
Get him for me

“I know, and that is why I’m  showing them to you. Come let me show you something” Blaze followed him again.

“What is this place?”

“Is a pool of acid, all those who cross me are in there” he pointed at the pool and Blaze gasp.

“So you see? Am safe with you my dear Blaze? He gave her a wicked smile.

“Alex is the next in line to the position of the clan head, his father has been a pain in my ass, and I  know my enemies are planning to use him against me. I want you to help me get him”

“What!, I should get Alex for you?”

“Yes, 100 million, a car and a house of your own. If is not enough then just name your price”

“Why me, when you have all this deadly force with you?” Blaze ask amazed that this man wants her to get Alex when he can easily do so without blinking an eye.

“This men are no match to the power of a woman, everyone has a price, and I know that Alex has one”

“What!.. No, you don’t know Alex, he only loves one woman Sandra, her name is Sandra”

“Wow… you see?, that is why I need you, you even know what woman he likes.”

“Yeah, I know because I murdered her entire family, my mistress ask me to kill her parents and take her hostage but Alex rescued her.”

“Really? Impressive, give me Alex and I will give you anything you ask for, anything”

Blaze could not believe this, if she can only deliver Alex to him all this things will be hers.

She want home but refuse to tell Sandra everything.

She went to lily’s cell to talk to her, she prefer talking to Lily than Sandra after all Sandra don’t even care about her, all she ever think of is her own self.

“Is something troubling you?”

“Yes Lily, a man ask me to deliver Alex to him and he will make my life better, I’m tired of living like this!, I want things for myself too”

“Alex!..., why did he want you to deliver Alex to him?”

“I don’t know, maybe he wants to kill him”

“Kill him!” the little snake was heart broken.

“You can’t kill him?”

“Why? Do you know Alex personally?” Blaze looked at Lily hoping she won’t say yes.

“I know him, and I know he is going to be great but. Why kill a great man when you can help him?”

“Help him?, I have no intention of helping him.” Blaze said and walk away sad, that was not why she came to see lily, in fact she didn’t  know why she came there.

“I can’t help Alex, I don’t know him that much to want to help him” she murmured as she walk back to her room.

“Listen to me” Sandra met her half way to her room.

“You are going back there, you will agree to get Alex for him.”

“Just what are you planning?, why are you keeping me in the dark?” Blaze ask Sandra.