

In a mysterious future timeline, a new life form called the Kuni (humanoids) inhabited a world destroyed by 3 meteors, leaving only a beach surrounded by endless ocean. The 15 Kunis must fight back against the deadly venturi who seek to turn their souls into decorations. All of the Kuni are assigned a role as soon as they are born to play in their community such as fighter, medic, weapons-smith, tank, etc. As they hope to fight the venturi, Kira, is a Kuni that doesn't have a role in anything because of their lack of skill until the leader of the Kuni, Jiro (Sensei), gives them a notebook to make a nature encyclopedia. Kira attempts to get a better role then their currently assigned one, but ends up going over their head. (Authors note: the cover isn’t mine credits goes all to the original)

Qxszn · แฟนตาซี
8 Chs


Kira has a slim build of medium height and fair skin; his face is a little narrow and elongated, with large rainbow pastel-toned eyes that fade into one another as they circle his irises and thick dark lashes.

He has medium-length hair that just goes underneath to his ears and almost touches his shoulder. His hair color is blonde but it blends out to a brown color.

Angie, he is the same height as Kira he has long hair that touches his back. His hair is brown but has two strands that are blonde his texture is curly but straight at some ends. He has pearl white eyes that has blue specs around his irises.

Sora is a semi-tall Kuni with Long hair that touches his hips it's a black glossy color with the tips of his hair being red. which they seem to have a habit of adjusting and pushing behind their ears. He has long eyelashes that are black and his eye color is brown with a bit of green.

Kore is a short Kuni with short black curly hair. He has a great personality he is always there to give a helping hand if you need something done he will help. He has medium length eyelashes and has green jade eyes with golden specs around his iris.

Suki is the same height as Kira, he has Longhair that touches his back but he wraps it in a ponytail with a black ribbon. But in front of his face, he has a fringe that ends in the middle of the eyebrows divided into three strands: one falls on his face, and the remaining two blend into two longer strands that end on the shoulders. His hair color is Blonde.

Jiro takes the form of a tall man being 8.2ft tall. He has short blond hair, pale skin, thin eyebrows, and golden-brown eyes. He is often seen with a somber expression, frowning with his eyes closed. He always sports the Kuni uniform when going outside or just in general.

Jasper, he has a bulky masculine build being the caretaker and protector of the Kuni. He has layered hair being very fluffy and Poofy around his head. He has green eyes that fade into light brown around his iris and he has light brown hair. He is friends with Ryo which being around Ryo is very hard.

Ryo has a slender build and relatively short stature. He has pale skin and black short hair that covers his ears. His eyelashes and eyebrows are the same color as his hair. His pupils are vertically slitted, similar to those of a cat and his eye color is dark blue.

Muru has a petite build with a small frame. Some people underestimate them because of his frail appearance until people see him fight. He has Medium length black hair with white highlights that fade at the ends of his hair. He has large white-ish eyes with no visible pupils and maintains an innocent look on his face half of the time when he is focused.

Lyric is a slightly tall Kuni being 5,9 in height. He has short black hair which he ties into a ponytail with two hair clips that is on the right side of his hair. He has hazel eyes with thick black eyelashes. He is the weapons handler for Kuni that kill the Venturi.

Tal is a slender body Kuni with pale skin he is not so tall being 5,2 he is the quiet type. Tal is an air-headed individual who seems to constantly wander off in thought and never focus on one thing. He is always seen with a face of calmness and never worried about anything. He has short black hair which he puts in a pun with two big strands of his hair going down both sides of his face and unruly bangs that fall in front of his face. He has bright yellow eyes and medium-length eyelashes.

The venturi that come to the Land are various types of humanoid beings. They appear as , smooth genderless beings with gold eyes and flowing clothes adorned with transparent sashes draped over them and around them and they wore harem pants that are lilac in color. When they attack the Kuni they appear from the sky but drops down from a giant white mixed with yellow cloth with the underside of the cloth being a black portal-like apparition called a "Magic Cloth"

Kuni and Venturi apperances

Qxszncreators' thoughts