
Leave my brother

Lilian was surprised to see the trap, “Oh I’m sorry but I can’t take it away” she said afraid to touch it.

“Why not use your powers to unset the trap?” The fat mouse told Lilian while chewing on the papers.

“Shhh…” the other mouse held fat mousey’s mouth but Lilian heard it already.

“Powers? What do you mean” both rats stare at Lilian but the tiny mouse shakes its head at her because she stretches out hand hands over the trap, but thanks, nothing happened.

“You can do it,” the fat mouse said, try again.”


“I don’t know, maybe you mumbled some magical words and the trap will unset.”

Lilian tried again and then the trap moves a bit.

“Wow!” the two rats jump down from their position and stare at the trap as it moves, they followed the trap to the entrance of the door but they heard some noise and ran to hide.

Both Lillian and the rats hid from Sandra as she makes her way to the bookstore.

“Ash…” Sandra held her leg and hop around the bookstore as the trap bite her leg.

The rats and Lillian held their mouth in their hiding place.

“I will kill these rats!” Sandra murmured sitting down on the floor to unset the trap.

Meanwhile, Alex was having a hard time concentrating on his job of snatching the bad guys and dragging them to justice.

Clara looked everywhere for Sandra but could not find her. “Where could she be?” she exhausted all her options of where to find her.

“Look, you promise, you promise to marry me when you finally become the head of the clan, and to talk of it, my father was the one who helped you,” Evelyn said making a baby face at Alex.

“What do you mean?”

“Yes, my father told me everything,” Evelyn said.

Alex couldn’t help but laugh.

“And why are you laughing at me?” her expression changes at Alex.

“I’m not, I’m just surprised at how many lies your father must have told you”

“Are you calling my father a liar?, look, I’ve heard enough insult from you,” she got angry and stormed out of the house, but Alex went after her.

“Please, I didn’t  mean to hurt you!" He pleaded.

“Okay I’m sorry” he held her hand to pull her back into the house but she refused and starts walking out of the house but she bumped into Clara.

"Hey. Watch it!” she pushed her backward but Alex was right on time to catch Evelyn into his embrace.

“What did I ever do to you?” Evelyn asks Clara angrily.

“Stay away from my brother!” Clara said looking at Alex who was still holding up Evelyn in his arms.

“Nonsense!” she yells and walked to her room leaving them both at the entrance of the door.

“Leave me alone!” Evelyn told Alex and he released her.

“Don’t you ever talk to me again, and don’t you ever die on me again” she told Alex with an angry look.

Alex was still pleading but she got into her car and drove off.