
Love you Mr.officer

it's a heart touching college Love story of a college girl ( Manvi) and a police officer Raghav. Manvi was kind and sweet whereas Raghav was rude and aggresive. let's see how there simple meet take form of love .how the people with totally opposite nature fell in love with each other. Raghav comes to Maanvi's college for a security inspection and Manvi was appointed as his assistant. After all, how will be their simple meeting which will make their relationship special? Will both of them ever be able to fall for each other ? how will their love affair begin? ..Keep reading to know "love you Mr. Officer".

smiley7890 · สมัยใหม่
18 Chs


Raghav gets emotional and calls Maanvi.Raghav had waited for Manvi for a long time by controlling his emotions, but now his patience was over, he gave up tired and gave a phone call to Manvi.

"Hello"!, Raghav said while controlling himself crying

But Manvi did not respond.Maanvi had picked up the phone, but hearing Raghav's voice, her own voice was suppressed. Maybe Maanvi had also missed him a lot, even after being angry, she picked up the phone even though she could not say a word. Raghav's voice made her heart more restless.

Raghav's ears were eager to hear Manvi's voice.

"Hello! I know you've listeaning me ," Raghav said in a gilt-acquitted voice.

Hello! Manvi replies....( her voice was like she was talking unwillinglly. )

Raghav's heart was feeling better after hearing Manvi's voice no matter it was quit rude, but that yearning was still  bothering Raghav. he was silent for a while but after a while he mustered up the courage to talk to Maanvi.

You... how are you?, Raghav asked her hasitatingly.

After thinking for a second manvi replies.

Did you have any work with me?, Maanvi replies in a rude manner.

I didn't ask you this?, said Raghav .

Raghav was calm even today after listening to Manvi's rude words, perhaps just talking to Maanvi was enough for him. Today for the first time  was calm even when someone was talking Rudely to him, is this love?

" Well!"...when are you coming back to your work? I also want my assistant's sign on my files, for double assurance, Raghav said to Maanvi making an excuse.

Raghav was indirectly asking Maanvi to come back.

"Can't you ask the principal for another substitute?, "You yourself said that...I've always created trouble for you, I don't even think I can help you now", Maanvi replies very rudely .

Raghav said to Maanvi," I have already given your bio data to the high command, changing the assistant is not possible now, so you have to be my assistant "

Actually, there was no such case like bio data, Raghav just wanted to bring back Manvi by any means. Raghav was longing to get just a glimpse of Manvi.

Raghav could not able to say anything clearly to her but he tried his best to call Maanvi back in the cabin.

Maanvi also tried her best to refuse.She started making excuses for not going back.

"I am unwell..... "As ,I am not feeling well, so I can't come... Bye, Maanvi told Raghav and was about to cut the phone call.

"Wait"..."Wait", Raghav said to Maanvi.

" What now ?"...what happened?, Maanvi asked Raghav.

Raghav closed his eyes and thought for a while before speaking.

"Ahhhh....I will come to your house tomorrow, because it doesn't look good that my assistant has been sick for this long and I didn't even go to meet her", Raghav told Maanvi.

"No..There is no need", Manvi said widening her eyes.

"Oh yes... this is very important, otherwise what will people think of me?, what will happen to my reputation?", Raghav replies.

Raghav was now provoking Manvi in ​​his own way that she should come back at any how and on hearing about Raghav coming to her house, Manvi got flustered and suddenly turned back from her words that she was ill.

"No..I am absolutely fine", Maanvi answers without thinking.

"Oh ... So this is your excuse to run away from your responsibility, I have to talk to your principal", Raghav said provoking Maanvi.

Manvi got scared after hearing Raghav saying that Raghav should not really go to her principal.

"No...no, I am feeling better today but yesterday I was really very sick, very very sick, Maanvi replied with fake coughing.

"Ok..Alright, till tomorrow if you are not able to come here then I will come to your house to see you", Raghav told Maanvi and disconnected the phone.

"No....hey!.. Hello...!", are you listening?", Manvi asked Raghav.

But the phone was already disconnected by him.

"Oh ... God, where did I get stuck, I have to go tomorrow or else he will come here", Manvi said to herself.

Raghav smiled because he knew that Maanvi would definitely come from  tomorrow.

Maanvi called Priya and said.

"Hello!", Manvi said to Priya on call.

"Hello!" ,Priya Said while answering the call.

"What should I do now?He told me that if I don't come to college, he will come to my house to meet me, what should I do?", Manvi said to Priya in a troubled voice.

""Who"?; Did that officer call you? ",Priya asked Maanvi with shocking face.

"Yes", Maanvi replies to Priya.

"Don't worry you join college from tomorrow, we will see the rest later", Priya told Maanvi.

"OK...then I will come tomorrow", Maanvi said to Priya.

"You just ignore him, then he himself will get bored with you", Priya told Maanvi.

"It sounds good", Manvi replies with a smile.

"Then see you tomorrow"," let's see what happens", Maanvi tells Priya and disconnects the phone.

"Ah..... what's going on in my life?and Why ?... Looking upwards, Manvi said as if she was talking to God.

"Ok...ok i will go to college tomorrow but i will not pay attention to him at all, he himself said that i create trouble in her life, maanvi murmurs while lying on the bed.

Next morning at college:

Next day Raghav was waiting impatiently for Manvi, he was looking at his watch again and again.

"where has she been left? Why didn't she come yet?"," she should have come by now", Raghav was talking to himself.

Soon Maanvi enters the cabin through the door. Maanvi came and sat on the chair without looking directly at Raghav. She didn't Even Said Good morning today.

Seeing Maanvi, Raghav's heart felt very relaxed. Raghav kept staring at her . Raghav's eyes were as if fixed on Manvi's face.

"Is she is too angry at me that she  didn't even looked at me not for a sec?, Raghav thought to himself.

"Good morning", Raghav said looking at Maanvi.

"Good morning sir", Maanvi replies while looking at her phone.

Raghav expected that she would say "Mr. Officer" from her mouth as usual, but he also knew that at this time Maanvi is angry with him,  Maanvi is not calling Raghav by the name she used to call him normally.

"Is there any work for me sir?", Manvi asked Raghav.

"Yes, bring the file from the principal sir's cabin, which I gave him to sign", Raghav replies instantly.

"Alright..Sir, I bring the files from the principal sir to you", Maanvi replies and gets up from her chair and starts going out.

As soon as Manvi reached the door, she looked back and saw Raghav.

If I'm late, please don't come in search of  me; I will also try my best that you do not have any problem because of me", Maanvi said this to Raghav in a rude manner and went out of the cabin.

Raghav said to himself, after all, what has happened to her?, I know I have made a mistake but why is she still stuck on that matter?

After some time, Manvi brings a bundle of files in her hands and puts them on Raghav's table.

"Anything else sir? ",Manvi asked Raghav.

Maanvi was not making eye contact with Raghav and was talking while looking at the files.she was doing the same as priya said she was totally ignoring Raghav.

"No..not now", Raghav replied to Maanvi.

"OK... sir", Manvi said.

Maanvi goes to her chair and sits on it. Raghav was looking at Manvi again and again but Maanvi did not look at him even for a moment.Such behavior of Manvi was not pleasing to Raghav's heart, but he could not do anything  in this.

She was busy signing files as an assistant to the Main Security Incharge.After some time she looked at watch. It's the time for lunch.

"It is time for lunch, I am going to the canteen, Maanvi said to Raghav standing from her chair and left the cabin.

"What .... Ahhh, please don't behave like this to me, your behavior will kill me without knife , said Raghav said to himself seeing Maanvi going out of the cabin.

Maanvi and Priya have lunch in the canteen.

"Did he say anything today? If did you can tell me? I will ask him why does he always bother my Manvi", Priya said, placing her hand on Maanvi's shoulder.

"No..No... I did as you said,  i Ignored him totally, Maanvi said to Priya.

"OK...good", Priya replies.

After lunch, both Priya and Maanvi come out of the canteen talking with talking.

"I will call you.. then we will go home together", Maanvi told Priya.

"OK...sure", Priya replies with a smile.

Maanvi went to the  cabin and stood in front of the cabin door.

"I don't want to go inside", Manvi told herself and turned.

[Her back was towards the door.]

"Oh.. God why I'm thinking too much" it's ok... Maanvi, just go and sit on your chair, Maanvi  said to herself with taking a deep breath.

She suddenly turned and grabbed the handle of the door, In this Raghav too suddenly opened the door by pulling the door.. due to which Maanvi lost her balance and collided directly with Raghav and both fell on the floor.

Maanvi raised her head and looked into Raghav's eyes.....