement when they hear this."

"Chill! Warg is taking care of her."

"Is Warg her sire?"

"Lauren please! you've given me a tough punishment already."

"The elders did. They know we are friends and don't want partiality in my judgement. You were meant to be stripped of your Alpha position but your reason changed their mind."

"Well I guess I should be thankful."

"Yeah you should. I was in a tight corner. you'll be fine." She pat my shoulder."

"I'm sure your family hates me now!" She added.

"I'm sure they will understand."

We silently drank together.

"The nightmares are back!" I said out of the blue and "it's pretty terrible this time."

"When did they start?"

"The day the girl turned in my basement. Her screams kinda unleashed locked memories."

"Does the Luna know?"

"Nope. She will flip. She has a lot on her plate at the moment." I took a sip of my drink.

"You know I love you right, and I can't watch you drown in guilt and sorrow. Get help, really. Professional help. I know you will say it's will leave but you really need help. The portions are obviously not working anymore so for the sake of your new bride and your family, get help."

"Really! new bride." I chuckled.

"What?! is she not your wife?" she downed her drink.

"I didn't agree that she'll be my mate." I stood up ready to take my leave

"Asshole." She let out a small laugh.

"Night and don't stay late." I pecked her forehead and left.

"I won't and make sure you see how that girl is faring." She yelled after me and I waved in response.


I sat by my window watching the sun set as I thought of that night. I feel like I died that night when I turned to a wolf and this body is fake. I haven't fully adjusted to the fact that I'm a werewolf. If someone had told me they were actually real, I would laugh in their face. I was angry, scared, clueless of what was going on. My mood is shitty. I'm always hungry and eating the heart or flesh of an animal irritates the hell out of me. I can't even control the way I wolf out. It's like the animal in me has taken complete control over me and my transformations and when I'm human again, I'm stark naked in the middle of nowhere with the carcass of the unfortunate animal. I'm scared I'll end up hurting someone.

An elderly lady who looks like she's in her late thirties, she dresses so regal with guards following her behind checks up on me once in a while. I heard she's the Luna and she's super nice to me. She makes sure I get anything, I mean anything I want. Human foods tastes so bland in my mouth that I cry. I will never be able to eat my favorite foods again. Everyone here seems to be normal about this turning thing. Don't I deserve to know what was going on?. Why am I still kept being hostage?. I just wanna go home but I'm scared I'll a close family. The fun fact is I am cured of my illness and I don't have XP anymore. I was distracted from my thoughts when I heard a deep masculine voice that I remember vividly outside my room.

That voice! the mysterious guy in the forest.

I was about to go for the door when I felt I was changing again. I didn't fight it this time. Maybe a snack will distract me from this hellish place and at the same time I don't want to change. I want to see this guy's face and confirm my suspicion badly. Before I could decide, I had jumped out of the window.


The sound of glass shattering alerted everyone and we all rushed to the room, mother gasped at the sight. The window was broken with glass shards scattered on the floor. There were pieces of torn clothes on the floor and untouched lunch on her desk.

"She'll come back. No need for unnecessary alarm." Clary announced leaving the room.

"This is not her first time?" I was shocked.

"How would you know when you washed your hands off her." Clary said loud and clear.

I rolled my eyes.

"Call the advisor. I wanna see him ASAP." I instructed a guard as I left the scene.



I screamed when realization hit me. I crawled back till my back hit a tree. My fear has finally come true.

I killed someone.

His eyes were open and blank and his heart was ripped out. My hands were covered with his blood. I fell on my knees as I shook with fear. What have I done?

I shuddered and I don't know whether it was from the horror of what I had done or from the cold. I cared less about my nakedness and a sob escaped from my lips.

"I'm s-sorry." I cried.

My knees remained rooted to the ground and I wasn't able to take my eyes off the innocent man. I killed a man and that guilt will never leave me. I could smell someone near and I couldn't care. I was numb with pain. I deserve to be punished for what I did. My eyes were still fixed on the body when the person stood in front of me. He carried me up gently and covered me with his suit. I let out fresh set of tears and he pulled me to a hug. His perfume scent rung a bell and I realized who it was but I lacked the strength to push him away. He just let me cry my eyes out not caring about his clothes I was staining with my tears and the blood of the man. I didn't even know when we got to the castle. I don't know who this guy is but I was too numb and weak to fight him off. The castle was quiet, well it was late into the night and everyone has retired to bed. This man took me to my room. From there, my mind went blank. I was fading in and out of consciousness and when I opened my eyes, I was tucked in bed. I could see his retreating figure as he closed the door quietly. I was too tired to keep my eyes open and I soon drifted off to sleep.


I woke up to a sickening feeling at the pit of my stomach. My mind was hazy and I smelled freshly baked bread mixed with delicious meals and suddenly I wanted to puke. I jumped up immediately throwing the duvet off and my face was in the toilet before the vomit flew out of my mouth. It was blood and remnants of last night dinner and damn! it smells horrible. I tried to track down my activities last night and I slid down the floor as soon as I remembered.

I killed a man last night.

I remembered the man who saw me in the forest, I remember being covered with the blood of that man and now there's no trace of blood on my body... Did I allow a stranger to bath me??.No, that's not possible. I has no recollection of him after he carried me here. My mind went back to that man and guilt overwhelmed me. The least I can do for him is give him a proper burial, I owe him that.

I was distracted by voices and footsteps outside my room. There was a knock and before I could answer, the door flung open and it was Leila.

"Hey." she said softly as she knelt in front of me. She seems to know what happened.

"Hi." I whispered.

"Lucian told us what happened." Concern and sympathy filled her eyes.

She saw my confusion and quickly added.

"My asshole brother."

I gasped.

"Was he the one that carried me..."

"Yes, he is the one."

The missing pieces and the unanswered questions started connecting.

He was the mysterious beautiful man in the forest that day and the werewolf that turned me and he was busy being a coward after he turned me and couldn't even see how I was faring but there was one thing I needed to confirm.

"Is he the Alpha?"

She nods.