
Love you Mr.officer

it's a heart touching college Love story of a college girl ( Manvi) and a police officer Raghav. Manvi was kind and sweet whereas Raghav was rude and aggresive. let's see how there simple meet take form of love .how the people with totally opposite nature fell in love with each other. Raghav comes to Maanvi's college for a security inspection and Manvi was appointed as his assistant. After all, how will be their simple meeting which will make their relationship special? Will both of them ever be able to fall for each other ? how will their love affair begin? ..Keep reading to know "love you Mr. Officer".

smiley7890 · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Manvi ran away after saying this to Raghav and came to priya.

"Hey...priya I'm back with my bag; Let's go home", Manvi told Priya.

"Yes... let's go, Priya replies to manvi who is waiting for Manvi.

Both of them went to the parking lot and sat on the scooty and started riding towards their homes.

"Well !"...Priya, what gift should we get for her?", Manvi asked while driving the scooty.

"What did you think?, what did we bring for her?, Priya asked Maanvi.

"I am asking you Dumbo...", I am not able to decide anything right now ", Maanvi replies.

"Let's decide later, we have to look cool tomorrow", Priya tells Maanvi.

"Yes why not.. offcourse we will",Maanvi laughs and answers .

Maanvi drops Priya at her house and then slowly rides towards her house.

"Mom".. I came back, Manvi said while coming inside the house through main door and closing the door.

"Welcome home dear", says her mother.

"Thanks...momma", Manvi replies.

"Sit on the couch, I'll bring you a glass of water", said the jaya ji to Maanvi.

Jaya ji went to the kitchen and came out with a glass of water in her hand.

"How was your day today ? and you look very tired ...why dear?", Jaya ji asked Manvi while offering her glass of water.

"No..No, mom everything is fine, today I met Sameer, he had come to college to invite me and Priya to his wedding", manvi said to jaya ji before taking a sip of water.

"Ohhh! really.. when did he come to India?Why didn't you bring him at home", jaya ji asked Manvi.

"I asked her mom really , but he said he is busy in preparing for marriage", says Maanvi giving back the glass of water to her mother after drinking water.

"Ok ok"..."You go and take some rest now", jaya said to Maanvi.

"Yes...moma i must go", Maanvi stands from the sofa and hugged her mom before leaving.

Maanvi takes her bag and just starts walking towards her room after hugging her mom.

"Also... Mother put these flowers in the flowerpot, Maanvi said to her mother looking at the flowers.

"OK.. Darling I'll..these are really beautiful",jaya ji responds to Maanvi with taking flowers from Manvi.

In Night

After rest she completed all her homework which she had to give to the teacher by tomorrow morning.

Thank God... it is finally done", Manvi said to herself with pressing her fingers.

"Ahhhhh...my fingers are about to break," she said looking at his fingers.

"come out Manvi; Dinner is ready with your favorite dish, jaya ji calls Maanvi out for dinner.

"Yes.. Mother, I am coming, Maanvi replies loudly.

She put her notes and books nearby her bed and went outside to the lobby . Manvi stood by the dining table and pulled up a chair and sat on it.

"Good evening! Dad, she greeted her father.

Good evening ....my property, are you all right?", Maanvi's father asked her.

[Manvi's father call Manvi as his property with love to show that she is the property of her mother and father]

"Yes.. Dad I'm all right", Manvi said with a smile.

Maanvi and Maanvi's parents gossip a lot while having dinner and laughed. Seriously they are really a happy and sweet family.

"OK... Mom I'm done, said Manvi, wiping her mouth with a napkin.

"Don't you want more?...you don't eat much today", Mother asked Manvi.

"No.. No mother, I have already eaten a lot, Manvi said to her mom while rubbing her stomach.

"Okay dear ... it's good if you are full, mother tells Maanvi with a smile .

"Now!, I'm going to sleep; Good night !..mom, good night!...dad", she said to his parents.

"Good night!.. dear", both his parents said to Maanvi at the same time.

Manvi stood up from the chair and slowly headed towards her room.She entered her room and switched off the light and fell asleep while lying on the bed. Manvi was looking very tired today so she fell asleep as soon as she lied on the bed.

Next morning...

The next morning, she dressed very well as she had to visit his sister-in-law.

She was late today as she is busy in getting ready for her meet with her sister- in -law, she went to college in hurry and first of all, Maanvi went to meet Priya as usual and gave her her assignment files to her.

"Submit it with yours", Maanvi said to Priya.

"Well... You are looking really beautiful today", Priya told Maanvi with looking at her from top to bottom.

"You are also looking very beautiful ...dummy", Maanvi replies to Priya with a smile.

"Okay..See you in the afternoon, now I'm already too late, bye...bye, Manvi said to Priya while running towards the cabin.

"Bye..bye", Priya replies loudly from behind with seeing Manvi leaving in hurry.

Maanvi went to the cabin and opened the door with nervousness.

"May I come in, Mr. Officer , Manvi said in a slightly scared voice.

She felt that today Raghav will definitely be very angry because she was very late.

"Why are you so late to....day" Raghav asked Maanvi, as soon as he saw her his voice subsided, it took him time to say "day".

Raghav was constantly staring at Maanvi's face and felt some strange feelings in his heart .

"Hello! Good morning Mr. Officer", Manvi said in low voice.

"Good morning", Raghav replies .

Manvi looked at Raghav's table which was very dirty with scattered food as he was not able to eat properly as his hand was hurt.

"What are you doing?, Maanvi asked looking at Raghav.

"Try to eat", Raghav said while trying to eat once more with a spoon.

But again his spoon turned and his food fell on the table.

"Ah.... seriously unbelievable" said Raghav angrily.

"Stop doing like this, Maanvi said to Raghav while going to him.

Maanvi came to Raghav and took a small stole and sat in front of Raghav.

She took the spoon in her hand without asking anything from Raghav .

"what... what are you doing?", Raghav said looking at Manvi.

"Nothing.. just trying to help you", Maanvi said to Raghav.

"Look, you..",Raghav was about to say something to Manvi, but Maanvi was not listening to him and cut Raghav's words in the middle.

"Come on... Open your mouth,say ...Aaaaaaaaaaaa", she said to Raghav with taking a spoonful of rice near Raghav's mouth.

"There is no need to do so; You just put it down.. I'll eat myself", Raghav said while trying to snatch spoon from Maanvi.

"You will not listen to me... Right", Manvi said looking at Raghav.

Maanvi pinched Raghav's arm due to which Raghav opened his mouth due to pain.

Ah.., Raghav said with a wailing of pain.

In this, Maanvi put the spoon in Raghav's mouth.

"Look, you have not lost any of your stars, even if I feed you then your respect will not going to be decrease, Maanvi said to Raghav in teasing way.

Raghav didn't replied to Manvi's word.

"Think I am not here, I am Mr India from now on ...OK, come on open your mouth, said Maanvi looking at Raghav.

Raghav opened his mouth this time without arguing. Raghav saw Maanvi feeding him with love and care, which filled his heart with some uneasiness and some joy.

Raghav was just silently looking at Maanvi and was opening his mouth to eat at the behest of Maanvi.Raghav ate all the food on seeing Maanvi, he did not know when he finished all the food in the plate.

"Done"..is that enough or do you need more?", Maanvi asked Raghav.

"Ahhhh..no, that's enough, Raghav said to Maanvi.

"Alright", Maanvi says looking at Raghav.

Maanvi put the spoon on the plate and placed the glass of water kept nearby on the table in front of Raghav.

"Have a drink of water, Maanvi said to Raghav holding the glass.

"Thank you", Raghav said to Manvi.

"It's ok...Mr. Officer, you serve the country with all your heart, it is my pleasure to help you", Maanvi replies to Raghav with a sweet smile.

Raghav didn't say anything, he just smiled looking at Maanvi for first time.

Manvi on first time seeing Raghav smile she is about to lost her breath as Raghav was looking too handsome at that time.she hardly control herself.

"Oh.. wait, Maanvi said to Raghav looking at his face.

"What happened ?" , Raghav asked Manvi.

"Wait a minute, stay like this", Maanvi said to Raghav.

She put her hand on Raghav's shoulder and wiped Raghav's lower lip with her sardine, nothing but a little vegetable was there on your face", Maanvi said to Raghav with pointing under her lips.

"Oh...", said Raghav, looking at her with shocked face.

Raghav's heart was beating so fast as if the engine of a train.

"Do you need anything", Maanvi asked him.

"Not yet" ; Thank you, Raghav replied to Manvi.

Manvi went to her desk and sat on the chair.she was also feeling nervous at this time as she touched Raghav's lips without thinking atleast once.

"Oh .. Do I have heart disease, why is my heart beating abnormally", I have to consult a doctor", Raghav thought in his heart.
