
Crime in Ivy hills

Chapter 13


I slept in Diane's room and all through the night I was wondering how cruel Damien and his dad were. Perfectly planning and successfully placing me here when the elders agreed on pairing me with the perfect one for me;Clark.

I thought of getting in contact with Clark the next day to see what we can do about the situation. If this goes outside of the Daniels wall,there would be trouble but what if amidst the whole whirlpool I'd be able to have another selection.

But Clark has been paired with Melody,so getting Clark is out of the picture. What is the way out? I said to myself sighing heavily and extremely exhausted. Why can't I get Clark and be happy?


It's the next day,I feel so tired and it felt like I didn't have enough sleep the night before. Last night I decided to make a move even though I obviously may not end up getting paired with Clark but it'll certainly be better than dying here in silence plus I got here as a result of a conspiracy,so I deserve a second chance.

Diane had been sad ever since yesterday's incidence,she must have been really disappointed because I know how highly she thought of Damien.

Although she knew he hated me but she never thought he could do such and along with her father as well.

"Seraphine I'm really sorry for all you've been through all this while I had no idea and so does mother. I know this may sound selfish but I wish you could stay,you don't know how alive this household has been ever since you came in." Diane said

I cleared my throat and said " First of all you shouldn't feel sorry because none of this is your fault. I understand how you feel and I would miss you and mother as well but I can tolerate anything but deceit also my happiness is at stake here. I don't want to end up regretting my decision in the future ".

She nodded in agreement and hugged me. I got up and dragged my box along with me. I didn't see Damien,he's probably somewhere crying over his failed plan. I knew his nice gestures were suspicious although I never knew I could be my road to freedom. At least there's a light at the end of this tunnel.

I remember the discussion I had with mother earlier when I was getting ready to leave.

"My dear,I would support any decision you make and I'm truly sorry for everything" she said embracing me. I've missed this kind of embrace,it made me remember mum's embrace.

She then continued "The villagers would probably demand that Damien's father be replaced and criticize Damien but it'll be fine,that's the price they'll have to pay,along with our family".

As soon as she said that I felt bad knowing all that was at stake if I proceed with my plan but I was determined to hurt Damien as well even if his lovely family had to partake in it. Maybe I was selfish?


"All set" I said to the driver. As we went I was thinking of how mum and dad would react and if I'd be allowed to be paired with someone else.

The car jerked and suddenly stopped. The driver got down,opened the bonnet and tried to see if he could fix it. I sat down in the car a bit terrified because we were all alone in an unknown place. My parents home is in the outskirts of the village close to the mountains.

It takes about two hours from the Daniels residence to get there. The driver suggested s short cut earlier which according to him would save a lot of time.

"Ma'am I've checked what went wrong with the car,I need to get water from the river close by to fill the overflow tank of the car". The driver said.

"Can I go with you? I don't want to be alone in this uninhabited area" I said

"Alright madam" He said. I left my things in the car but I held my cellphone.

"Alright let's go" I said gesturing him to lead the way as we walked into the woods each of us holding a water container


Its been about 2hours and we are yet to find the river,I was exhausted at this point. It dawned to me that we were lost in the woods.

The driver seeing how exhausted I was told me to sit as he was going to find a way to get us out.

I couldn't call anyone because the service on my phone was horrible . I sat on the remains of chopped a tree listening to the birds chatter and trying to prevent creeping insects from crawling up my legs.

The driver had been gone for about 3 hrs and the day already turned dark. I didn't leave my spot all the while and kept on assuring myself that he'd be back but he didn't.

'What if bears are in here'I thought as I shiver from the cold,the weather has changed and it looks like there would be a downpour soon.

I thought of making a fire and gathered grasses just to keep myself warm but the wind wouldn't let it kindle.

A lot of thoughts like me getting eaten by the wolves,not getting to see my parents again as well as Clark flooded my mind. I haven't even told Clark how I feel yet.

Suddenly I heard rustling of leaves nearby. 'They have come for me' I said sobbing silently and shivering at the same time.

The sound stopped as soon as I got up and I became frightened it felt as if I was being watched.

I tried to be as calm as possible and then I suddenly it came to me. 'What if the sound were d footsteps of the driver heading towards me.

The rustling continued and I went silently towards the direction of the sound. As I got closer I saw a figure approaching wearing a rain coat. 'The driver probably prepared ahead for the rain' I thought.

"Sam over here" I said waving my hand in the dark. It wasn't too dark so he would probably see me or follow the direction of my voice.

As the figure got closer. I noticed he was wearing a mask. Why would the driver wear a mask?

I kept my gaze on him trying to figure out who he was if he wasn't the driver till he finally approached me standing before me. I could only see his eyes.

"Who are.... I couldn't finish my sentence when I felt a sharp pain on my side. I placed my hand over the area and brought out bloody hands.

I fell on the moist ground staining the leaves with blood as the blood kept coming out of the area I was stabbed. The assailant fled and I don't even know who he was.


I heard the thunder rumble angrily as raindrops fell on me. I looked at the stars for a moment and then shut my eyes. 'This is the end' I said.

