
Lotus Space: Passerby’s Road To Immortality

LianHua just finished reading the NP Mary Sue cultivation novel. Unexpectedly, her soul transmigrated into the body of a passer-by character in the book. Her role is not even as good as a supporting character. Looking at the peach blossoms luck of the heroine, the beautiful male protagonists and male supporting roles, the golden fingers of the lovely heroine, unlucky cannon fodders who goes against the heroine, LianHua decided to stay away from every character. By any chance, she got a mysterious lotus space. From then on, she stepped into the road of cultivation. Having the lotus space is liked having a carry-on portable small world. She could plant the spiritual plants, practice in the space , store things and many more. She tried to learn alchemy, beast contracting, drawing spiritual rune, and learning martial art to protect herself and her loved one. She was minding her own business, not involving with anyone, but the plot seemed to be wrong...no what's happening? Why are these protagonists acting so weird? Ugh...strange...something seemed to be off! Who is she? What is the secret behind everything? Can she cultivate the immortality quietly after the she discovered many secret behind the scene? Will everything goes to the way as she planned? Note: Ending Np, reverse harem. One woman Vs many men Covered from Pinterest. Discord: Littlecarrot#6510 Patreon: patreon.com/Littlecarrot

Littlecarrot · แฟนตาซี
49 Chs

Learning foundation spells

"Knock!Knock! Just as LianHua was coming out of her space, she heard a knock on the door.

Fortunately, she arranged the formation before going into her space. Or else, she couldn't imagine if someone broke into her room without seeing her. The girl seemed to forget that in the entire peak now, she only lived with her brother and her master.

"....." Looking at herself, LianHua hurried took out another robe from her space and wore it on top of her thin-robe.

"Bang!" The door opened, and the figure appeared in her room without her permission.

LianHua looked at the intruder, she felt a black line. The words she about to say were swallowing back into her stomach.

"That, master, what brought you here?" She tried to be as calm as possible while looking at the demonic man. It's nighttime now, and he broke into her room!

"Take this!" Shangguang Feling didn't say much nonsense. He threw her a space ring.

LianHua hurried to catch the ring and then released her spiritual power to look into the space ring. There were three to four sets of long ancient dark-purple costumes for core-disciples of the sect.

Two different tokens, countless best-grade spirit stones, many bottles of elixir and a high-grade magic sword.

There are other countless things in there, but what catches her eyes most are three books.

She took out the books and read one by one. Then, her red eyes shine happily. These are the books about basic knowledge about the exercise she needed now. She needs to learn normal attack and defend spells.

She couldn't always use the ancient spells that she learned in her space. Those spells are too powerful and mysterious.

The first book is "Basic ice attack"

The second book is "Mutant-ice advanced spell"

The third book is about " Thousands of Ice-slashing swords"

These books are suitable for her to learn. She didn't have to worry about finding the books now. These books are for those who built foundation.

But… LianHua looked at these books in suspicious. These books are crystal blue, not liked normal books at all.

"These are high-grade exercises." Shangguang Feling explained as the man flew bare feet and sat down on the chair.

He then poured himself a cup of spirit fruit juice.

LianHua was a little dizzy. This man is so rich. Well, he is the ancestor of the sect, he could throw a way the magic grade weapons and many best-grade spirit stones liked a trash.

So, people always say that having a rich master is liked having a mountain treasure.

"What is this?" He asked interestingly. The sweet aroma and flavor is flowing down from his throat into his stomach. He felt so fresh. This taste isn't like the tea or wine in this world.

"It's the blueberry fruit juice" LianHua explained. Then she twitched her lip when her master continued to drink from one cup to one cup.

"Where did you find it?"

"Apprentice made it by myself" She couldn't tell him that she planted countless blueberry trees in her space right?

"Do you have more of it?" He smiled liked a fox while revealing his pale-white skin through his robe-collar.

"Here you go, master." She waved her hand. The empty table was full of bottles of fruit juice with different color.

"Xiao Hua'er is very generous and kind to the master, master is very touched." The man spoke emotionally as he waved his hand to take all the bottles into his space and pretend to wipe his nonexistent tears.

"It is my apprentice honor to serve the master." LianHua twitched her lips.

"You go and study by yourself, if you don't understand something, come and ask me or go to Xue'er." Shangguang Feling played with the crystal cup with his slender-long fingers and stops teasing her.

"Yes, Master." LianHua bowed down. She guessed in her whole life, she had just seen someone who was as unreliable as him.

Who would throw a book to his student and let the student self-studying? If practicing exercise is as easy as drinking water, won't the world be chaotic?

"By the way, go to clean my house and spiritual herb field if you finished your lessons." After finished speaking, he disappeared from her room.

(Three years later)

"Ice slashing!"


Several big trees were being cut down by the ice-spell. The attack was fierce and powerful that the mountain at the background was also cut down by the sharp ice-blade.



The grass and weed turned into ice. Then it exploded everywhere, making the entire forest almost shrouded in ice-fields. All the tree and the land turned into ice sculptures.

LianHua looked at her masterpiece in satisfaction. In a blink of an eye, she came to this sect for three years. Three years might be long for humans or in modern time, but for practitioners here, it was just a blink of an eye.

She grew much taller than before.

During these years, she has been trying to master all the knowledge she got from the books. Two years ago, when Shangguang Feling saw that she finished the book that he gave her, he immediately stuffed her with many new books, especially the alchemy books.

Though, he never really teaches her any knowledge related to alchemy. Who let him always disappear strangely?

Fortunately, Shenling Lianxue sometimes appeared and helped her understand the content in the books. He taught her to practice the swordsman exercises.

Honglian and Yan also tried to teach her to practice alchemy. She is now a senior-alchemy master. She could refine many high rank pills and elixirs by herself.

These three years, she never really gets out of the peach blossom peak. Whenever she wants to go out to practice, her master always insists that she must be stronger than this if she intends to go out to practice.

If she sneaked out, he will punish her to cleaning his yard or taking care of his medicine fields. In the worst case, he let her stand under the waterfall for refining her muscles.

She really wanted to ask him if she was his prisoner or his apprentice! But consider that, he may have his reason to do so. She just had to bear with him. If she wanted to get something, the master will ask Shenling Lianxue to get it for her.

She sometimes asked her brother why did her master do that? Her brother only touched her hair gently as he comforted her that 'Master wanted Hua'er to be good.'

So, she stopped asking him.

She has been isolated from the outside world for so long, she almost thought that she was under the house-arrested.

She didn't know what are the heroine and those supporting roles doing now. But she guessed, heroines might be busy improving her strength now that she had no time to care for irrelevant people.

The main plot will not happen now. It will happen when the heroine is 17 years old.

Seventeen years old in the modern world might be considered as teenagers but in here, some people have already opened the meat.

Yes, meat!

Some people might choose to practice double cultivation to improve their strength. Yet, some people decide to release their stress by sleeping with their partners or prostitutes.

Even though people here are practitioners, they are not rocks or trees without desire, right? If practice is to cut all of the desires, then isn't this world boring? But not everyone will choose this way to release their stress.

Some people will choose to go on adventures, fight the beasts, go to the market, explore the treasures, or do something that they like.

LianHua didn't know much what will they do, since she hadn't made any contact with anyone beside several people she knew.

She didn't forget the plot when the heroine started to sleep with some heroes when she was just 15 years old. The novel she had read is both cultivation and meat text.

The author wrote it as to make the readers feel excited as their blood was boiling with passion.

When the heroine was young, the plot might be a little slow-pace since it only describes the relationship between the heroine and some heroes when she was young in the Heavenly Chaos sect.

As she grows older, the heroine's relationship with heroes in this sect will grow deeper and deeper. So many cannon fodders will emerge one by one to hurt the heroine and the heroine will encounter new heroes trying to save beauty.

Maybe the author was afraid that the readers will complain about the fast-pace and time-skip, so she had to be patient and write the novel extremely slowly to promote each character's relationship.

Many times, the author almost writes the meat plot when the heroine was thirteen years old. But many readers complained, and they thought that it was a little awkward, so the author has delayed the hot-scene and changed it into normal daily adventure life of the heroine.

But it can't deny that, all heroes will subconsciously attract to the gentle heroine and want to be with her.

Likewise, LianHua almost forgot how many male protagonists in this Heavenly Chaos sect that will become the heroine's harem.

She only knew that the patriarch, Shangguang Feling, and her brother, Shenling Lianxue were included into the harem. As she remembered, there should be more than three men, right?

As for LianHua's relationship with several men and her brother, it was getting better and better. Recently, HongLian, Yan and CaiFeng never do something that make her feel inappropriate.

They seemed to become a gentle man. Eventually, they still flirted and tried to eat her tofu. But they never cross the boundary.

As for her master, Shangguang Feling, she still felt liked he had many secrets. But his secret had nothing to do with her, she was minding her own business.

She could see that although, he accepted her as his apprentice, he never really let her get close to his heart. Seemed like he got a heart-knot. Her relationship between Shangguang Feling was like a sun and a moon.

When the sun rises, the moon will disappear. It has nothing to do with each other, more than to provide the world with the sunlight in the daytime and the light in the nighttime.

He is obligated to provide her the resources for cultivating, and she has the obligation to learn his lessons as his apprentice. Just liked between teacher and student.

After he provided her everything she needed, he always disappeared. She also used to life liked this.

For her as a passerby role, this was the best thing she got. Though, she never really cares as long as no one threatens her loved one's life.

But living in this peaceful environment, didn't mean that she will neglect her cultivation. On the contrary, she valued the time here and practiced harder and harder.

The day that she sets foot out of this peach blossom peak, is the day that she will face many unexpected dangers. Whether it was the environment, people or any creatures.

She will never allow anyone to hurt her loved on.


Well I wanted to inform you guys that, I didn't sign any contract with Webnovel or Royalroad. So I didn't get to pay my salary. Which means, I earn 0$. I just finished my university life, I got no other work beside writing novel because I love this job.

Eventually, my grammar and idea to write was average and simple, I'm trying to improve everyday. I spent all my times focusing on writing my novel and hoping to get you guys recognition, so I have no other job. I'm obsessed with writing.

Everyone around me asked me how much I earn by writing? I just smile and said nothing. I don't want them to look down on this job. I want to prove them that I can earn money too. Even though, I'm poor now haha.

If you want to support my novel and get a faster chapters, please check my Patroen account link. https://www.patreon.com/Littlecarrot

For your supporting, no matter how much is it, even if 1$ or 3$ every months, it'll help me a lot. Am very grateful. Thank you. Comment under my novel if you have something to ask or have any suggestions🩵