

Ann White is a nineteen year old who wants to be a millionaire. But there's a problem; she lacks the drive to actually work for it. Her mother advises her to resort to seducing rich men but Ann doesn't want that either. She doesn't want a man in her life. William Brown is a rich twenty-one year old who is fighting for the position of CEO with his other two cousins, Neil and Daniel. He's cold and indifferent but when he cares about something, he makes sure to nurture it. The four get tangled in a love...square? Rectangle? Will Ann's life turn out the way she wanted it to or will she be worse off than how she started?

G_Mumba · สมัยใหม่
41 Chs


Harley stepped out of the elevator on the twelveth floor and walked out with a staggering gait. She was still trembling with anger because of Ann and her embarrassment. She nearly fell when she saw Ann in one of the offices speaking to Neil. She composed herself when Neil looked in her direction. He smiled and waved at her making Ann turn around.

"That's aunt Harley, William's mother. Let me say hi to her." Neil said getting up from the chair.

Ann smiled nervously knowing that she offended her mother-in-law. Neil walked out of her office and hugged Harley as if he cared about her.

"Lovely to see you on your feet again." Neil said,"What happened to you guys? You left the company to us boys."

"We need to know who is best suited to inherit the company, darling." Harley said smiling.

She glanced at Ann and furry filled her eyes again. Neil noticed that she was looking at his crush and smiled.

"Beautiful, ain't she? That's Ann, the new secretary."

"So I've been told." Harley hissed between her teeth not trying to hide her hatred.

Neil was too engrossed in his thoughts of Ann that he failed to notice how Harley glared at Ann.

"Have you met her? She is an angel and I'm sure you'll love her."

"Ha! Angel my foot!" Harley exclaimed stomping her foot.

Ann heard the loud click of Harley's heel but she pretended like she didn't. Neil was surprised at Harley's opinion on Ann and he was ready to defend Ann but Harley walked away towards William's office. She glared at Ann for a few seconds and then continued walking. When she reached the door to William's office, she opened it fiercely and slammed it when she was inside. Ann felt the vibrations of the glass and looked at Neil who smiled. Daniel was not in his office so Neil felt happy to have Ann all to himself. He went in Ann's office and sat down again but this time he purposefully rubbed his hand against hers as he stretched.

"Sorry. My arms are long." he said smiling innocently.

"Well then I don't think I can blame you....just don't stretch in my company." she said looking at his left hands on the table.

"Are you free Friday night....like after work and all?"

"Let me see my schedule for the week."

Ann opened her drawer and stared at the plane papers inside. She pushed them around and flipped them to make it look like she was actually looking at her schedule. When she saw Neil cross his fingers from the corner of her eyes, she shut the drawer, she looked straight at him and shook her head.

"I'm going to see a friend for her....baby shower." she lied.

"I can come with you."

"No! I mean I don't want to bore you with all that....girly...stuff."

"I've attended a baby shower before so it's alright."

Ann smiled nervously and Neil smiled back at her. He left after half an hour to get back to his own work. Ann noted with interest that Harley was still in William's office. She scooped up a pile of documents to take to William so she could know what they were talking about in there. Neil waved at her when she walked out and she just smiled at him.

"...I highly disapprove, Will!" Harley shouted from the other side of the door.

Ann pressed her ear to the door so she could hear better and she heard William say something to his mother but she didn't know what he said. Harley replied with a firm no that was loud enough to make Ann think Harley was just at the door.

"What are you doing there?" a man asked Ann.

Ann turned around and there was a man standing a few meters from her. She straightened up and smiled at the man who's eyes remained on her. She noted he had green eyes just like William and he looked alike with him. He was wearing a black pair of jeans and a gray T-shirt with white sneakers.

"I was checking to see if Mr Brown's mother had gone yet because I have some documents for him." Ann said nervously.

He nodded at her but still stared at her like she was a criminal.

"Did you perhaps want to meet him, sir?" she asked when the silence between them became unbearable.

He nodded again and waited to see what Ann would do. She blinked rapidly like she wasn't expecting him to say yes and it took a minute for her to realise that the man was still waiting for her response.

"Let me ask if he is...."

"No need. I will wait for Harley to finish with him. I wouldn't want to become the object of her anger." he said finally.

Ann nodded and then waited for the man to leave but he didn't move and inch. He looked like he was in his mid thirties and had a calm countenance.

"Are you going to wait here?" Ann asked.

"No. I'm waiting for you to show me where I can wait from, Mrs Brown." he answered smiling.

Ann touched her bossom in shock at what he had addressed her as. How did he know about her and William? She stared at him without saying anything for a few more seconds and with every second she felt that her heart beat slowed down and her chest tightened.

"Woah? Don't collapse or anything like that. I understand William hasn't mentioned me so let me introduce myself," he extended his hand towards her,"Mark Brown, William's father."

Ann's gaze went to his extended arm then back to his face. He still had a pleasant smile on his face that Ann found intimidating in that moment. So this was her father-in-law. She put down the hand that was on her bossom and wipped it on her dress then shook his hand.

"I'm so sorry Daddy, I didn't know it was you."

"No problem, darling. Shall we talk over some coffee or something?"

"Sure." she agreed,"Let's talk in my office."

Ann and Mark awkwardly walked down the corridor and Ann was surprised when he stopped by the office that Tiger had reserved for William's future wife.

"I don't use that office, daddy. We want to keep the whole marriage thing a secret so I use that office." Ann said pointing Mark to her office.

"Ohhh... okay. Let's go then."

She smiled at him and led him to her office and luckily, Neil and Daniel weren't there. She just hoped that Mark and his wife wouldn't tell too many people about the marriage. She opened her office door slowly and let him in. Her phone screen started flashing so she went to check it and found a short message from Tiger.

'The family still wants to see you; baby or no baby. I hope you'll be here by seven.'

She frowned at the phone screen and slumpped into her chair forgetting that Mark was there as well. William's office door opened loudly and a furious Harley walked out followed by a tired William. She glared at Ann and Mark from a distance through the clear glass and started speaking before she even reached them.

"So you are sitting with her, Mark?!" Harley questioned like he had committed a crime.

Mark remained silent and waited for her to enter the office before he could say anything. She sat down on the chair next to Mark's and opposite Ann with a frown on her face. William stood beside Ann and placed a hand on her shoulder like he was a loving husband. Ann wanted to swat the hand away but she didn't for fear that he might strangle her if she tried.

"So when do you plan on making your marriage public?" Mark asked looking straight up at William who was playing with Ann's hair.

"We haven't thought about it yet." William said without meeting his father's eyes.

"I will tell you why! It's because this wife of his is an embarrassment! Look at her, she doesn't meet the requirements to be a daughter-in-law of the Brown family. A poor girl like....."

"Ohhh please, shut it Harley! No one asked for your opinions! Did you qualify to be a daughter-in-law of the Browns?!" Mark exploded.

Harley stared at him accusingly and frowned. She lay back in her chair and looked the other side where Daniel's office was.

"Now....where were we?" Mark asked no one in particular,"The others won't take this matter lightly, you know? You couldn't even hold a small wedding ceremony just for the family to satiate their.....?"

"Madness." William finished.

"I was going to say their desires." Mark said sighing.

"We'll think about it....say two months from now....yes. Then we'll tell you. Vi wants a private marriage life so not even you people can make me change my mind."

"I don't want you to make it public! It's better this way. If this elephant was to....."

Harley stopped when William slammed his fist on the table, slightly cracking the shinny marble surface. Ann placed her hands on her bossom and stared wide eyed at her husband. A part of her liked that William was defending her and another part felt bad that he was doing so while disrespecting his mother.

"Will, come down." she managed to say,"She's your mother and....."

"This woman is not my mother, Vi. No matter how hard she tries." William hissed glaring at Harley.