
love me till the end (for enternity)

What happens when a world famous super stars' mother wants her son to stop being a play boy and find someone he truly loves. Eric,the most youngest and talented super star is also youngest multi-billionaire in the world,at the age of 19,he already owns double of what his father has. As mentioned earlier, he's not only talented and rich, he's overly handsome, the Greek god type of handsome that would make you lick your screen whenever he shows up on it but he also has his bad side. He's; Rude to people (some) Snubbish Sturbborn Slightly a jerk And mist of all,a playboy. Eric believes every girl is the same, he believes they all want him for his looks and money because of a trauma in the past when he was younger but things get hectic when he meets Elena who looked slightly familiar to him. Will Elena be able to change our dear Eric?, here's a little sneak peek of the story. "Accept my offer and save your sisters life" "What do you want me for?" "I give you three hours to decide" "oppa I've changed, please forgive me I know you love me" "That hand... remove it" "Is this another one of your whore" "Eomma,this is your grand daughter-in-law" "You'll never find someone better than me" "We'll see about that" "If I can't have you no one can" "just die already be gone" "Sun...Sun Mi?" "Elena's..." "Ni no please wake up Elena I just got you" Wanna find out who said what and where?,well common buy your drinks and popcorns and start reading cause we're about to enter a world of Romance,lies, secrets and pain. Ladies and gentlemen,fasten your seatbelt cause we're about to begin.

Choc_D · สมัยใหม่
4 Chs


In a heavenly furnished and we'll lit room,a beautiful figure could be seen sitting on a couch patiently waiting for someone while operating a laptop. Slender, long and beautiful fingers gently pressed the buttons on the laptop while biting his lips staring at the screen with all full concentration wondering why women never listened to what you tell them.

His lovely face scrunch up in a frown remembering that anytime now his mother would burst through his house door glaring at him for something that wasn't even his fault, his sister had called to tell him their mother was coming and before he had the chance to reply she had hung up on him.

"Taeyon-ah" hearing his native name his frown deepens but he doesn't say a word but looks up instead at the beautiful woman Walking into the room. His inside bubbled with joy as he saw his mother even though he knew she was here to nag him. He couldn't help but smile inwardly as he stood to greet her,Eric had never seen any woman that could compete with his mother in looks or character.

"Eomma"he smiles lightly leaning into her open arms and huffed when she kissed his cheek,if there was something Eric didn't like it was the way his mother treated him like a child it had gotten so out of hand that she also did it whenever they where in public.

"Ya, don't huff at me"she flicked his forehead with a frown and he pouts watching her sit

"Eomma,what brings you here you shouldn't have come I was planning to come visit tonight" He watch the smile in his mothers face fade as thousands of arrows were sent to him through her brown eyes

"Kim Taeyon...do u take me for a fool,when will you change Taeyon?"

"It wasn't my fault that she came to meet..."

"I don't wanna hear your excuses, it's either you get yourself a girlfriend and I mean a real girlfriend Kim Taeyon or else..." She stops talking having a look Eric had come to know.

"But I don't want to,they want money I give them money in exchange for what they have to offer. That isn't any of my fault and it's my life why won't you leave it be"

"You leave me no choice then since it's your life I as your mother have control of it don't I?,you have a date this afternoon with the prime ministers daughter and you better be on your best behavior because she's going to be your future wife" he almost stumbles out of surprise at what his mother had just said he dumbly watch as she walks away before snapping out of his daze going after her

"Ande Eomma, I'll do it, I'll find a girlfriend myself you don't have to stress yourself"he forces out a smile and his mother smirks. He knew she wasn't joking and his heart was pounding loudly in his chest with the thought that he would be marrying one of those creatures who only wanted to use him.

"Are you sure? I'm about to place a call to the prime minister to set the time for the meeting... and oh it's your life so you get to pick the time for the meet up" she tilt her head to the right blinking slightly at him and he shakes his head

"You don't have to do this mom "

"Alright then,I give you till family dinner..."

"Family dinner?"he shuts up once she gives him a glare

"I didn't stutter did I?...I give you till family dinner and God so help you Taeyon and you bring one of those girls to my house"she smiles saying this while moving his bangs from his eyes"I'll see you soon dear"she gives him a peck leaving,relief washes over him as he watch her go. The only person in this world he feared so much was his mother and thinking back on their conversation he couldn't believe he had just promised to bring home a girlfriend,hell,his mother had just threatened him with marriage.

He walks back to his sit feeling frustrated at the situation he was in at the moment,he had readily agreed to her without even wanting to and now he couldn't even come up with a plan to escape from the situation he was in. He tried going back to what he was doing on his laptop but found his mind wandering off,he decides now wasn't the time to think about how to find a decent girl to bring back home but few minutes into what he was doing he groans lightly picking up his phone to call his manager

"Hyung, I'm traveling out tomorrow"

"De...Ne?...Eric I did give you guys vacation but I didn't say to travel out" his managers voice rang from the other side of the line 

"Hmmm...I'll be leaving by 9am"was the reply from Eric as he hung up he smirks picturing the look on his managers face knowing that he had to spend this week resting because they would begin practice soon.

Seconds later his phone rings and he lets out a chuckle,that was fast,he knew his band mates would call but he wasn't expecting it to be so soon, ignoring the calls he walks up into his room with his laptop.



Hurried footsteps echoed through the house as an average girl rush into the kitchen only to find her grandma there already,she wasn't surprised though,she could perceive the smell of fried meat from her room that was why she had come out in a hurry to help.

As she stepped into the bright kitchen her face could be seen clearly,she had the looks of an angel,her deep set eyes were silver-gray in color,her nose stood pointed on her face and her lovely deep pink lips were shining from the balm she had put on. Her flawless skin made her look so enchanting to the eyes,she had the looks of someone who could make you aroused with crazy desires in a matter of seconds and still have an innocent look,the hoodie gown she wore hid her shape behind them but it was not too loose and one could make out her figure from it.

"Slow down Ele..." the words weren't allowed to form into a complete sentence when the young girl suddenly slipped and fell,landing on her butt

"ahhhh shit... my butt" she cried out not knowing if to cry or laugh

"Language Elena" her grandma scolds but the girl on the floor was not paying attention she was squirming with glossy eyes while laughing, her grandma chuckles shaking her head.

"Don't laugh at me grandma"she frowns massaging her butt standing up while brushing her long hair away from her face.

"Why not?, you looked so funny crying and laughing..." she laughs again peeling the potato she held"how was your night sweetie"

"Great" came the reply from Elena as she tried to take a piece of meat

"Don't you dare" the glare being sent to her wasn't going to stop her from stealing even if it was just a little piece and she did more than just steal a little piece,she took two pieces of them

"Too late" she giggles running out of the kitchen

"That's what you're gonna have for breakfast"the old lady yelled at her retreating figure not bothering to chase her

"I love you too granny"came a muffled reply from a mouth filled with meat.

Reaching into her room she slump down on her bed chewing happily on her meat,her gaze suddenly lands on a big poster of Eric she had on her bedroom wall,her walls were filled with lyrics of Eric and his band mates songs and a few posters of them.

"I wish,I just wish mom would let me..." she smiles sadly staring at a line from one of their songs `don't let life hold you down'

Hi guys, thanks for choosing my book it's my first book and I hope you like it. Let's work hard together◉‿◉

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