
chapter 23: a mission of three

[ i apologize if there would be any errors ( grammars, spellings and such more ). ]


I quickly went upstairs to my room and change into Juliet's type of clothing for a guy she likes, just like the one she drew in her diary. After 10 minutes of packing a few things, I went downstairs and left the house. As I left the house, I kept remembering what my father said. This is what I don't like whenever he comes home because his attention and appreciation are only towards Lauren, in short his favorite is Lauren and never was me.

After a 10-minute walk, I arrived at Juliet's front porch then knocked the door.

"Look what we have here!" Julia said as she squealed.

"Good morning, Julia! It's great seeing you again." I greeted as I smiled.

"Likewise, Travis! I see that you are bringing a bouquet, is it for my Juliet?" She asked as she smirked.

"You guessed it right, Julia." I chuckled then we laughed.

"Please, come in. I will just call Juliet, while you have some of our favorite bread." She said as I went inside and she closed the door.

"Ooh, what bakery is the bread from?" I asked.

"The 'Momma's bakery' down the street, Juliet and I love their breads." She said as I sat down on a chair.

"No way, my Mom owns that bakery." I chuckled.

"Ooh, I should meet with her sometime." She said then we laughed.

"Alright, here's your bread and in the mean time, I will call Juliet." She said then I nodded and she went upstairs.

I started eating my Mom's bread, and I started missing eating it. Lauren and I haven't had the time to buy at Mom's bakery because of school, so we just eat on what is in our pantry. Three minutes later, Juliet went downstairs along with her mother, wearing a simple but a beautiful white dress with her hair in a bun style and a few jewelries attached to her such as earrings.

"Good morning, Juliet." I greeted as I stood up and smiled at her.

"Good morning, Travis." Juliet chuckled as Julia smirked behind her.

"A bouquet for the most beautiful girl I've ever seen." I said as I bring out the bouquet from behind and she smiled.

"Aww, thank you Travis. This is so pretty!" Juliet said as she pouted and received the bouquet from me.

"You two are the cutest couple I've ever seen, come on let's take a polaroid." Julia said as she grabbed the polaroid camera.

"Oh no Mother, we aren't really dating yet." Juliet chuckled as Julia walked towards us.

"But soon, the two of you will be." Julia said as she raised her polaroid camera then I chuckled.

"Alright, give me your beautiful smiles in three, two, one." Julia said as the both of us smiled with my arm around her waist then she took a picture.

"I will hang this to our memory wall." Julia squealed then she walked to the other side of the kitchen as I turned at Juliet.

"I've never thought that you would come to surprise me today, Travy." Juliet chuckled.

"I wanted to tell you in advance, but it seems like you loved my surprise." I chuckled back then she smiled.

"Where do you want to go?" Juliet asked.

"Anywhere will do, as long as I am with you." I said as I smiled then she smiled back.

"Have I ever mentioned on how sweet you are?" Juliet asked as I chuckled.

"Well now you did." I said with my gentle voice then she scoffed.

"Mom, Travis and I will be leaving!" Juliet said.

"Oh sure, make sure to bring her home before 8, Travis." Julia said as she walked towards us then I smiled and nodded.

"Goodbye Mother! See you later!" Juliet said as she waved at Julia.

"Goodbye Julia!" I said as I waved at Julia and we walked to the front door.

"Goodbye lovebirds!" Julia said as she waved back at us then we chuckled and left.

"You have no idea how happy I am to be with you right now." I chuckled as I closed the front door.

"Me too-" Juliet said then someone cutted her off.

"Oh, I didn't expect to see you in here, Travis!" Romeo said as we turned at him.

"Romeo! I didn't expect to see you in here as well." I said.

"Well, perfect timing because we have some missions to work on." Romeo said as he walked towards us.

"Oh right, I forgot about that." Juliet said as she looked at me.

"Unless the two of you have plans, I understand dearly." Romeo said.

"Oh um, I think Travis was planning for the two of us but since you are already here I guess we could start doing the mission." Juliet said.

"R-Right, but if we have extra time, do you mind if I borrow Juliet, Romeo?" I asked.

"It's not a problem to me, since the two of you are basically in a relationship, I completely understand." Romeo said.

"Great, so where do we get to solve the mission?" Juliet asked.

"We could do it in my house, my parents will be away in a few days so might as well we will stay there for a couple of hours." Romeo said.

"Alright then, let's go." I said then all of us walked to Romeo's house.

All of us had a little talk, so that we won't feel awkward between the three of us. Then, we arrived at Romeo's house and the surroundings are very quiet since today is a holiday in our state. Afterwards, we arrived in Romeo's room.

"Alright, so did you brought your mirror, Juliet?" I asked as I sat down onto the floor.

"Oh, I didn't. We will be using Romeo's bracelet to communicate with Aunt Tia." Juliet replied as she sat down beside me.

"Wait, your Aunt Tia can access to Romeo's bracelet? How is that even possible?" I asked in confusion.

"Well, I don't really know exactly why because I had this bracelet for as long as I can remember and when Juliet and I touched ny bracelet, Aunt Tia's voice suddenly appeared and talked to us about this user thing." Romeo explained then he sat down right infront of us.

"So Aunt Tia chose you for her to access your bracelet and not me, as far as I can remember I was the first one to know about this Magicia history." I said in anger as Juliet calmed me down.

"Calm down Travis, Aunt Tia didn't chose you, her crystal ball did so. Besides, that's why Romeo and I chose you to be in our team to claim the Magicias and at the same time become its users." Juliet said as I looked at her.

"Whatever, let's just get this over with." I said as I scoffed then Romeo reached out for his wrist.

"To communicate with Madam Tia, all of us should place our fingers onto my bracelet." Romeo said then we nodded and placed our fingers.

A couple seconds later, I looked around and noticed that we are surrounded by golden background, then a voice spoke.

"Good day, Romeo and Juliet. It's nice to hear you after a while." Tia said.

"Good day Aunt Tia! We've brought our chosen member for the team." Juliet said.

"Ooh, who is it? Do I know that ,?" Tia asked.

"Actually, you already do know him." Romeo said.

"Good day Tia! It's a pleasure to communicate with you again." I greeted.

"Likewise Travis! I'm glad that Romeo and Juliet chose you to be part of this mission." Tia said.

"So do I, Tia. So may I ask on why did you ask them to choose a member for the team?" I asked.

"Let them explain to you right after our discussion since I only have a few time left, Travis." Tia said.

"What do you mean by 'a few time left', Aunt Tia?" Juliet asked in confusion.

"Well since you already received your earrings Juliet, it is said that the guardian will only have a limited time to talk with his or her users to avoid taking an advantage to talk more to a guardian, since we are supposed to keep our identities private." Tia said as Juliet nodded.

"Alright, so next I will let the three of you solve is still the same as last time. But this time, it won't be some ordinary puzzle or mission, it will be like a scavenger hunt. I will send the clues from Romeo's bracelet, while all of you solved it for a maximum of three days." Tia continued.

"The three of you must work together in order to solve the puzzle and because you are officially a team. I will be notified when all of you solve the puzzle in Romeo's bracelet or Juliet's earrings. Once you solve the puzzle, I will be sending a reward for the new member of the team. Understand?"

"Yes, Aunt Tia." All of us said.

"Great, I only have few seconds left before the call ends, but I just want to remind you to keep an eye on your surroundings. I sort of have the feeling that our enemies are close, and again never discuss this topic in public since all of you already know each other, I suggest you will find a place to discuss this Magicias." Tia said.

"You can trust us, Tia." I said.

"Alright, I am sending the clues through Romeo's bracelet. Goodluck in solving the puzzle, I have trust in the three of you!" Tia said as a paper went out from Romeo's bracelet then she ended the call.

Juliet grabbed the paper and started analyzing on what's in the paper.

"We are still in level two and Aunt Tia gives this kind of puzzle to us." Juliet sighed as Romeo and I went closer to her to read on what's in the paper.

"How could we find out on what the puzzle is saying if the clues are all rhyming sentences, drawings and words?" I asked in confusion.

"Only one way to figure it out." Romeo sighed.

~ mj <3
